From the sword of the third master

Chapter 127 The White Haired Witch

Chapter 127 The White Haired Witch
"I won!"

With two nosebleeds, Xiao Yu'er stood up happily, laughing wildly.


After the initial shock, Yan Nantian also recovered his composure.

He still understands Xiao Yu'er's personality. Today, this kid's behavior is very different from usual, there must be something strange.

Yaoyue hurried to her side to check on Hua Wuque's situation.

Hua Wuque was beaten until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen.

He lay there quietly, not breathing.

"Hehehe, hahahaha..."

Yaoyue couldn't help laughing out loud, the more she laughed, the happier she became, even her waist was bent.

Yan Nantian was surprised: "Is this man a lunatic? The one who died in the battle was your apprentice, how can you still laugh!"

Yaoyue stopped smiling slowly: "Why can't I laugh, do you know who died?"

Yan Nantian said: "Nonsense!"

Cruelty flashed in Yaoyue's eyes, and he said leisurely: "Tell me, his surname is not Hua, but Jiang, and he is also Jiang Feng's son. He and Xiao Yu'er are twin brothers."

Yan Nantian was stunned, and then said coldly: "You are really crazy."

Yaoyue laughed and said: "I have waited for 18 years, and I have endured for 18 years. Today I finally revealed the secret. How happy it is! Brothers kill each other like dogs. If Jiang Feng has a spirit in the spring, he doesn't know how to do it How do you feel. Tsk tsk."

Yan Nantian said: "Yan doesn't even believe a word of your words."

Yaoyue said: "Okay, I'll let you give up right away. Similarly, with similar heights and builds, look at their noses, does it look like Jiang Feng?"

Yan Nantian denied it, but in fact, he had been watching it for a long time.

He was sweating profusely, and his whole body was drenched.

Fear and grief swept over bit by bit, burning the soul like a raging fire, and this iron-clad man began to collapse bit by bit.

Yaoyue said: "Although Jiang Feng is dead, my hatred is far from eliminated. If you want to talk about the way of revenge, how can there be a way to relieve hatred and happiness? Hehehe..."

It's cold.

It's cold.

The scene was silent.

Everyone has a new understanding of the viciousness of the human heart, and they all feel cold all over.

Yao Yue really wanted to see Xiao Yu'er's face, but Xiao Yu'er grinned and seemed happier than her.

Yaoyue said in astonishment: "You, brat, you killed your own brother, but you didn't do anything about it?"

Xiao Yu'er said: "Who said he's dead?"

Yaoyue said: "I checked Hua Wuque with my own hands, so I don't know if he is dead or not?"

"not necessarily."

Xiao Yu'er turned his face away and called out, "Uncle Wan."


Wan Chunliu came out from under the big tree, walked to Hua Wuque's side, knelt down and inspected carefully.

Yaoyue said: "Who are you?"

Wan Chunliu said indifferently: "Great Palace Mistress, I am sorry for Wan Chunliu."

As early as 18 years ago, the miracle doctor Wan Chunliu was famous all over the world. He disappeared long ago because he cured the patients and hid in the Valley of the Evil.

Yaoyue nodded, suspicion flashed across her eyes.

What the hell are these two doing?

Wan Chunliu's fingers brushed over Hua Wuque's body like a dragonfly on water, "In about a quarter of an hour, he will almost wake up, and the situation is very stable."

Yaoyue changed color and said: "Impossible, how can the dead wake up?"

Xiao Yu'er grinned, "Grand Palace Mistress, I didn't beat Hua Wuque to death, she was just poisoned."

Yaoyue said: "He has been by my side, when did he get poisoned?"

"Just now."

Xiao Yu'er raised his left hand and spread his five fingers towards Yaoyue.

Yaoyue took a closer look and found a ring on his middle finger with a small bump on it.

Xiao Yu'er said: "I threw away the weapon on purpose, just to force Hua Wuque to fight, and then waited for an opportunity to stab him with a poisonous needle, and during the fight, I said some nasty things, Hua Wuque was very angry, he made such a move Get angry, and the poison will work faster."

Yaoyue faintly believed.

She tremblingly said: "Since Hua Wuque died of poisoning, how can he bring the dead back to life?"

Wan Chunliu said: "According to medical theory, poisons are not all bad. As long as you use them properly, they can still save lives. I have used several types of poisons to make a mixture, and accidentally obtained a kind of 'anesthetic'. Anesthetics can put people into a state of suspended animation, just like some animals are afraid of the cold and will sleep forever in winter. They look like they are dead, but they are actually still alive, and the effect is more profound than hibernation, and even the pulse and breathing can be stopped. It has the effect of confusing the fake with the real."

Yan Nantian became excited, and couldn't help but exult: "Doctor Wan, did you and Xiao Yu'er discuss it?"

Wan Chunliu nodded and said, "Yes."

Yan Nantian said: "Then why didn't you tell me?"

Xiao Yu'er said: "Uncle Yan, don't blame me, I didn't reveal it because I was worried that you wouldn't know how to act... If you want to cheat Yaoyue's secret, Hua Wuque and I have to 'die', there is no other way .”

Yan Nantian praised: "Okay, good boy, so smart!"

While speaking, Hua Wuque's fingers suddenly moved.

His face turned from blue to white, and he really slowly woke up.

Xiao Yu'er quickly jumped over and hugged Hua Wuque: "Second brother, thank God, you finally woke up!"

There is such a master, there is such a disciple, Xiao Yu'er doesn't know who is older, anyway, let's take advantage of it first.

"Who is your second brother? Get lost!" Hua Wuque swung his fist and hit the face with a fist, beating Xiao Yu'er until his eyes stared.


Yan Nantian pressed his shoulders, smiled and said: "Son, Xiao Yu'er is right, you are indeed his brother, Yaoyue deliberately forced you to a decisive battle, just to provoke massacre, so as to avenge your biological father."

This news is really amazing.

However, with Yan Nantian's identity and conduct, how could he lie?

And in Hua Wuque's heart, there has long been a bad feeling.

He looked at Yaoyue in a blink of an eye, Yaoyue's face was full of frustration at this time, and his expression said everything.

Hua Wuque was stunned, feeling joyful and sad at the same time, the sadness was actually deeper than the joy.

——Being wantonly used by people like my mother, and living in lies for 18 years, how cruel is this kind of blow?
Hua Wuque's mouth was full of bitterness, and he didn't have the energy to speak at all.

Yaoyue suddenly said: "Little Yu'er, the truth is so secret, how did you guess it?"

Xiao Yu'er said: "I didn't think about it before, but my master reminded me, he told me a poem."

"What poem?"

"Originally born from the same root, why is it too urgent to fry each other."

——Of course she knows exactly what is written in "Seven Step Poems".

Another bloody gambler?

Yaoyue's chest rose and fell, and she turned her head to take a look.

I saw Chen Sheng sitting behind Lian Xing, busy healing her wounds, not dead at all.When he was in the cave that day, this person claimed that he "can't" heal wounds, how is he so proficient now?


A dream in 18 years has finally come to naught.

My sister also betrayed me.

Resentment, aggrieved, annoyed, disheartened, resentful.

All kinds of emotions kept pounding her mind, Yaoyue had a splitting headache, and the muscles on her face twitched crazily.

"You, you should die, all of you must die! Ah..."

Under people's gaze, Yaoyue's long hair faded from black inch by inch, and became whiter than snow, dancing gently with the breeze.

She looks like a ghost, her eyes are red, and her joints are crackling.

"Hoo hoo hoo hoo..."

At the same time, Yaoyue's red dress began to stir, as if there were thousands of snakes hidden underneath, the stirring became more and more intense, and even wisps of white mist erupted from the body, and continued to erupt!
What a weird scene.

Everyone seems to be enchanted, and there is only one color in the eyes.

- Horror!
Lian Xing just recovered. Seeing her sister's appearance, she couldn't help but said in surprise: "My sister has made great progress in martial arts in the past two years, and has already broken through to the ninth level of Mingyu Divine Art. Did she break through again? Tenth weight?"

Chen Sheng raised his eyes, shook his head and said, "This is not like a breakthrough."

Lian Xing said: "What does that look like?"

Chen Sheng said: "She is insane, really crazy."


Yaoyue flew up, with eyes full of madness, and slashed down with a single palm.

The first person she wanted to kill was Xiao Yu'er.

The little fish didn't respond at all.

With Yaoyue's speed at this time, he couldn't even see clearly, let alone avoid it.

Yan Nantian immediately stepped forward and blocked Yaoyue with a punch.

A fist as big as a bowl, with power like thunder.


Fist and palm collided with each other, Yaoyue was repelled abruptly, and took three steps back, while Yan Nantian's feet sank suddenly, sinking deeply into the ground.

One's eyebrows trembled, and the other was secretly startled.

Yan Nantian's swordsmanship is not only the best in the world, but boxing also has the same power. Divine fist and divine sword are almost equal.

For decades, no one has been able to withstand his full blow.

But today, he met.

What is even more astonishing is: as the cold air in his body continued to overflow, Yaoyue became "fuzzy".

To be exact, it was the cold air that was constantly condensing, rising, and gathering, wrapping Yaoyue in it, and finally formed a huge ball!

A white ball.

And it will spin.

The ball is spinning, and the nearby sand and fallen leaves are also slowly rising up, and then fluttering in a circle.

Yan Nantian had never seen such kung fu before, his pupils shrank sharply.

If you can't kill him today, everyone may really die.

Yan Nantian drew out his long sword and strode into the ball.


Yaoyue had been waiting for a long time, waved her hand, took off the crescent-shaped hairpin from her bun, and chopped off head-on.

This is her real weapon.

——Silver Moon Knife.

Yan Nantian swung his sword to block, and then used a "head-wrapping" movement, slashing at the large blood vessels in Yaoyue's neck with his sword, and Yaoyue spun along with the momentum, light and fast as lightning, and swept across his throat.

Yan Nantian blocked, drew out his sword, invited the moon to spin, and swung the saber.

Sword, sword, sword, knife, knife, knife.

Sword sword sword!Knife knife!

Of course Yan Nantian has dealt with short weapons before, but Yaoyue's saber technique is so pungent, she can always cut from incredible angles, and her speed is like a phantom, she is really a formidable opponent.

In addition, Yan Nantian had two feelings.

The first point: the temperature in the ball was like an ice cellar, so cold that it penetrated into the bone marrow, and his long sword was even frosted.

The second point: fighting Yaoyue, his internal strength was actually being lost, and was absorbed by the opponent.

In other words, the Mingyu Divine Art can not only freeze people to death, but also extract internal energy!

Yan Nantian yelled, quickly closed the pores, and performed the wedding dress magic.

Divine skills versus divine skills.

Excalibur vs. Excalibur.

This is the pinnacle duel of two levels, which has never appeared in the world. It may seem exaggerated to say that it is "unprecedented", but it is undoubtedly unprecedented.

Yan Nantian's body suddenly became two inches taller, and his posture became more majestic, and there was a thunderous sound from the blade!
Yaoyue brandished a knife to forcefully connect her, her whole body was as transparent as ice, and the little Yinyue knife turned into a sharp lightning, confronting each other everywhere.

"Ding ding ding ding..."

The long river flows away with waves, wind and thunder, and cold electricity falls across Kyushu.

Suddenly the thunder became louder.

All of a sudden, the electric light is even more eye-catching.

For a moment, it is vigorous and light.

For a moment, the lightness pierced the majesty.

Going around.

On and off.

No one can help anyone.

This is not just a duel of skills, but also a collision of skills.

The two masters entered a mysterious realm, and even the "crazy" Yaoyue woke up. They had no sorrow or joy, forgetting both things and me, dancing to their heart's content in the interlacing.


Chen Sheng stared intently, but his expression suddenly changed.

Lian Xing asked: "Why, is there something wrong?"

Chen Sheng said: "Your sister seems to want to..."

Yaoyue and Yan Nantian originally had a duel in an open place, but Yaoyue went further and further away, and hit the crowd.

As soon as the words were finished, the white ball spun violently, attracting many masters watching the battle and sticking to it.

The white ball becomes a black ball.

The round ball became a human ball.


Everyone let out miserable cries and struggled desperately. Some people's eyes became dull, while some people were even more frightening. They actually had wrinkles and were slowly getting old.

Lian Xing shuddered Lingling: "My sister, is she taking internal power?"

Chen Sheng said: "Well, according to this development, Yan Nantian will only stand still, and your sister will become stronger and stronger."

"Cough cough."

Chen Sheng wanted to say something, but suddenly heard Yan Nantian's cough.

not good.

After recuperating for a year, his body hasn't recovered yet?

With a sound of "Boom", everyone was thrown out, including Yan Nantian, who fell outside, vomited blood, and fell heavily far away.

After absorbing the internal force, the white ball seemed to be more "dense" and its volume expanded a lot.

In the next second, the white ball circled and approached Chen Sheng quickly.

Yaoyue laughed wildly and said, "Evil gambler, it's your turn..."

(End of this chapter)

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