hunt and eat

Chapter 95 I Want To Be A Hero!

Chapter 95 I Want To Be A Hero!
In nearly 40 years, Cassius had never faced such a hopeless scenario.

Even in the trial when he challenged the male fire dragon alone for the first time, he was only burned on half of his body and lay on the bed for more than half a year.

Compared with the tens of thousands of human lives that are about to be wiped out right now, it is not on the same scale at all.

think of a way... think of a way

There will be a way, there must be a way...

Cassius tried his best to think, but as his thoughts deepened, a helpless sense of despair flooded his heart like a flood.

Ah, after all, it was because of my lack of strength.

If Weizet was here, I'm afraid this scene would collapse in an instant.

For some reason, Cassius suddenly thought of his best friend, that best friend who had the power of a veritable legendary hunter.

If there had been no ten years of decadence, if I had woken up earlier, would I have enough strength to stop everything that is about to happen and protect those things that are worth protecting?
Even though he knew that it was meaningless to think about it now, Cassius still couldn't restrain himself from thinking about it.


The corners of Cassius' eyes were almost cracked, and his pale hands were tightly gripping the heavy knight's spear. shouldn't be like this...

Perhaps it was self-abandonment in despair, or dejection to escape reality. At the critical moment of Paley's life and death, some past events inexplicably appeared in Cassius' mind.


"Cassius, what is your dream?"

One afternoon, Cassius and Weizet, who were just ten years old, sat side by side on a stone pier, chatting casually.

On the lawn behind them, a dozen or so young people lay crookedly on the ground, howling and moaning from time to time.

The security of the city they are in is not good, or should it be because the hunters are so well protected that there are these idle bastards wandering around the city every day.

Collect some protection fees today, eat an overlord meal tomorrow, and bully and bully children the day after tomorrow...

As long as they don't make any big mistakes, hunters and soldiers generally don't bother to pay attention to them, and life is quite comfortable unexpectedly.

But today, they obviously found the wrong person.

"Dream? I don't know, what about you, Weizet?"

Feeling the strong wind blowing on his cheek from the uphill, Cassius narrowed his eyes comfortably.

It's rare that I don't need to practice more today, and the master just happened to go to Dongduoluma to report something, so why not fish for an afternoon.

The dull boy at the side waved the wooden knife in his hand casually, his face was full of determination that did not match his peers, "I want to become a legendary hunter like master."

Cassius looked at his friend with some surprise, scratched his cheek and didn't know how to speak.

Weizet was born with only one-third of the qi in his body, and his control over qi was far below the average level.

The only point worthy of praise is probably his perseverance and perseverance. This guy swings his knife a thousand times with all his strength every day without stopping.

But based on these alone, it is still too much to dream of becoming a legendary hunter like the master.

Cassius wanted to make his friend lower his standards, but seeing the solemn and yearning expression on his friend's face, he didn't know how to speak for a while.

He didn't want to be the bad guy who smashed other people's dreams.

"Just tell me, Cassius... I'm really curious what you want to do in the future?"

After a few words, Weizet swung the knife with all his strength several times.

This guy is a real workout freak!

Cassius sighed inwardly.

"Me, I guess I'll find a small city to be the leader of the guild in the future..." Cassius said with some uncertainty: "I don't have any big pursuits, just get a stable salary and usually protect the town. "

"You should put the latter sentence first..." Weizet rarely complained, and then his eyes lit up.

"If you say that, you just want to be a hero, Cassius."

Hearing what his friend said, Cassius was stunned for a moment.

"A hero...?"

Weizet shook his head and looked at the somewhat confused Cassius solemnly, "Compared to simply becoming a powerful hunter, protecting others is not easy at all. After all, you have to become someone else's hero."

"People will be injured if you are a little negligent, and the town will be attacked by monsters if you don't pay attention. Occasionally, there will be hunters who don't obey discipline and violate the rules. All kinds of things are miscellaneous..."

"As long as someone is dissatisfied, all kinds of bad words will come to you. I heard from the master that the people in charge of the branch guild are all aging quickly."

"Is it so realistic to talk all of a sudden?" Cassius said sullenly with a sullen face.

"It's just a vaccination for you, but your dream is actually quite great." Weizet smiled rarely, and patted his friend on the shoulder, "Isn't the one who protects everything a hero?"

"Come on, this road is not so easy."

"Huh? But I think it's a lot easier to realize than your daydream."



Returning to his thoughts, Cassius slowly raised his head.

Looking at the village crab who was about to launch an acid bomb into the sky, there was no trace of confusion on his face for some reason.

Without any hesitation, Cassius instantly aroused all the dragon power and energy in his body, and gathered them all into the golden spear in his hand.

The speed was so fast that there was a faint heavy sound like a water pump pumping water from his body.

not enough...not enough...not enough

Even though all the dragon power and energy in his body had already melted into the knight's spear, so that the surface of the spear was covered with a thick, honey-like liquid, Cassius understood that at this level, he still couldn't stop the crab.

What else... what power can I use?
The veins on the forehead of Cassius bulged, and he gritted his teeth.

Soon, he looked at his chest.

His sight seemed to pierce the flesh and blood, pointing directly at the golden dragon jade on the right chest that looked like a second heart.

"Ah, yes... I should have thought of it earlier."

Cassius murmured.

In the next second, the left hand wrapped in the remaining true energy directly pierced his chest.

When the arm was pulled out again, there was already a bloody dragon jade lying quietly in the palm.

There is also a tiny blood vessel connected to the dragon jade, which is directly connected to Cassius' chest with a big hole.

"Strength or something... isn't there something here?"

"Wish me a last favor, old friend."

Although the blood couldn't stop overflowing from the hole in his chest and the corner of his mouth, and his hair color had completely turned into dull white, Cassius was still smiling.

When he raised his head again, his eyes burst out with an unprecedented brilliance.

There was a slight shattering sound, and in the next moment, he directly crushed this dragon jade, which was almost equivalent to a heart for a dragon force envoy.

The unprecedented berserk dragon energy exploded in an instant, with the momentum of destroying everything, but Cassius firmly controlled it with the remaining will, and gradually pulled it towards his right hand that was holding the spear tightly.

As the owner of this dragon jade for nearly 20 years, even though he hasn't developed it in depth, he can still control it to this degree.

At the same time as the dragon jade was shattered, Cassius's appearance began to age visibly to the naked eye.

The skin began to wrinkle, the figure began to wither, and the teeth began to fall out.

In just a few seconds, he has gone through his whole life.

The reason why dragon force envoys can manipulate the power of dragon jade is that they poured all their vitality into this small crystal, and completely assimilated it into a core organ that can replace the heart.

To put it simply, if the heart is broken, they may not necessarily die, but if the dragon jade is broken...

When the jade is broken, people die.

The rapid decline of vitality caused Cassius to almost completely lose his eyesight.

But so what?
The huge air current that has never been seen in this life, under his remaining will, has already firmly locked on the final opponent.

As if sensing the crisis of death, the village crab froze, and then began to accelerate the condensing acid bomb.

Looking at the blurry city behind him for the last time, Cassius smiled with great relief, and then looked at the huge crab that was about to launch an acid bomb in the distance without hesitation.

"Concentrate a little bit and get to the top."

" doesn't seem like it will take ten years, hahaha."

An old voice sounded, but it was inexplicably bright and clear like a young man.

In the next second, the golden knight's spear that contained all the energy of the entire dragon jade and Cassius' lifelong energy was shot out in an instant, and instantly turned into a red golden thunder that pierced the sky.

A terrifying beam of light rises from the ground, like the dawn light.

"Natural disaster, return with me!"

"Desperately, without thinking, reach the sky"

Before the stockade crab could react, a thunderous explosion tore through the stratus clouds.

A straight golden beam of light pierced through its head instantly with countless ring-shaped air waves.

The undiminished golden meteor, after penetrating the stockade crab's body, fell straight down towards the sea level, and shattered into countless bright lights in a blink of an eye.

Just like the setting sun entering the sea, transforming into flowers.

At the same time, as the stockade crab's body softened, the huge acid ball disintegrated directly.

The monstrous purple sea waves flowed down its body, pouring on the already messy ground, and rising green smoke.

"Weizet, now I..."

"Should be considered a hero."

Because the teeth had fallen out, Cassius' words seemed so slurred.

But he still lowered his head and muttered to himself, standing quietly on the spot, even though his body was already blood red.

Guta, Girton and other hunters slowly surrounded him from a distance.

Looking at the hunchbacked figure standing with hands down, as motionless as a sculpture, everyone clenched their weapons tightly.

The place was dead silent.

Although I don't know why Cassius suddenly delivered a decisive blow, they are not stupid...

The strange acid bomb that Zhai Xie was about to launch just now would probably lead to some irreversible results.

"He..." Guta wanted to say something, but he couldn't say anything.

His vision began to blur strangely, and he wiped his hand from the corner of his eye in a trance.

Ahh...why am I crying?

Squeezing away the crowd, looking at the body that was 20 years older than himself, Gorton approached tremblingly.

Little by little, the palm was withdrawn from Cassius' nose, and the old man said in a low voice with red eyes.

"Cassius, he...has gone."


(End of this chapter)

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