From the sword of the third master

Chapter 129 Deadly Ringtone

"elder sister!"

Seeing Yaoyue fall down, Lianxing let out a mournful cry, and burst into tears in an instant.

This kind of blow is really too heavy.

Yaoyue is not only Lianxing's elder sister, but also her best friend and mother. Even though Yaoyue is ungrateful and ungrateful, and has murderous intentions towards her, the companionship and care she has given her for many years will never be forgotten until she dies.

Lianxing hugged Yaoyue tightly, her face was pressed against her cheek, she was completely bewildered.

"take care."

Chen Sheng didn't know what to say.

At some point, words are pale.

Whether it's self-protection or saving others, the person he killed was Lian Xing's own sister after all, apologizing is basically useless, and comforting is also ridiculous.

Forget it, let time try to figure it out.

He had already prepared for the worst. If Lian Xing really couldn't get out, their relationship... might break down.

Chen Sheng looked around and found that the surroundings were quiet.

Maybe it was scared out of courage by Yaoyue, the heroes who watched the battle were afraid of getting into bad luck, so they had already slipped away and all ran away.

There are only a few people left:

Xiao Yuer, Hua Wuque, Yan Nantian, Zhang Sanniang, Zhang Jing, and Wan Chunliu.

Yan Nantian was sitting cross-legged at this time, turning into an "ice sculpture". Everyone's arms were pressed against their backs, one by one, helping to heal their injuries.

White smoke continued to rise above their heads, like a furnace, and the ice shell was slowly melting.

Well, Yan Nantian can't die.

Chen Sheng nodded, and began to treat himself with the knife wound.

He took out the golden sore medicine from his sleeve and sprinkled it on the wound, grinning his teeth in pain.The woman Yaoyue was too ruthless, she gave him three knives in total, one of which was stabbed in the back of the waist, almost piercing the kidney.

Amitabha, fortunately the thorns are not strong.

Two kidneys are not enough, so how can I get along with only one left?It will affect the combat effectiveness!
"Screw rustle..."

? ?
Chen Sheng had just healed his wound when he heard someone approaching, the footsteps were particularly dense.

He frowned, then widened his eyes.

masked man.

Lots of masked people.

These people, dressed in black, were coming out of the Yellow Crane Tower in single file. One group went to the left, and the other group went to the right, enveloping a few of them, and finally formed a blockade.

The masked people continued to go out, increasing in number, and the number should be above three hundred.

Chen Sheng also noticed a terrible thing.

None of them were breathing!
A person who is not breathing, and his walking posture is a bit stiff, his eyes are still dead gray, like...

What the hell!

Dragon King's Iron Corpse?
In the twelve zodiac signs, the dragon is actually composed of four people. Besides himself, there are three turtles, unicorns, and phoenixes, which are called "four spirits".

The dragon and the tortoise had been killed by Chen Sheng long ago, and the four spirits had already been cut in half, so is it the unicorn or the phoenix that will appear next?

He soon found out.

After the encirclement was formed, those iron corpses stopped moving, just like wood carvings and clay sculptures.


The footsteps were soft.

Chen Sheng waited and watched, only to see that the person who came out from the back was dressed in green and had a high crown, and his facial features were quite dignified. He was actually a priest.

totally unexpected!
Chen Sheng's pupils were shocked: "The head teacher of the Emei Sect, Taoist Master Shenxi?"

Shen Xi walked across from him and said calmly, "It's me."

Chen Sheng laughed and said, "The Taoist priest has just left, why did he come back?"

Shenxi said: "Pindao still has one thing to do, so he came back."

Chen Sheng said, "What kind of thing?"

Shenxi's eyes turned, as if she was thinking about it, but also seemed to be puzzled: "Oh, I want to fulfill the wish of an old friend."

Chen Shengdao: "Caifeng is not the same as Jackdaw, the Taoist priest's friend must be very important, but I don't know the name of this person?"

Shenxi's answer was very simple: "Dragon."

Chen Sheng said: "The dragon in the twelve zodiac signs?"

Shenxi nodded: "You guessed right, it's a dragon."

Chen Shengdao: "I don't understand what the Taoist priest said. The so-called inconsistency between good and evil, how can a majestic headmaster of the Emei Sect have anything to do with the twelve astrology?"

Shen Xi said: "Evil gambler, you have been around for many years, and it is not surprising that you know dragons, but have you heard of the 'four spirits'?"

Chen Shengdao: "The dragon is the head of the four spirits, and the rest are the tortoise, unicorn, and phoenix?"

Shenxi was silent for a few seconds: "I am Qilin."

Chen Sheng: "..."

It turned out to be the case.

That makes sense!

When Yan Nantian's "treasure" appeared in Mount Emei, Chen Sheng still felt strange.

There are countless famous mountains and rivers in the world, Huashan, Songshan, Diancang, Kongtong, etc., why did Jiang Biehe have to be arranged in Mount Emei?
They were originally a gang!

In addition, the treasure cave in Emei Mountain is a forbidden area. Since it is a forbidden area, why is no one guarded tightly, so that dozens of treasure hunters slipped in?
The answer is simple: they opened the hole on purpose, you can enter as you please, anyway, they will all be killed in the end!
Chen Sheng once heard Xiao Yu'er talk about his experience that day, if Hua Wuque hadn't just appeared, everyone would have died, and even a single person would not have survived.

Knowing people, knowing the face but not knowing the heart, the human heart is terrifying.

The corpses that were buried later disappeared, and of course they dug them up themselves. This was self-stealing, and the purpose was to make iron corpses.

Chen Sheng should have guessed the identity of Daoist Shenxi long ago.

One accident may be an accident, but several accidents are inevitable!

Chen Sheng said with a smile: "This secret is too shocking, Daoist Shenxi, you have hidden it so deeply."

Shenxi stared at him: "Everyone has secrets, evil gambler, you defeated Zhang Sanniang back then, and today you killed Yaoyue, who can hide it deeper than you?"

Chen Sheng laughed: "But I don't know what the dragon's wish is?"

Shenxi said: "Kill the three strongest masters in the world, namely Yan Nantian and Yaoyue sisters, redefine the order, and make the martial arts a unified!"

Chen Sheng applauded: "It's so majestic and domineering. Then isn't now the best opportunity?"

Shenxi said: "Yes, I thought it was only necessary to kill Yaoyue and Lianxing, but I didn't expect Yan Nantian to 'resurrect from death', and I didn't even expect you to appear. Well, since they all collided, Today, you and others will be wiped out."

Chen Sheng said: "You are sure to kill us? Why?"

"That's it."

As soon as the words fell, Shenxi took out a small bell from his arms.

It is a translucent color and is not very big.

Chen Sheng smacked his lips lazily, reached into his sleeve, and even took out the same bell.


Shen Xi's expression changed in shock, and he lost his voice: "Evil gambler, where did you get this thing?"

Chen Sheng said: "Oh, Lu Zhongyuan gave it to me, isn't he the Dragon King?"

Shenxi's shock was indescribable.

He shouted: "Where is the Dragon King now? What do you have to do with him?"

Chen Shengdao: "Lu Zhongyuan died when he gave me the bell, I took it myself."


Shenxi was silent for a long time, his face turned ashen, even uglier than those iron corpses.

"You killed Lu Zhongyuan?"


Shenxi said: "Yeah, even Yaoyue is not your opponent, let alone Lu Zhongyuan? There are two 'hunting bells' in total, one is on the Dragon King's body, and the other is in my hand. I bet you... "

Before he could finish his sentence, he rang the bell.

"Jingle Bell."

The bell rings three times, one softly and two loudly.

Back then, Lu Zhongyuan practiced the iron corpse by the blood pool, and it seemed that he used it in the same way.

In an instant, all the iron corpses seemed to have received an order, their eyes turned red rapidly, and their mouths let out a beast-like growl!

Then they rushed over, towards Chen Sheng, and towards Yan Nantian and the others.

Hundreds of monsters rushed over, and they were not afraid of pain, let alone killed. How terrifying is this scene?
Shenxi did not run away, but puffed out her chest.

Even if he had been here before, Chen Sheng would definitely not be able to manipulate Iron Corpse!
Chen Sheng hurriedly imitated his opponent, and shook "Ding Lingling" three times, once lightly and twice hard.


After the bell rang, those iron corpses seemed to be urged faster, but they rushed faster and faster!
But because Chen Sheng had a bell in his hand, they went around and only rushed towards Yan Nantian and the others.

Shenxi laughed wildly and said: "Hahaha, evil gambler, these people have a lot to do with you, and Xiao Yu'er is even your apprentice, who do you think you can save today?"

Chen Sheng's forehead was sweating, and he suddenly remembered something.

——I'm afraid Iron Corpse's intelligence is not as good as that of a puppy. The easier it is to control the sound, the better. Could it be the other way around?

He immediately rang the bell, "jingle bell."

This time it was one heavy and two soft.


Immediately below, all the iron corpses stopped in an instant and did not continue to attack.

"You... how could you..."

Shenxi's eyes were almost shattered, and she started to ring the bell frantically again, "Ding ding ding"!
He shook, and Chen Sheng also shook, "Dingling!"
You shake, I shake, you push hard, I push hard, those iron corpses charged for a while, stood still for a while, tossed and turned, gradually showing a dazed look, and finally stopped moving!

Shenxi: "..."

Chen Sheng walked over slowly with a cold face, his eyes full of murderous intent.

Shenxi looked at him in despair, let out a long sigh, and suddenly pulled out the sword at his waist.


Shenxi actually slashed his own throat with a horizontal sword and cut his own throat.

This time Chen Sheng was in an accident, he rushed over to hold his wound, and shouted: "Quickly, who is Fenghuang?"

Three of the four spirits have died, and the last one must be asked.

Shenxi showed a cruel smile, and mouthed back: "Don't think about it, I won't tell you..."

He died quickly.

But before dying, Shenxi tilted his head and glanced into the distance.

Chen Sheng turned around like lightning, and glanced there too.

The last direction that Taoist Shenxi looked at seemed to be near Yan Nantian! ! !

Chen Sheng: "..."

One wave has not subsided, another wave is coming again?

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