Chapter 159
Under the cover of night, Chen Sheng was like a nimble civet cat, his movements were silent.

In addition to the brothel and casino, there is also a large inn in Happy Forest, and he has already opened a room in advance.

Chen Sheng should have been waiting here, but...

There is no need to ask, to ask is to get stuck on something and drag him down.

On the third floor, Tianzi No. [-] room.

Chen Sheng pushed the door open and entered.

Standing in the darkness was a masked man, as thin as a bamboo pole, with a pair of long and narrow red phoenix eyes.

These eyes are calm and sharp, with a faint light shining.

On the right side of the masked man, there is a gift box on the table.

It was a small gift box, made of wood, about two feet in length and width, close to a square.

I don't know what treasure is in it?
Chen Sheng stared at the student's face and didn't mention his being late at all.

"Who are you?"

The masked man clasped his fists to salute, and spoke in a respectful tone: "Hi Brother Xiaowu, my surname is Tang, and my name is Tang Song. I'm Boss Tu's long-term follower, and I've been with him for 13 years."

A subordinate of Tu Dapeng?

Thirteen years is not too short, this person must be his confidant.

Chen Shengdao: "So it's Brother Tang. It's a pleasure to meet you. Where's your boss?"

The masked man said apologetically, "Brother Wu, Haihan, please. Boss Tu should have thanked you personally, but he was so busy with affairs and there were so many eyes staring at him in the gang. He couldn't help himself, so he entrusted me to come over."

Chen Sheng nodded: "I understand."

——Right now, everyone who deserves to be killed is dead, and everyone who deserves to be killed is also killed. On the road to the top, no one can stop Tu Dapeng.

What he has to do now is to integrate various forces and prepare to ascend to the position of gang leader.

It was really hard for him to walk away.

The masked man apologized again, took out a stack of thick banknotes from his sleeve, and offered them with both hands.

"Although Boss Tu didn't come, but this kindness is indispensable, brother Xiaowu don't want to refuse."


Chen Sheng seemed very angry: "I helped Boss Tu get rid of Zuo Feipeng for brotherhood, not for money! How dare you insult me?"

The masked man was quite moved when he heard this: "Brother Xiao Wu values ​​love and righteousness, he really is a rare good friend, little brother Pei..."

Before he finished speaking, Chen Sheng suddenly snatched the thing, reaching out faster than it was hot.

"Haha, how much money is there?"

Masked man: "..."

Master Chen not only robbed the money, but even counted it face to face, smiling like a flower.

"280 million? Really, why not add up to 300 million? This number sounds auspicious enough, but it's not affordable enough."


The masked man has a new understanding of the word "shameless".

He tried his best to control his emotions, not knowing what to say.

After Chen Sheng counted the money, he stuffed it into his bosom contentedly: "By the way, when will your boss have a 'happy event'?"

The masked man understood, and immediately said: "Brother Xiao Wu, on the ninth day of the twelfth lunar month, the Tu Lao Conference will officially take over the position of the gang leader."

Chen Sheng smacked his lips: "Congratulations Brother Tu for getting his wish. When conditions permit in the future, I will definitely go to Feipeng Castle to ask for a drink."

The ninth day of the twelfth lunar month is indeed a good day.

Great for usurping.

But with Sun Yubo around, no one could say for sure whether it was good news or a death knell that came out that day.

The masked man said: "Well, then I will definitely sweep the couch to welcome you, waiting for you."

Chen Sheng smiled, and suddenly yawned.

"Do you have anything else to say?"

The masked man understood in seconds: "No more, it's getting late now, brother Xiao Wu should go to bed earlier, I'll take my leave first."

After he finished speaking, he was about to leave.

"and many more."

Chen Sheng glanced at the gift box: "Brother Tang, you seem to have forgotten to take something."

The masked man said: "I haven't forgotten, Boss Tu personally gave this gift to Brother Xiao Wu, please accept it."

Chen Sheng said: "Oh? What's inside?"

The masked man smiled mysteriously: "Enjoy slowly, goodbye."


After Tang Song left, the room returned to tranquility.

Chen Sheng stood alone in the shadows, his face looked rather strange, more precisely, it was a kind of contemptuous vigilance.

After a pause, he finally lit the candle, reached out and tapped on the gift box.

"anyone there?"

Chen Sheng's behavior was like a joke, but in the end...


Someone actually spoke in the box, and even opened it by himself!
First, one hand stretched out and gently pressed on the lid of the box.

This hand is white and flawless, soft and slender, and the fingertips are coated with beautiful impatiens juice.

Then there is the hair.

Silky hair.

Below is the forehead, eyes, nose, lips, neck...

A woman actually slowly emerged from the box, rising up little by little, growing bigger little by little.

In the dark night, in a confined space, how terrifying is this situation!
The gift box was only two feet square, logically speaking, it couldn't hold a person at all, but it was hidden.

The woman is about eighteen or nineteen years old, wearing a light gauze dress, although her figure is a bit petite, it is still within the normal range.

She is like boneless.

Soft as a little snake.

Chen Sheng was not surprised at all, but instead clapped his hands: "Okay, Tu Dapeng is a wonderful person, the gift he gave me is actually alive, hahahaha."

The woman lifted her feet out of the box, got down from the table to the ground, and bowed gracefully.

Delicate lips.

Slender waist.

Slender thighs.

Her appearance was impeccable, and her walking posture was even more elegant, showing extraordinary qualities and style, enough to make any man fall in love at first sight.

Of course, the woman was also shocked by Chen Sheng's strength and handsomeness, and seemed to lose her mind for a moment.

She blinked: "The concubine has seen brother Xiao Wu."

Such a sweet voice.


Chen Sheng stretched out his hands to help him, and asked with a smile, "Miss, excuse me, what's your address?"

The woman said: "Jiu'er."

Chen Sheng was startled: "Jiu'er?"

Jiu'er said: "Yes, Brother Wu, have you ever heard that there is a kind of sword technique in Jianghu called Wuhu Severing Door Knife?"

Chen Sheng said: "Of course I have heard of this."

Jiu'er said: "Tu Dapeng is actually the descendant of the Five Tigers Broken Door Knife, and I am his junior sister, the ninth oldest in the sect."


What the hell!

Tu Dapeng actually sent his junior sister here, this gift is full of sincerity, really good.

Chen Shengdao: "You should also be the successor of the Five Tigers Broken Door Knife, but the girl practiced the bone shrinking skill?"

Jiu'er said sweetly, "Brother Xiao Wu saw it?"

Chen Sheng said: "The girl appeared from the box, don't let me fail to see."

Jiu'er said: "Oh, the concubine's martial arts is learned from my wife. This kind of unique knowledge was passed down from the Miaojiang area, and it is now on the verge of being lost."

Chen Sheng praised: "Young lady's cultivation is amazing, today I just opened my eyes."

Jiu'er smiled and said, "Compared to brother Xiao Wu's swordsmanship, what is bone shrinking skill? It's just a mediocre practice."

Chen Sheng grinned and said, "You really can talk. However, I still have a question I want to ask the girl."

Jiu'er said: "Brother Wu, it's okay to say."

Chen Shengdao: "But I don't know if this unique skill that the girl practiced can shrink other places besides the bones?"

Master Chen's expression was quite serious, but he also felt quite unprincipled.

But Jiu'er understood it too!
Her pink cheeks flushed a bit, and she pursed her lips lightly: "Brother Xiao Wu, do you want to try it?"

Chen Sheng said: "Well, I really want to try."

"How do you want to try?"

"I want to see if I can reach the girl's heart directly..."

For men, there may be only one kind of enjoyment in the true sense, and that is women.

Master Chen has always been proficient in this way, so he naturally understands it.

Tenderness is like water, and a good night is like a dream. Once the golden wind and jade dew meet, they will win the countless worlds.


The next morning.

Jiu'er woke up from a deep sleep, her eyes were dark circles, and her whole body was sore.

And Chen Sheng got up early, and was quietly staring at her beside him.


Jiu'er was taken aback, her scalp tingling.

Because someone's face is hopeless, even a little cold, which is completely different from the warmth of last night.

"Small, good morning Brother Wu."

"You are early too."

Chen Sheng said slowly: "The encounter between people is actually a fate. Since there is an encounter, there will be a parting."

Jiu'er's expression changed, and he sat up vigilantly.

"What's the meaning of Brother Wu?"

Chen Shengdao: "Tu Dapeng gave you to me, you are mine, right?"

Jiu'er had no way to deny it, so he could only nod his head.

Chen Sheng said: "If I give you to someone else again, will you agree?"


Jiu'er gritted his teeth, and tears soon flowed down his cheeks: "As long as Brother Xiao Wu orders me, not to mention giving me to someone else, even if I die immediately, the concubine will have no complaints."

Chen Sheng smiled: "It's not that serious. Although this person is not as good-looking as me, he is also good-looking. He will never wrong the girl in the future."

Jiu'er said, "What's his name?"

Chen Sheng said: "Meng Xinghun."

Jiu'er said: "What does Brother Wu want me to do?"

Chen Shing paused: "I don't know either, you go and figure it out."


Jiu'er's eyes widened upon hearing this, what the hell kind of nonsense is this?
What do you mean?
Fortunately, Chen Sheng added another sentence: "If one day, I mean if, when he wants to kill you, girl, you must not be polite, although it is better to strike first. Your death is not as good as his death."


Jiu'er was speechless for a moment.

But the pupils are shrinking quietly.

There is a ghost in her heart, and it is because of the ghost in her heart that she dare not resist.

Brother Xiao Wu's method is not a joke, he can kill people three points faster than killing chickens.

Chen Sheng continued to stare at Jiu'er, waiting for the other party's reply.

After spending several lifetimes in the rivers and lakes, what kind of schemes and tricks has Mr. Chen never seen?

The women sent by Tu Dapeng are fine to try, but it's best not to keep them.

He already had the nail of Meng Xinghun by his side, if he buried a second nail, wouldn't he be causing trouble for himself?

Just bring a misfortune to the east and send it out.

Jiu'er finally said: "Understood, Brother Xiaowu wants me to act as an eyeliner to keep an eye on that Meng Xinghun?"

Chen Sheng patted her thigh vigorously: "Yes, the girl is really smart."

Jiu'er said, "Okay, when shall I leave?"


Chen Sheng suddenly grabbed her hand and sighed.

"We just met last night, but today we are going to part. I really miss you."

Jiu'er was overjoyed when he heard the words, and quickly squeezed his hand: "Could it be that brother Xiao Wu regretted that he wanted to keep the concubine?"

Chen Sheng shook his head: "Where, I want to say, before sending you off, let's sleep for a while longer?"

Jiu'er: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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