From the sword of the third master

Chapter 135 Silver Ticket and Quick Knife

Chapter 135 Silver Ticket and Quick Knife
early morning.

The sun came as promised, and a faint golden glow fell from the clouds and fell on this piece of manor.

What a magnificent manor this is. Within three thousand miles, there is indeed no other place more beautiful than it.

As the largest gold-selling cave in the south of the Yangtze River, Happy Forest has become famous far and wide.

This place is a man's paradise, as long as your purse is rich enough, you can enjoy everything: vintage wine, delicious food, charming women, all kinds of exciting games...

If you have any trouble, that's okay, other people's lives can still be bought!

Money can solve many problems, and murder is certainly not a problem.

The history of buying lives with money may have lasted for thousands of years, and some even formed "industries".

The big boss of Happy Forest is the successor of this industry.

The big boss's surname is Gao, and his name is Gao Jiping. Ji is Ji under the fence, and Ping is the duckweed's duckweed.

More than 20 years ago, she lived like duckweed in the water. After her only uncle died of illness, she was kicked out by her aunt without even a penny.

In the most difficult days, she dug coal and begged, just for stuttering, and it was common for her to sell herself.

By virtue of killing people for a living, today's Gao Jiping already has everything.

She doesn't care who she kills, good or bad, she doesn't care, she just wants to live simply.

She doesn't want to go hungry any more.

The rising sun is gentle, shining on the large table.

There was a letter on the desk.

To be precise, it was a "power of attorney" and also a reminder. No matter whose name appeared in it, he would disappear from this world forever after a while.

There are also some small snacks on the table, including candies, jerky, and candied haws.

Gao Jiping is not hungry now, but she always eats a little from time to time, eating very greedily, with joy in her eyes.

After eating, Gao Jiping wiped her hands and suddenly turned into a dignified queen with a cold face.

She raised her voice: "Go, call Xiao He in."

"Yes." A voice outside the door answered, and then left quickly.

Half a quarter of an hour later, Xiao He pushed the door open and entered.

Xiao He's real name is He Fang, he is one of the four best killers in Happy Forest, and he was also brought up by Gao Jiping himself.

This young man has a feminine appearance, is fair and beautiful, and can even be said to be indistinguishable from male and female, so good-looking that he doesn't even look like a man.

"Sister, are you looking for me?"

He Fang stared at Gao Jiping with eagerness in his eyes.

Generally speaking, this kind of eagerness will only appear when a man faces a woman he loves deeply.

Of course Gao Jiping knew, but deliberately pretended not to know.

A woman's beauty and body are the greatest weapons, and she has learned to use them long ago. As for how to keep a sense of proportion, whether to give or not, she has always had a clear plan and is very skillful.

Gao Jiping asked: "How have you been doing recently?"

He Fang said: "Not bad."

Gao Jiping said: "Have you found a woman?"

He Fang shook his head: "No."

Gao Jiping said: "You are already a mature man, why don't you go find a woman?"

He Fangdao: "Women will only consume men's fighting spirit and cause physical loss. I want to maintain my best state and kill for my eldest sister."

Gao Jiping smiled, very satisfied: "Okay, now there is someone who wants you to kill."

He Fangdao: "Eldest sister, don't favor one person over another, I can't compare with Ye Xiang for the time being, but I want to be like Meng Xinghun, only kill people who are hard to kill."

——Ye Xiang, Meng Xinghun, Shi Qun, and He Fang, they are the four major killers of Happy Forest, among which Ye Xiang is the oldest, Meng Xinghun and Shi Qun are next, and He Fang is the youngest.

Gao Jiping said: "This time the target is very difficult to kill."

He Fang said: "Oh? Who is he?"

Gao Jiping said: "From Suzhou, Iron Fan Xiaowu."

He Fang was immediately moved and said, "One of Sun Yubo's two most valued bookboys, the other is Lu Xiangchuan!"

Gao Jiping said: "Yes."

He Fang said, "What about the deadline?"

Gao Jiping said, "Within two months."

He Fang nodded, and took a portrait from her hand. The person on the picture was Xiao Wu in the past and Master Chen today.

Who is going to kill him?
Is it an enemy, or a competitor?

He Fang didn't ask.

In the killer business, the identity of the employer is kept secret, you only need to pay to kill, and He Fang knows the rules very well.

"Then I'll go, elder sister take care."

Gao Jiping said, "Slow down."

He Fangdao: "Elder Sister, do you have any orders?"

Gao Jiping said: "Recently, I brought back a girl from Suzhou, named Liu Yiyi, she is Xiao Wu's old friend, you might as well go and find her for details."

He Fangdao: "What if she is stubborn and refuses to speak?"

Gao Jiping snorted coldly, and said sarcastically, "Actors are ruthless, and cousins ​​are ungrateful. Have you ever seen a cousin who would keep a man's secret?"

He Fang said: "I haven't seen it before."

Gao Jiping said: "Have you ever seen a cousin who is not greedy for money, but also desperate for life?"

He Fang said: "I haven't seen it before."

Gao Jiping said: "When necessary, I allow you to extract a confession. If a girl is crippled, she will be crippled. Our goal is to kill people. This is more important than anything else."


He Fang took one last deep look at her, as if he wanted to impress Gao Jiping in his heart, then turned and left.


Soon, He Fang found Liu Yiyi.

It was early in the morning, after a busy night, girls were usually catching up on sleep at this time, and she was no exception.

Liu Yiyi was suddenly awakened.

She had never learned martial arts, so of course she couldn't detect where Fang was sneaking in. What really woke her up was a cold feeling, very, very scary.

Liu Yiyi turned over and quickly curled up, her eyes full of horror.

"You, who are you?"

She couldn't figure it out.

Ordinary brothels are guarded, not to mention the grade and scale of Happy Forest, how could someone just break in?

"Hello Miss Liu, don't be afraid."

He Fang sat by the bed, spoke in a gentle voice, and smiled nicely.

He took out two things from his sleeves and placed them on the quilt.

It was a silver note of 500 taels, and a bright short knife.

He Fangdao: "In this world, there is nothing more lovely than silver. As long as you have it, you can buy beautiful clothes and expensive rouge, so as to make yourself more beautiful."

Liu Yiyi said: "Yes."

He Fangdao: "Even an ugly monster can become beautiful with money, let alone a beautiful woman like you."

Liu Yiyi said: "Yes."

He Fangdao: "But in the Goulan, no matter how beautiful a woman is, she will grow old, and once a woman grows old, she will be disliked by men, and it is even difficult to survive."

Liu Yiyi said: "I know."

He Fangdao: "So, in the final analysis, money is actually more important than men."

Liu Yiyi nodded.

He Fang's eyes fell on the short knife, and he flicked it lightly with his fingers: "This is a sharp knife, if it stabs into the chest, it should die soon."

Liu Yiyi said: "I know."

He Fang said: "The girl chooses the silver ticket or the knife?"

Liu Yiyi said: "I choose the silver ticket."

He Fang smiled: "Yes, I knew you were a smart person."

Liu Yiyi said: "What do you want from me, Young Master?"

He Fangdao: "I just want to ask a few words... Do you know Xiao Wu? Xiao Wu from Suzhou."

Liu Yiyi's eyes flickered: "I know."

He Fang said, "Where is his home?"

Liu Yiyi said: "I don't know, I seldom go out, and my mother doesn't let us walk around casually."

He Fangdao: "Oh, that's right. What kind of person is Xiao Wu?"

Liu Yiyi thought about it: "Xiao Wu is a taciturn person, usually he doesn't talk at all, he's as bored as a gourd."

He Fangdao: "What about other things, such as his taste or hobbies, etc.? You have known each other for many years, and you will know something?"

Liu Yiyi still shook her head: "I don't know."

He Fang laughed again, he suddenly swung the short knife and stabbed it into Liu Yiyi's calf!

Liu Yiyi did not let out a miserable cry.

It doesn't hurt either.

Because fear has surpassed everything, even killing the body's perception.

He Fang slowly drew out the knife little by little, and the bright red blood flowed out quickly.

"Do you remember now? The injury on the leg can still heal, but it will be difficult if it is on the heart."

Tears overflowed from Liu Yiyi's eyes, and she said in a trembling voice, "Okay, let me say..."

He Fang said: "Is there any place Xiao Wu often goes to?"


"where is it?"

"On your grave!"

As soon as the words fell, Liu Yiyi rushed over and took the initiative to meet the dagger in his hand.

The knife was really sharp, it sank into the chest in an instant, straight into the handle.

The corner of Liu Yiyi's mouth began to bleed, and her face was pale.


He Fang was shocked and angry, he never expected that she would commit suicide: "You are just a slut in the hook bar, why did you die for a man?"

Liu Yiyi's body slowly slipped and fell to her feet: "You don't understand?"

He Fang said: "I really don't understand!"

Liu Yiyi said: "Have you ever liked someone, really liked someone, liked it to the core?"

He Fang frowned, Gao Jiping's face suddenly flashed in his mind.

After a few seconds of silence, he said, "Understood. Does Xiao Wu know?"

Liu Yiyi said: "He doesn't know, because I never said it. With my identity, I'm afraid people will laugh at me if I tell it."

He Fangdao: "Since no one knows about it, what's the point of your death?"


Liu Yiyi looked out the window and smiled faintly, the last smile froze on her face.

Some things don't really need to be said.

(End of this chapter)

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