I'm a priest at Hogwarts

Chapter 9 Sorting Ceremony

Chapter 9 Sorting Ceremony
The students all huddled into a ball at this time, avoiding these ghosts from a distance, only Orlando stood there stupidly.

"Yes, monk, we are first-year freshmen." Orlando was not afraid at all, but a little excited. Does the existence of ghosts mean that the soul can survive outside the body? .

"Hope you get a Hufflepuff!" said the Friar. "I used to go to that house."

"Thank you monk, I think I might go to Gryffindor, I'm so brave, aren't I?" Orlando sneered.

"That's right, good luck to you then."

At this time, a shrill voice sounded: "Come to the door and line up in a row. The sorting ceremony is about to begin."

Professor McGonagall returned, and the ghosts drifted in file through the opposite wall and disappeared.

"Aren't you scared at all?" Harry asked, poking Orlando in front of him.

Hermione also listened sideways, and she was the one who screamed the loudest just now.

"This is a wonderful state of the soul, and it is worth studying carefully." Orlando nodded and said.

"What a freak, I have to study such a scary thing." Ron muttered, and Hermione gave him a hard look.

The freshmen lined up, walked through the hall one after another, and entered the luxurious dining room through a double door at the back.

Although I know the plot, the text description has never been as shocking as what I saw with my own eyes. I have to say that this place is really a magical, beautiful and magnificent place.

Orlando looked around and saw that the other senior students in the academy were already sitting around four long tables, and the ghosts were also mixed among the students and shone dimly with silver light.

Thousands of candles floating in mid-air above the tables illuminate the dining room.

On four tables were gleaming gold plates and goblets, and on the upper table in the dining room was another long table, where the teachers were seated.

Professor McGonagall took the first-years over there and had them line up facing all the seniors, with the teachers behind them.

The candlelight was flickering, facing hundreds of faces watching them, the freshmen became embarrassed one by one, some timid and nervous faces turned pale, only Orlando didn't feel nervous at all, but curiously looked at each college one by one.

Looking up, I saw stars twinkling on the velvety black ceiling.

"The power of magic is everywhere," Orlando couldn't help feeling in his heart.

At this moment, Hermione whispered, "Spells have been cast here, and it looks like the sky outside. I read about it in "Hogwarts, A School History."

"It's really amazing, isn't it!"

Orlando's words made the tense Harry and Ron relax, so they turned their attention and looked around.

Professor McGonagall gently placed a four-legged stool in front of the first-year students, and then placed a pointed wizard hat on the stool.The hat was patched, worn, and dirty, as if it hadn't been cleaned in hundreds of years.

Orlando withdrew his gaze and looked at the hat thoughtfully.

This should be a magic item that can spy on people's brains. He has too many secrets, so he needs to prepare early.

Thinking of this, Orlando gently took off the glazed bracelet on his wrist. He was not sure if wearing this hat would cause the bracelet to counterattack, so it was better to take it off just in case.

Taking a deep breath and calming his mind, Orlando followed the luck of the forging gods in "The True Explanation of the Alchemy" for a week, and then let go of his thoughts, buried the memories of his previous life deeply in his mind, without thinking or thinking, so that anyone who wants to spy on him secrets are impossible.

At this time, there was no sound in the restaurant, and everyone was staring at the hat.Then the hat twisted, and the brim split a wide slit like a mouth—and the hat began to sing:

You may think that I am not beautiful, but don't judge people by their appearance.I could eat myself up if you guys could find a prettier hat than mine.

You can make your bowler hats black and shiny, and your top hats sleek and crisp.I am the magic hat used for the Hogwarts test, so I am naturally superior to your hats.

No thought hidden in your mind can hide from the golden eyes of the magic hat.Try it on, and I'll tell you which house you should be in.

You may belong to Gryffindor, where there are hidden bravery, whose daring, boldness, and boldness make Gryffindor outstanding;

You may belong to Hufflepuff, where the people are upright and loyal, and the students of Hufflepuff are stoic and honest, not afraid of hard work;

If you are shrewd, you may enter wise old Ravenclaw, and those wise and learned will always meet their fellows there;

Maybe you'll go to Slytherin, maybe you'll make sincere friends here, but the cunning and sinister will do whatever it takes to get their way.

Come and put me on!Don't be afraid!Don't panic!

You are absolutely safe in my hands.Because I am a thinking magic hat!
After the hat finished singing, the audience burst into applause, and the hat bowed to the four dining tables one by one, and then stood still.

Ron poked Orlando's waist and asked, "So, we just need to wear this hat?"

Harry looked over too.

"I think so. This should be a magical item that can read our brains and determine which college we go to."

"I'm going to kill Fred, he sounds like he's fighting a giant"

After hearing this, Hermione couldn't hold back a chuckle, and quickly covered her mouth with her hands.

While talking secretly, Professor McGonagall came over, holding a roll of parchment in his hand.

"Whoever's name I call now will put on the hat, sit on the stool, and wait for the sorting." He glanced at the parchment and said, "Orlando Bloom."

Orlando was surprised that he was the first one. He walked out and glanced at Professor McGonagall thoughtfully.

Then he took the magic hat and put it on his head.

The hat squirmed, a moment later.

"Oh, what a powerful soul," said the hat. "He has a smart brain, a desire for knowledge, courage, boldness, and boldness. What a headache. Which college should I go to?"

"Oh, what is this, the damn brat wants to dismantle me for research." Hat said angrily.

"What? Are you sure you don't want to go to Ravenclaw? Well, as long as you kid don't try to tear me apart for research, then..."


Orlando became the first freshman selected to Gryffindor this year, and the farthest table on the left immediately burst into cheers.

Taking off his hat, Orlando heaved a sigh of relief. This is no longer a simple magic item, but a magic treasure with a certain soul and wisdom. He underestimated it and almost missed it. Fortunately, at the last moment, he deliberately imagined , wanted to dismantle the magic hat to study it, aroused the hatred of the hat, and passed the level smoothly.

Orlando walked towards the Gryffindor table, and the prefect Percy came over and shook hands with him, "I heard my mother mentioned you, welcome Orlando, welcome to Gryffindor."

The twin brother of the Weasley family came over, patted him on the shoulder vigorously, and then pulled him to sit down on an empty seat.

The sorting ceremony inevitably caused a lot of jokes, but fortunately, Hermione, Harry, and Ron also entered Gryffindor smoothly like a plot.

The sorting ceremony came to an end as the last student was sorted into Hufflepuff.

Albus Dumbledore stood up, looking at the students with a broad smile, and extending his arms to them, nothing seemed to make him happier than seeing them all together.

"Welcome!" he said. "Welcome to Hogwarts to start a new school year! Before the banquet begins, I would like to say a few words. That is: idiot! sneeze! scum! screw! thank you!" he Sitting down again, everyone applauded and cheered.

"Interesting." Apparently most of the students didn't realize the true meaning of Dumbledore's last sentence, which is the pronunciation of the ancient rune, which means: May Merlin bless you!
Ron poked Percy next to him and said, "Is he... kind of crazy?"

"Crazy? He's a genius! The best wizard in the world! But you're right, he's kind of crazy. Would you like some potatoes?"

Orlando was hungry. He stared at the menu in front of him. It was all his favorite things: roast beef, roast chicken, pork chops, lamb chops, sausages, steaks, boiled potatoes, roast potatoes, crisps, Yorkshire pudding, peas sprouts, carrots, gravy, tomato sauce.

Harry was already drooling, and Ron couldn't wait to take a full plate and start eating.

Orlando was also polite, forked a piece of steak and dipped it in salad dressing and ate it with relish.

"Orlando, I heard you beat Malfoy, or did you hit three with your bare hands?" George asked.

Without waiting for Orlando's answer, Ron at the side pumped a mouthful of food, and said in a low voice, "Isn't that right, swish swish three punches and two kicks put them down."

Harry also nodded and echoed, "If Hermione hadn't pulled me, I would have done it."

Hermione gave Harry a dissatisfied look, and Harry quickly lowered his head and pretended to eat a sausage.

"Orlando, how did you do it? Teach me." George said flatteringly.

"And me." Harry hurriedly put down his fork.

"Me too." Ron looked adoring, "I've wanted to ask for a long time."

"You can't do this, you will be expelled from school." Hermione looked worried.

"This needs to be practiced since childhood, and it will take a lot of hardships. Can you bear it?" Orlando didn't want to hide his secrets. He didn't mind teaching martial arts, but he was afraid that they wouldn't be able to persist.

"That's it." Several people looked at each other and smiled.

"Okay then, you guys come to see me this weekend, we'll start with body training."

After eating and drinking enough, the students began to have fun. Orlando didn't talk much. He watched everyone chatting quietly. He was particularly interested in ghosts. This was a miraculous state.

Seeing the almost headless Nick snap off his neck, and then gently bounce back to its original position, it is not difficult to imagine that Nick was cut off his neck and died, but for some special reason, his soul survived Down, and finally became a ghost, and has been living for hundreds of years.

And Baron the Bloody Slytherin, glassy-eyed and haggard, his robes stained silver with blood.Orlando noticed that the bloody Barrow was sitting next to Malfoy. Malfoy was not satisfied with this seating arrangement. When he noticed Orlan looking this way, Malfoy gave him a vicious look.

Orlando completely ignored this kind of children's tricks, he was only interested in the existence of ghosts.

"Harry, what's the matter with you?" Percy's voice interrupted Orlando's thoughts.

I saw Harry clutching his forehead, trembling in pain.

Orlando looked up at the guest table, Hagrid was toasting, and Professor McGonagall was talking to Professor Dumbledore.

Professor Quirrell, who was wearing a ridiculous scarf on his head, was talking to a teacher with greasy black hair, hooked nose, and sallow skin. The eyes of the two looked at Harry from time to time.

Orlando stood up, pretending to care about Harry, and stood in the middle without any trace.

"I'm better, Orlando, thank you."

"You're welcome, Harry, I think you need some pumpkin soup."

"Thank you!"

With the disappearance of food on the table, the dinner party also came to an end.

Dumbledore stood up, and the restaurant returned to silence, "Oh, now that everyone is full and drunk, I want to say a few more words to you. At the beginning of the semester, I would like to make a few notes to everyone. matter."

"First-year freshmen, note that students are not allowed to enter the woods on campus. Some of our older classmates should also keep this in mind."

When he said this, Dumbledore looked specifically at the twin brothers of the Weasley family.

"Besides, Mr. Filch, the administrator, also wants me to remind everyone not to cast magic in the hallway between classes. The review of Quidditch players will be held in the second week of this semester. All students who are interested in participating in the college team Please contact Mrs. Hooch. Finally, I must tell everyone that anyone who does not want to suffer an accident and die in pain, please do not enter the corridor on the right side of the fourth floor."

After hearing this, the first-year freshmen were amused and laughed.

What a witty, humorous and funny old man, this is Orlando's evaluation of Dumbledore.

"Now, before we all go to bed, let's sing the school song!" cried Dumbledore.

Orlando noticed that the smiles of the other teachers seemed to freeze.

Dumbledore flicked his wand lightly, and a long golden ribbon flew out of the wand, twisting and coiling lines of text like a snake above the high dining table.

At home, Orlando is known as a genius. He never forgets when he reads books, and he can learn things as soon as he learns. The only thing he lacks is music. This is something that his elder sister Emily is proud of, and it is the only thing she can show off in front of her younger brother. place.

Embarrassed, Orlando didn't want to behave differently, so he opened and closed his mouth with dull eyes, pretending to be looking for a beat.

Hermione, who was sitting diagonally across from Orlando, seemed to have discovered Orlando's secret, while singing along to the tune, she looked at Orlando with a playful look in her eyes.

After everyone finished singing the school anthem, Orlando breathed a sigh of relief, only to realize that Hermione had been staring at him, with an uncontrollable smile in her playful eyes.

Orlando rolled his eyes at her, what about music, it's unbearable.

Only the Weasley twins continued to sing along to the slow melody of "Funeral March".Dumbledore conducted the final bars for them both with his wand, and when they were done, he gave the loudest applause.

(End of this chapter)

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