hunt and eat

Chapter 83 Fierce battle and defeat?Bloody battle begins

Chapter 83 Fierce battle and defeat?bloody battle

"I have to slip..."

Licking the somewhat dry corner of his mouth, Guta prepared to flee without hesitation.

The last time the other party recovered the dragon horn because of that weird guy, I felt a little bit invincible, and now with the bottle of suspected mad dragon virus, this fight is completely impossible.

If you stay any longer, you may really be beaten to death by the opponent.

More importantly, right now is the time when Paley lives and dies. After finally finding the real culprit behind the scenes, he must not be dragged here by her.

Sometimes, however, things tend to go for the worst.

I don't know if it's because there is only a living creature in the ancient tower, or if I can vaguely recognize this as my former opponent, the completely crazy girl paused and rushed towards the ancient tower in an instant.

That speed is much faster than the last time I saw it!

Too late to dodge, Guta could only block in front of him with a knife.

The small fist that has been covered by a small part of the scales is directly printed on the blade. Just like the feeling of the strong man pushing the cart before, at this moment, the ancient tower also felt the terrifying power coming from it.

Fighting with all his strength, after being pushed half a meter horizontally on the ground, Guta finally couldn't bear the force transmitted from the knife, and was blown away with the knife.

After smashing through the window of a residential building on one side, the ancient pagoda fell into it in embarrassment.

Gritting his teeth and standing up quickly, Guta gasped involuntarily as he glanced at his aching arms.

This guy... his strength has grown too much.

Is it because of the dragon power... or is it the effect of the mad dragon virus?
Before he could think about it, there was a sound of breaking the air above his head.

Without hesitation, he dived towards the window behind him.

Almost at the same time, his original house was completely bombed down.

As the dust and smoke rose, a pair of bare feet walked out slowly stepping on the broken planks and rubble.


Guta panted, staring at each other's every move.

There is no way, the girl's speed is almost beyond his reaction limit, if he wants to resist the opponent's offensive, he must predict in advance.

Noticing that the girl's left foot was stepping forward, Guta's right eye jumped, and he drew his sword and slashed towards the empty place in front of him.

Almost the second after the blade was swung, the girl's figure appeared at the end of the sword.

The Taotie Taidao wrapped in a deep gluttony slashed fiercely on the girl's right shoulder, and in an instant drew a deep wound that ran through most of her body.

As if stimulated by the pain, the girl let out a cry similar to the roar of a wild animal, and wisps of purple-red light flashed on her body surface.

The whip leg, like a blade, turned at a large angle, and slashed towards Guta's waist from the side.

Almost squeezing out his limit, Guta used the fastest speed in his life to reverse the blade, narrowly blocking himself.

It was a repeat of the same mistakes, and he was blown away by a huge force again.

After smashing three stalls in a row, Guta finally fell into a semi-open teahouse.

"excuse me, you are……"

A girl with a teapot in her hand stepped back a few steps in fear and asked in a low voice.

Just as Guta was about to say something, he seemed to sense something approaching in the next second, and directly pressed the head of the girl beside him and lay down.

A small fist came out directly through the wall and hit Guta's head just now.

With the fist slowly retracted, the black-haired girl broke through the wall and entered.

Throwing the teahouse girl next to him far away, Guta touched the ground with his left leg, and kicked the girl's temple with a side kick with his right foot.

However, almost in the next second, several pale spikes stabbed out from the girl's shoulders, directly piercing Guta's soles.

With a cry of pain, Guta kicked the girl's chest with his left foot, and pulled his right foot back from the spike with the help of recoil.

Looking at the bloody spikes growing out of the opponent's shoulders, and at the chest wound that had almost healed at some point, Guta's heart sank.

Super self-healing... spiky growth

Is this the effect of the opponent's dragon force?
Now I'm in trouble...

Slowly leaning against the wall and moving out of the house, Guta turned his head towards the teahouse girl in the corner. The other party understood, nodded gratefully, and then slipped out through the back door.

"Compared to before, you are now an out-and-out killing machine."

Guta said in a low voice, took a deep breath, drew his sword and rushed forward again.

【Jihe Erlian】

The tachi slashed horizontally and vertically, but was completely blocked by the girl's arms that were also crossed.

Guta noticed that spikes similar to shoulders were slowly emerging on the opponent's arm.

【Blade Rotation】

A large amount of black air wrapped around his arms, and Guta directly used his special kill without hesitation, instantly slashing out dozens of jet-black saber wheels, and bombarded the black-haired girl repeatedly.


Violently, the black dragon energy erupted from the girl's body, and a layer of blood-red and pitch-black air flow instantly covered her whole body, turning into almost substantial protective armor.

【Gas phase display】

The slash fell on the surface of the protective armor formed by the appearance of the vapor phase, making a tooth-piercing creaking sound.

With the mutual consumption of the two air currents, Guta's gluttony gas was still stronger after all, breaking through the defense of the girl's body surface and cutting into the flesh and blood.

But that's about it.

The dozens of bloody wounds looked scary, but they began to heal quickly while breathing.

The granulation that sprung up like mushrooms condensed out little by little, and began to fill the wound with an unimaginable speed.

"This is too shameless." Guta said a little sullenly.

The next second, before the wound fully recovered, the red-eyed girl appeared in front of Guta in an instant, and kicked Guta who hurriedly crossed her arms to block.

The strength far exceeded the previous few times, and the ancient pagoda was like a shell that had been unloaded. It smashed through the roof of the teahouse in an instant and flew towards the sky more than ten meters high.

Drawing a beautiful and cruel arc, the completely unconscious ancient tower fell far towards the guild.

With this kick, the girl actually knocked the ancient pagoda nearly 50 meters away.

Without any intention of staying, with a burst of strength on both feet, the black-haired girl soared into the sky and chased towards the landing point of the ancient tower.


After smashing the wooden baffle on the top floor of the guild, Guta's weak body fell heavily into a room on the second floor.

Guta, who had already passed out, suddenly suffered this heavy blow, and was miraculously woken up from the pain.

Waking up faintly, the ancient tower, which had struggled to get up, looked around and found that he had landed in the office of that guy Cassius.

Suddenly, he noticed a light in the corner of his eye.

Turning his head, he saw two glass jars filled with black phosphor powder, and he fell silent immediately.

A vague impulse came to mind little by little.

Before he could make a decision, with a loud noise behind him, the black-red figure of the black-haired girl wrapped in dragon energy fell directly from the sky and landed behind him.

There's no time... Forget it, let's do this.

No more hesitation, Gu Ta didn't even have time to uncork the bottle, he put the jar directly into his mouth, and crushed it in one bite.

The glass mixed with sand-like black dragon phosphorus powder swallowed down the esophagus bit by bit, and Guta's brain fell into a blank.

He just stood there in a daze, as if he had completely lost his will.

The black-haired girl had no intention of waiting for him to recover, and directly punched Guta's godless head.

However, in the next second, a pitch-black dragon claw directly grabbed her equally ferocious fist.

What caught the girl's red eyes was a pair of equally bright red eyes.

Almost instantly, another fist made of dragon claws unceremoniously hit the girl's stomach.

Accompanied by a large amount of sawdust flying, just like the ancient tower before, the black-haired girl was directly blasted from the second floor of the guild, flying backwards far away.

Looking at the big hole with a diameter of almost two meters, it is no longer possible to tell whether it is a human or a dragon, and the figure tilted its head.

A pair of pitch-black horns on the top of the head swayed towards the girl, and instantly turned into a black spot in the sky, chasing after her quickly.


(End of this chapter)

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