From the sword of the third master

Chapter 102 The Ouyang Brothers Appear

There is no never-ending feast.

The days passed quickly, and Jiangnan was within easy reach.

One morning, when Lian Xing was still asleep, Chen Sheng got up quietly, bought a few packs of her favorite candied fruit and put them on the table, and then left decisively.

Saying goodbye to a man is easy, just a pat on the shoulder and a glass of wine.

What about a woman?
Pulling, tearing?
Chen Sheng had a straightforward temper, so he simply left first, saving those unnecessary troubles.

After staying for a while on a fork in the road, he headed for Yangzhou.

The south of the Yangtze River is too big, and there are so many places to stay. The reason why Chen Sheng chose Yangzhou is because of an ancient poem:
"Once in ten years, the dream of Yangzhou has won the fame of the brothel".

This song "Reminiscence" was written by Du Mu, and it actually described the change of mood, not a brothel, but Chen Sheng was superficial, obviously he missed the point.

As a person who loves art, he hasn't seen a little girl dance for a long time, and his heart itch...

After entering the city.

Chen Sheng stopped at a tea house and bought some breakfast.

He suddenly found that the place was decorated with lights and festoons, and there were many martial artists on the road. Although most of these people were armed, their expressions were not tense, but relaxed.

Chen Sheng then asked: "Shopkeeper, what a good day it is today, the city is so festive?"

The shopkeeper of the teahouse said with a smile: "Guest officer, today is not a festival. It's just because an old hero celebrated his [-]th birthday, so it's more lively."

"Oh? Who is the one who passed his birthday?"

"Master Tie Wushuang Tie."

Chen Sheng nodded.

In Jianghu, there are not many people who can be called heroes, and if they can be praised for decades, it will be even rarer.

Tie Wushuang is a true and loyal elder, known as "love talents like life", over the past few decades, he has mentored countless younger generations, and has won the respect of all walks of life.

In addition, Tie Wushuang has another identity, he is the father-in-law of the villain Gu Li Dazui!
Li Dazui was quite serious when he was young, Tie Wushuang cherished his talent, so he married his daughter to him.

As a result, things in the world are impermanent, because the daughter does not follow the way of women and even has an affair with her younger brother, so she is shot dead by Li Dazui angrily.

Marrying his daughter out of good intentions, but ruining three people, this is also the pain of Tie Wushuang's life.

Chen Sheng said strangely again: "I remember that Mr. Tie's ancestral home is Hunan, how could he appear in Yangzhou?"

The shopkeeper said: "Yes, Tie Daxia is indeed not a local, but he was persuaded by his apprentice, and he moved here seven years ago, and he started the business of the escort agency by the way."

"I see……"

After inquiring a few words casually, Chen Sheng went on to eat breakfast.

After eating breakfast, he wandered around, wanting to see where the famous Goulan was, and planned to visit it after dark.

Um? ?

Life is so full of surprises!

It’s not a waste of time to break through the iron shoes.

He actually saw an acquaintance on the side of the road.

This tortoise is quite obese. Although he is two or three times fatter than before, his brows and eyes are full of shrewdness, and that unique philistine can't hide it at all.

One of the top ten villains, Ouyang Dang who "desperately took advantage"!

Because of the treasure, Chen Sheng searched hard for him for several years, but he did not expect to meet him in Yangzhou.

The Ouyang brothers have always been inseparable from the weight. Since the younger one is here, the eldest Ouyang Ding should not be able to escape either.

Damn, what luck!
When Chen Sheng saw Ouyang Dang, he immediately smiled as if he saw those white coins.

But it's not suitable to do it yet. It's obviously useless to grab one. If you want to grab it, grab a pair.

Ouyang Dang was standing on the side of the road, also buying breakfast.

Bought fried buns.

"How much is a fried bun?"

The boss said: "Two pennies."

Ouyang Dang sniffled: "Well, it smells good, can it be cheaper?"

The boss said: "Guest officer, this is a small business, I don't have much money to make, it's indispensable."

"I'll buy ten, and you'll give me two cents cheaper."

"No, no, it really can't be cheap."

"What about the penny?"

Ouyang was a millionaire, but he tilted his head and bargained with others for a penny. He bargained for a long time, and even the boss couldn't bear it.

"All right, all right, it's up to you."

Ouyang Dang smiled: "Thank you."

The boss picked out the buns from the pot and put them on oiled paper, because one of the buns was overheated and a bit mushy, so the boss said: "This one is mushy, give it to you to eat, no money required."

Ouyang Dang smiled more happily: "Hahaha, thank you."

He didn't leave after buying fried buns, he just stood there eating, and he didn't even leave after eating.

The boss asked strangely: "Guest officer, do you have anything else to do?"

Ouyang said: "I want to wait."

"Wait for what?"

"When you finish the next pot, I'll see if there is any paste."


Chen Sheng also secretly smiled.

Sure enough, there were only wrong names, but no wrong nicknames. "Desperately trying to take advantage" is to take advantage. His virtue is really shameful.

Next, Ouyang Dang was blasted away by the boss, and left angrily, cursing.

Chen Sheng followed him carefully.

Ouyang Dang walked through the streets and alleys, not knowing where he was going, his eyes were still on the ground, and he muttered: "Why is no one throwing things away? I even picked up a broken bath bean last month."

He even wants broken bath beans?

——Bath bean is a cleaning product for bathing. It is used by the poor, and rich people use fragrant soap, and there are various types of fragrance.

Chen Sheng: "..."

He has nothing to say except awesome.

After tossing and tossing for a long time, Ouyang finally approached a large mansion and stopped outside.

This mansion is extremely majestic, with a pair of stone lions at the door, and a dazzling word written on the plaque: Iron Mansion.

Iron Mansion?

Chen Sheng hid in the dark, his brows frowned, it couldn't be... such a coincidence, right?
Suddenly, someone in the mansion shouted at Ouyang Dang: "Boss Luo, today is our Tie Hero's birthday, if you didn't greet guests well, where did you go?"

Ouyang Dang said with a smile: "I didn't eat in the morning, so I bought some steamed stuffed buns."

"Okay, brother, go in and help first, you stay here and help me."

"Oh well."

After finishing speaking, Ouyang Dang raised his head and chest, and walked around the door.

Chen Sheng guessed correctly.

This is really Tie Wushuang's mansion, and Ouyang Dang has indeed changed his surname to "Luo" after a disguise.

This kid mingled with Tie Daxia and turned into a bodyguard, what on earth did he want to do?
I need to find out more about the specific situation, but it's definitely not a good thing.

Chen Sheng thought for a moment, then turned around and withdrew.

At noon, he returned to the Iron Mansion swaggeringly with some gifts in hand, and visited directly.


Ouyang Dang was taken aback, so he didn't jump up.

He watched Chen Sheng getting closer and closer, trying to keep calm, but his legs were shaking.

The evil gambler found him, could something have happened?Or, just a coincidence?

Ouyang Dang stepped forward to greet him bravely, cupped his fists and said, "Hello, distinguished guest."

Chen Sheng didn't seem to recognize the other party: "Well, good."

After speaking, I will go in.

Ouyang Dang heaved a sigh of relief, squeezed out a smiling face and said, "I don't know if the distinguished guest has a name card, and the younger ones can let me know."

Chen Shengdao: "I'm celebrating Iron Hero's birthday, and I still need to bring a name card? They are all like-minded people, what are you doing with these fancy intestines? Get out of the way!"

"Yes, yes, honored guests, please come in, haha."


Chen Sheng didn't even have to look him in the eye, he just walked in and passed by.

Ouyang Dang straightened up slowly, wiped the sweat from his head: "It seems to be a coincidence, hoo...God bless you."

The Tie family's mansion is very large, with pavilions, towers and pavilions inside, extremely elegant, because they are afraid that the guests will get lost, so there will be someone to guide them every once in a while.

Chen Sheng changed three guides in a row, and saw a familiar face in the distance again!
Ouyang Ding.

The grandson looks exactly like his younger brother, except for slightly smaller eyes.

Ouyang Ding seemed to be being reprimanded, and the person who reprimanded him had his hands on his hips, like a housekeeper.

"Lao Luo, what's the matter with you? The banquet is about to start, why hasn't the drink been delivered yet?"

Ouyang Ding couldn't stop bowing: "There may be delays on the way..."

The housekeeper glared and said, "Delay? Since it was promised to be delivered at [-]:[-], it must not be missed by half a minute. Hurry up and hurry up! Damn things, cooking in the kitchen is so muddled that you won't be able to do errands."

"Don't be angry with Guanshi Zhao, the villain will go to urge you right away, and promise not to delay."

"Can you afford to delay you? You are also a compatriot with the same mother, why don't you learn from your younger brother, he is now a bodyguard, much better than you."

"I can't compare to my younger brother. He knows martial arts and is smart, ahem."

"Hurry up, if you don't look at the face of Luo Escort, I would have kicked you out a long time ago, bah."

"Yes, thank you..."

When the housekeeper turned to leave, Ouyang Ding's expression turned ferocious!
Suddenly a knife flashed in his hand.

Although Chen Sheng stood far away, he could see clearly.

Ouyang Ding cut a bit on the butler's belt, but it wasn't completely cut off, leaving a little bit.

What happens when you do this?
As the number of walks increases, the housekeeper's pants will fall off sooner or later. If he is unlucky, he might make a fool of himself in public!

Ouyang Ding's nickname is "I would rather die than suffer", and he really deserves his reputation.

If you dare to scold me, I will take revenge on you, hey, and the intensity of revenge is far beyond your imagination...

Because Ouyang Ding had to urge drinks, the two of them did not meet.

Chen Sheng came to the flower hall of Tie's house, handed the gift to the servant at the door, and then walked in.

The flower hall was quite lively, full of heroes from all walks of life, densely packed.With the reputation of Tie Wushuang Iron Hero, of course there will be many people celebrating his birthday.

"Huh? Uncle Xuanyuan?"

Chen Sheng turned around and saw that it was Tie Xinlan.

Beside Tie Xinlan, there is also a young man who is close to him, that young man is handsome and handsome - Hua Wuque.

Chen Sheng laughed.

It's a real life where we don't meet.

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