hunt and eat

Chapter 809 [Extremely charged] and the wiped swamp

Chapter 809 [Extremely charged] and the wiped swamp

In a marsh wetland about 11 kilometers away from the 30th area of ​​the desert, the misty mist is as usual, and the clouds float above the dark and deep pool.

In the dark corners where the field of vision cannot be clearly seen, from time to time, a huge body that cannot be seen slowly emerges slowly, but disappears in the next instant, leaving only the echoing water ripples undulating on the surface of the deep swamp.

This is the daily life of Area 35 in the swamp, which has been consistent since thousands of years ago, and may continue until the next millennium.

A faint sound of air friction from far to near, with a dragging sound similar to an airdrop of a bomb, suddenly appeared above the swamp.

A huge red light fell from the sky, smashed into the center of the swamp, and rolled up a huge wave tens of meters high in an instant, submerging all the few aquatic trees in the swamp, and even brought countless monsters hidden in it. He was thrown in all directions in horror.

"Ahem~" The tide surged down and turned into a violent torrential rain, and a somewhat embarrassed figure slowly stood up from the swaying water.

The waist, which was cut into two sections, has been gradually filled and mended by countless granulation, but there is an inexplicably deep and hideous depression on the chest, which can be vaguely seen to be the shape of a big sword.

"It hurts enough, this one."

Brushing the fluttering white hair behind him, Guta didn't even look at his bare right arm, but slowly raised his head to look at the swampy open space that suddenly exploded not far away, exposing the wet rock plate more than ten meters below.

A figure with black hair and black clothes was standing up slowly with one hand on the ground.

"Your recovery ability is really amazing. I thought I could force you to use the forbidden source."

"Ah, it was indeed almost used... This is the first time I have tasted this kind of feeling of being completely crushed."

Guta let out a sigh of emotion, and the severed arm of his right hand suddenly exploded, splashing body fluid all over the place, and instantly regenerated an arm with a slightly fair complexion.

Shrinking the lower five fingers at will, getting familiar with the new limbs, Guta spoke again:
"At that moment, my defense didn't seem to have the desired effect at all."

"Is it because of some ability?"

At the moment when he was attacked by Xio, Guta was sure that he had indeed completed the [armor strengthening] of his whole body, but it seemed that the result did not change much.

"[Super Understanding], [Power Liberation], [Extreme Intent·Full Body], [Extreme Intention·See Through], [Extreme Intent·Strength], [Extreme Intent·Challenger]... ..."

A string of nouns popped out of Xio's mouth, and he looked at the ancient tower calmly:

"Whether it is the ability to increase attack power or the ability to attack weak points, I have a lot of them right now. I really don't know which one you are talking about."

Although these words sounded very ostentatious, Guta inexplicably heard a kind of unpretentious confusion.

The [Asura] in front of him, who is only a Sequence 4, but whose strength is simply terrifying, really thinks so.

"There are so many abilities, I always feel a strong sense of déjà vu." Guta touched his nose, shrugged and said.

Guta naturally also knew of Xio's abnormal ability called [Hunting Chart], so he quickly caught up with the other party's train of thought.

"It's okay, 782 kinds, although there are definitely not as many as you, but after all, they are specially made for you. I think I still have a great advantage." Xio said solemnly, holding the big one in front of him again with both hands. sword.

The looming sound of steam was constantly sounding from one side of the sword body, and a thumping sound like a beating heart could be faintly heard.

There is no doubt that the great sword in Xiou's hand is also a magic weapon.

Guta, who considers himself a fan of magic machines, is very sure about this matter.

Although he only fought desperately with Noksi Milian, known as the father of the magic machine, two years ago.

"I said, why are all the major crimes I have saved..."

Looking at his body that had recovered from a height of more than 20 meters to its original shape, Guta had a tone of enlightenment, but there was no surprise on his face.

"[Original Sin Crush]...Although I don't quite understand the effect of that ability, you should be referring to this."

Xio turned his head sideways and thought for a while, then said casually, but the big sword in his hand was once again shrouded in a dense black light while he was breathing.

Under normal circumstances, the great sword that needs multiple levels of power storage to exert its maximum lethality, at this moment, in the hands of Xio, it has almost passed the links called [strong power storage] and [true power storage], and directly entered the [extreme power storage] State of power.

The terrifying blessing that is almost equal to ten times the damage in the hands of ordinary hunters, is probably more than ten times more in the hands of Xio at this moment.

Considering the opponent's physical strength beyond the limit of the world under the blessing of various abilities, this swamp may be uprooted with this sword.

"Your energy storage is really fast..." Guta exclaimed in admiration.

"[Super·Concentration] and [Extreme Intent·Store Power], these are special abilities specially developed for fighting with you, they are indeed very useful... I will find a way to master them when I have a chance in the future."

Theo nodded, and then he held the hilt of the knife seriously, pointing the tip of the sword obliquely at the ancient tower.

"So... the warm-up is almost done, can we start?"

"of course."

As soon as the words fell, the two figures dissipated from the same place at the same time, replaced by a tearing and colliding knife light across the entire swamp.

After a brief flash, a terrifying energy tide surged out from the shattered space, and turned into overwhelming black smoke in an instant, engulfing everything within tens of kilometers.

An explosion that was so spectacular that it was almost tragic, curled up in the next moment, with a blazing white light that made it difficult to look directly at, completely erasing the Gloomy Swamp from the map.

However, the inhuman battle that is destined to bring destruction has just begun at this moment.

In the destructive white light, two bands of light, one black and one white, completely ignore the tide of annihilation energy around them.

The moment a large number of splashed sparks hit the ground, they expanded into huge fireballs with a diameter of nearly [-] meters one after another, pulling some "lucky ones" who survived the first round of blanket explosions one by one. Back into the arms of the dead mother.

Following another violent impact, the white light, which was obviously at an absolute disadvantage, was hit in the middle by the black light, turning into a brilliant meteor and flying out.

The black figure just paused for a moment, and then turned into the sun and chased after him without hesitation, leaving only a barren abyss pit tens of kilometers wide behind him, which can be called hell on earth.

After all, battles that transcend the mundane world still need some thresholds for watching battles.

Obviously, the creatures in this former swamp did not have that qualification.

So they were wiped out, along with the swamp.


(End of this chapter)

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