Chapter 144

As soon as the four masters showed up, they stabilized the situation.

They approached slowly from east, west, south, and north directions, surrounding Chen Sheng at the core.

Four people, four weapons.

A silver gun.

A pair of hoops.

A judge's pen.

A saber.

These four kinds of weapons are either extremely long or extremely short, the long ones are rigid and the short ones are dangerous, each one is extremely difficult to master.

Judging from the weapons, their martial arts must not be bad.

They were also confident enough, as if Chen Sheng was already dead.


Luo Jinpeng, who was facing him, had the highest status. He vibrated the double rings and made a crisp crashing sound: "Xiao Wu, you still have a chance now."

Chen Sheng said: "What kind of opportunity?"

Luo Jinpeng said: "Give up your sword and surrender."

Chen Sheng thought for a while: "What good will it do for me to join you?"

Luo Jinpeng said: "At least I will allow you to be the head of the hall, to be in charge of a city, and to sit in one side."

Chen Shengdao: "But the hall master is too stingy, can you let me be the gang master directly?"


Luo Jinpeng changed color suddenly, and said with a sneer: "It seems that your Excellency is not agreeing?"

Chen Sheng said: "So what if you don't agree?"

"Then die!"

Luo Jinpeng was the first to rush over.

His speed was as fast as lightning, Chen Sheng would inevitably be attracted, and focused his energy on the front.

However, Luo Jinpeng only rushed halfway, but suddenly stopped, and the other three rushed forward at the same time.

Three screams sounded from the left, right, and behind.

It's a beautiful twist.

Also a perfect trap.

Chen Sheng found that his judgment was wrong, so he had to adjust his position as much as possible, and prepared to swing his sword to defend.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the scene has a new change!

Luo Jinpeng had already come to a standstill, but at this moment he suddenly woke up.

He actually rushed towards Chen Sheng again, the momentum of the charge was faster and more violent than the first time, the speed was more than twice as fast!

Continuous deception.

malicious plan.

Precise fit.

It turned out that the other three were just pretending, and he was the real leader.

The dull Luo Jinpeng had already taken the lead, and the iron ring flew left and right, hitting the door upward and the chest downward, sending out a deadly killer.

——Water and land go hand in hand.

Chen Sheng was disturbed by the repeated tricks, and it seemed that he was going to die.

In the blink of an eye, he finally moved.

Become the wind.

There are many types of winds, soft winds, strong winds, and violent winds, but Chen Sheng is the most terrifying kind - tornado.

The distorted tornado spins rapidly, like a cloud of smoke, like rain and fog, and like a dream.

This is exactly the footwork used by Yihua Palace to invite the moon back then: hundreds of turns and thousands of turns.

Luo Jinpeng's eyes flashed, and the iron ring was thrown into the air.


His face was full of astonishment, even a little dazed.

Chen Sheng had already turned out, and turned into Yuan Nupeng's arms on the right.

His speed is like a ghost, not only bypassing the opponent's judge pen, but also elbowing him on the neck.


Amid the dull sound of blows, Yuan Nupeng's eyes protruded beyond the eye sockets, and he vomited blood instantly and died.

With one turn, one rush, one bump, Chen Sheng tore through the line of defense and smashed through the encirclement.

Then he turned back and slashed at Luo Jinpeng with his sword.


Where is the enemy?

no body.

No weapons either.

Only Jian Guang.

Luo Jinpeng was so shocked that his face turned pale, he could only set up double rings, trying to block this fatal blow.


With a swing of the sword, the two iron rings became four semicircles, and one person became two parts.

The blood mist flew away.

Luo Jinpeng's fear was frozen forever, and suddenly his head fell on his own head.

What a domineering sword this is!
Incredibly fast, unbeatably heavy!
The four masters have gone to the second.

Chen Sheng continued to spin, dodged a knife and a gun, and found Fang Tiepeng.

Fang Tiepeng's eyes widened, but he couldn't see anything. He could only use his instinct to raise his gun again.However, the gun can't be stabbed, and you can't even touch it.


The wind blows by, seems very gentle.

Fang Tiepeng's long spear fell from his hand, slowly covered his throat, and knelt down.

When he knelt down, the vitality was cut off.

"Forgive me, spare my life!"

The last Xiao Yinpeng was scared out of his wits, he didn't even want a weapon, and ran downstairs with all his might.

The sword light flashed again.

Xiao Yinpeng was still running, and while running, his body suddenly split into two, the upper body was still in the air, but the part below the waist moved independently and continued to pounce forward.


A moment later, his screams were earth-shattering and spread far, far away.

So far, the four Feipeng have all died.

No one is Chen Sheng's opponent.

No one could catch his sword.


Chen Sheng returned the sword and put it back into its sheath, then locked onto Lu Mantian, and walked over leisurely step by step.

As if seeing some kind of beast, Lu Mantian was very frightened and retreated one after another.

Things happened so fast and so terribly.

Under the young man's sword, the savior he thought was completely vulnerable, even more fragile than paper.

Chen Sheng said: "The one surnamed Lu, can we go?"

Lu Mantian didn't speak, and struggled to glance out of the window from the corner of his eye.

Chen Sheng said coldly: "There are twenty people outside, and most of them are good at concealed weapons, do you want to try?"

Lu Mantian shook his head: "I don't have to try."

Chen Sheng said: "Then what are you waiting for?"

Lu Mantian said sadly: "I have known Sun Yubo for many years, and I know his nature best. When I go back, my fate will definitely be worse than death. Fortunately, I still have a second way to go."

Chen Sheng's face changed slightly, and he was about to pounce on him when he suddenly raised his right fist.

Lu Mantian stuck out his middle finger and hit his temple with one punch.

He then fell on the wall and his body slowly slid down.


Chen Sheng was quite helpless.

After all, he is an old senior who has been famous for many years. With Lu Mantian's martial arts, as long as he wants to die, you can't stop him at all.


This person's betrayal is full of suspicions, who might be involved later, well, Ritsu Kagawa is the most suspicious!
Not long ago, Lu Mantian could have killed him, why didn't he do it?

It may be that the pawns saved the car on purpose.

Seeing Chen Sheng in a daze, the gamblers on the second floor hurriedly fled in all directions, retreating from various directions.

But all kinds of voices rang out immediately outside.

The sound of hidden weapons piercing into flesh, the sound of swords hitting, muffled groans, cries of pain...

This time Chen Sheng did bring a lot of brothers from the pigeon group, they were all elites among the elites, they were very quick at killing people, none of those boys would even try to run away.

After about half a quarter of an hour, the sound outside had stopped.

"Whoosh whoosh."

The brothers rushed to the second floor and came to join Chen Sheng.

"Brother Wu."

Chen Sheng nodded: "Quickly, hurry up and check to see if there are any survivors in the dog group. Take all the survivors back, and do the same for the injured ones."

"As ordered!"

Sooner or later, the Sun family and the Twelve Feipeng Gang will go to war. The leader single-handedly wiped out the opponent's four hall masters and dealt them a heavy blow. What kind of credit is this?
From today onwards, his name will definitely shake the world.

The brothers were convinced, and looked at him in awe like a god.

"Brother Wu, Gao Muyun is still alive!" a subordinate shouted.

Chen Sheng said: "Oh? Very good, let's take him back and heal his injuries..."

Next, he slowly walked to Ritsu Kagawa's side, and squatted down to check.

Ritsu Kagawa was indeed in a coma, and was seriously injured.

It seems that it will be difficult to recover within a year or so.

Chen Sheng could have taken the opportunity to kill Lu Xiangchuan, but he finally held back.

First of all, he has no evidence to prove the other party's betrayal, so he can't do it casually.

In addition, Chen Sheng was also worried that there were other spies in the organization. If Lu Xiangchuan was killed, the spies continued to lurk, and might hurt his wife and even Sun Jian.

It seems that in the original book, Ritsu Kagawa seems to have wings, and there are far more than one.

The so-called cutting the weeds does not remove the roots, and the spring breeze blows and regenerates. At present, he can only hold back. In the future, he either does not kill, or kills them all, so that there will be no future troubles!

However, such a good opportunity is in front of you, don't you... have to take advantage of it?

Chen Sheng thought about it and grinned.

Laugh grimly.

Taking advantage of the fact that there was no one around, he used the Mingyu magic skill and hit Lu Xiangchuan.

The location of the dot is pretty critical.

Even though Ritsu Kagawa was still in a coma, he was shivering from the cold.

From then on, he was not a man...

"Everyone, retreat quickly, I will stop."


There were a lot of banknotes scattered in the casino, so Chen Sheng simply found a bag, and swiped it hard, the more he swiped, the happier he was.

In addition, on the territory of the Twelve Feipeng Gang, it is not easy for the brothers to retreat calmly.

Chen Sheng simply took the banknotes and went all the way to the city to create opportunities for everyone.

On this day, the situation in the south of the Yangtze River changed color, blood flowed into rivers, and at the same time, it also made him famous.

Seems like something is missing?
Chen Sheng kept destroying the reinforcements on the road, and then he took out fire pockets, as long as it was the opponent's property, he began to point, point, point.

Wherever you go...

(End of this chapter)

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