Chapter 164
Only those who know the current affairs are heroes. Chen Sheng has a bit of the demeanor of Han Gaozu, and he ran away as soon as he finished fighting.

Run fast.

Regarding the fight just now, he took advantage of it. King Wanpeng was infiltrated by the cold air and needed time to recover. That's why he didn't chase after him himself.

If he fights alone, Chen Sheng is not afraid of anyone, but with Ritsu Kagawa by his side waiting for an opportunity to attack, the chance of winning is almost zero.

If you insist on entanglement, you may lose yourself.

——This kid's hidden weapon is no joke.

I remember the old man once said: Xiaolu's level is outstanding, at least it can be ranked among the top three in the world.

You can always trust Sun Yubo's vision.

Next, Chen Sheng aimed at a certain direction and continued to run wildly.I don't know why, but the route he chose didn't seem to break out outward, but seemed to go deep.

Deep into the very center of the garden.

During this process, Chen Sheng also discovered that King Wanpeng's people were all dressed in black, and they rushed in like a tide. Everyone couldn't stand it anymore, and there were corpses everywhere on the ground.

"Whoosh whoosh."

Flying against the wind, Chen Sheng saw an octagonal pavilion with a bronze bell hanging there.

"Brother Wu, Brother Wu!"

Suddenly, a thin man jumped out from nearby and quickly caught up with Chen Sheng.His chest was spattered with blood, and the scimitar in his hand was also scarred.

This person's surname is Jiang, and his name is Jiang Hanshan. He is the leader of the Eagle Group and is in charge of guarding the garden.

There are a total of seven leaders in the Sun family. It is impossible for Chen Sheng to get close to each of them. He only knows that the other party is honest and honest, and has won the trust of the old man.

"Brother Jiang?"

Jiang Hanshan came to the front, panting heavily: "Brother Wu, the enemy is powerful, how should we deal with it?"

Chen Sheng said: "Brother Jiang, what do you think?"

Jiang Hanshan said: "Being a hero in life, and a hero in death, I think it's better to shrink inward, defend the garden to the death, and fight to the end with foreign enemies."

"Well, good man."

Chen Sheng's eyes flickered, and he asked again: "If you can shrink your strength, isn't it easy to be surrounded?"

Jiang Hanshan said: "Anyway, there is no other way out. It's better to be surrounded than to be scattered and killed. The old man has treated us so much, so how can we live up to the old man."

Chen Sheng hesitated: "What if we withdraw and preserve our strength?"

Hearing his words, Jiang Hanshan's face changed: "What do you mean, brother Xiaowu? Are you going to give up the garden?"

Chen Shengdao: "I'm also doing it for everyone's benefit. I want to save my life. Everything can be turned around. If everyone..."

Before finishing a sentence, Jiang Hanshan interrupted: "Scholars die for their confidants. As the son-in-law of the old man, don't you feel ashamed for saying such remarks? The land of the Sun family must not be left outside. In human hands, not even an inch will do!"

"Cough cough."

Chen Sheng coughed awkwardly.

Jiang Hanshan sneered and said: "If brother Xiao Wu is afraid and wants to run for his own life, brother will not stop him, please hand me the badge of the manager, and I will issue the order to stick to it."

"That, that's fine."

Chen Sheng seemed to be really afraid of death, so he dug in his bosom and presented his waist card.

Jiang Hanshan snatched it over, utterly contemptuous: "Your surname Wei, it's useless for me to treat you as a human being, so you are a fucking softie, bah! If the old man is here..."

He suddenly looked behind Chen Sheng, and said ecstatically, "Old man? Your old man is finally here!"

? ?
Sun Yubo actually showed up?

Hearing this news, most people always look back, and Chen Sheng is no exception.

But when he turned his head, Jiang Hanshan showed a vicious smile, and stabbed him in the lower abdomen with a knife, killing him suddenly!
An astonishing turn of events, a deadly deception.

The old man was already on his way to Feipeng Castle, or rather, he had already arrived, so how could he show up at this time?
The back is naturally empty.

But Jiang Hanshan never expected that Chen Sheng turned his head very quickly, but turned back even faster!
Chen Sheng sneered, clasped the blade with his left hand like lightning, raised five fingers with his right hand, aimed at his heart and inserted it.


The five iron fingers penetrated into his chest like tofu, and came out from behind.

Jiang Hanshan stared at him with such fear on his face, a large amount of blood soon spilled from the corner of his mouth.

"you you……"

Chen Sheng said calmly: "Mother XX, you want to lie to me just because of you?"

Jiang Hanshan: "..."

Chen Shengdao: "Let the brothers huddle together and stick to the garden with all their strength. King Wanpeng has so many people. Are you afraid that we will die uncleanly?"

Jiang Hanshan seemed to want to say something, he opened his mouth, blood flowed more and faster.

Chen Shengdao: "You are also his spy, right? Hmph, Your Excellency's hiding is deep enough, I admire you."

Jiang Hanshan's eyes were already loose, and he fell down slowly.


Chen Sheng kicked Jiang Hanshan on the neck, and kicked him to the point of decapitation, his head snapped off like a ball, and his bones rolled far away, leaving a deep red spot on the ground.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Sheng quickly walked into the gazebo and rang the bronze bell.

"Dong dong dong..."

Four urgent beeps, two slow beeps, repeat this three times.

This is the signal to evacuate the garden, I believe everyone can hear it.

Judging from the situation tonight, the Sun family's defeat was already doomed, so why bother to make such a fearless sacrifice with the death of so many people?

After all, Chen Sheng's own strength is weak. Facing the long-planned King Wanpeng, and Lu Xiangchuan and other rebels helping him to do evil, it will be difficult for him to turn things around.

Let's all live in peace.

This is also the last thing he can do for the Sun family.

As soon as Chen Sheng put down the bell, there was a rapid sound of breaking through the sky.

"Xiao Wu, where are you going?"

Sure enough, King Wanpeng came after him, followed by a large number of black shadows, densely packed.

"Susu Susu..."

Chen Sheng rolled continuously on the ground, dodging the hidden weapon like a rainstorm, he seemed to be in a panic, and got into a big house nearby.

The big house is the mansion of the old man. There are seventeen buildings like this in the garden.

Lu Xiangchuan scolded: "Hurry up, surround yourself!"

King Wanpeng landed first, followed by his subordinates, who immediately surrounded the mansion.

Lu Xiangchuan said with a smile: "Master, this person has a way and refuses to go, but he insists on finding his own death spot. He may be in a daze."

Wanpeng Wang showed suspicion: "Xiao Wu is very shrewd, how could he make such a mistake?"

Lu Xiangchuan said: "No matter how shrewd Xiao Wu is, if he is under heavy pressure, it is inevitable..."

"not good!"

King Wanpeng suddenly changed his face and was the first to rush in.

The huge mansion was quiet, there was neither sound nor figure.

But in the old man's bedroom, the bed collapsed, but there was a big hole in the wooden bed board.

King Wanpeng smelled a faint fishy smell of water. He hurried over to check and found that there was a vertical secret passage leading directly to the ground. There was still water under the secret passage, and the water was alive and fast.

"Underground river?"


Ritsu Kagawa could no longer speak, and his facial features were suddenly distorted, as if he had been punched hard.

King Wanpeng looked back at him: "You followed Sun Yubo since childhood, but you didn't know the existence of the secret way? It turns out that he never trusted you."

This sentence is sharper and more piercing than a knife.

Ritsu Kagawa began to sweat, and immediately prostrated himself on the ground: "This subordinate is incompetent, please help the master punish the crime!"

King Wanpeng sighed: "I originally thought that Sun Yubo was the only tiger in the garden, but today I know that Xiao Wu is the one who hides the deepest."

Lu Xiangchuan didn't dare to look up: "Master, shall we go down and chase?"

King Wanpeng said: "No need, since the opponent is already prepared, he will definitely not be able to catch up."

Regarding tonight's battle, on the surface they did win, the Sun family was defeated and the garden was occupied, but it left behind a huge hidden worry, and it was hard for them to be happy.

Especially Xiaowu's evil martial arts, King Wanpeng is still deeply impressed.

He was silent for a while before speaking: "From today on, the garden is yours."

Lu Xiangchuan lowered his head, but a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Master, there are still many friends of the old man in this city..."

King Wanpeng said: "Those who obey me will prosper, those who oppose me will perish, and those who disobey me will be killed."

Lu Xiangchuan said: "Yes!"

King Wanpeng looked into the distance and murmured: "Sun Yubo should do it too? If it's not tonight, it must be in the Ming Dynasty."


In the same late night, in Feipeng Castle.

There is a huge bronze mirror in front of him, and Tu Cheng is trying on Jifu.

That is the auspicious clothing of the gang leader.

Expensive fabrics, exquisite workmanship, and elegant pine and crane graphics on it are in line with his current status.

Tu Cheng turned around in the mirror and asked, "How?"

Standing beside him was an old man with a humble face. He was actually King Wanpeng's steward, Tie Yi!

Tu Cheng was thoughtful and not soft-handed. He was supposed to kill Butler Tie, but now he didn't dare to act rashly.

Because his foothold is not stable now, he wants to avoid getting a bad reputation of "killing old ministers", and the iron steward still holds many secrets of Feipeng Castle, so he can only bear with it until the secrets are dug out.

Butler Tie smiled and said, "This dress fits well, but with the demeanor and demeanor of the leader, it seems that it doesn't matter what you wear. No matter how well the clothes are made, they are just icing on the cake."

"Hahaha, brother Tie's eloquence is really top-notch."

Tu Cheng was also smiling, but there was no joy in his eyes. "Have all the invitations been sent out?"

Tie Guanjia said: "Well, all 350 invitations have been distributed, and tomorrow will definitely be a lively day."

"very good."

Tu Cheng looked at the mirror in front of him, then at the furnishings in the room, frowned and said, "Wanpeng King's furniture is too big, I don't like it."

The iron steward reacted quickly: "The subordinate immediately ordered someone to throw it away, burn it, and then make it again according to the size of the gang leader."

Tu Dapeng said: "Everything else can be thrown away, but there is one thing that must never be thrown away."

Tie Guanjia said: "What?"

Tu Chengdao said indifferently: "Wanpeng King's bed."

Tie Guanjia said: "Yes, the bigger the bed, the more comfortable it is, the boss really has good taste."

Tu Cheng stared into his eyes: "How many concubines are there in King Wanpeng's backyard?"

Tie Guanjia said: "39."

Tu Chengdao: "Who is his favorite?"

Tie Butler said without hesitation: "Feng, Hua, Xue, Yue, four girls."

Tu Cheng said: "Go quickly, I want them to accompany me tonight."

Tie Guanjia said: "Obey."

As an old minister of King Wanpeng, doing so is undoubtedly an insult, a huge insult.

Tu Cheng wanted to see something on his face, but it was a pity that Butler Tie was extremely calm, there was no humiliation or resistance, only full respect.


Tu Cheng was very upset: "By the way, you can pick a few more outstanding ones from the inside and give them to Xiao Wu. This matter must be done in secret, and the news must not be leaked."

Tie Butler suddenly raised his head and asked in astonishment for the first time: "Xiao Wu from Suzhou?"

Tu Cheng smiled and said, "Yes."

Tie Guanjia said: "But Xiao Wu is our Feipeng Castle's enemy, and he owes a lot of blood!"

Tu Chengdao: "That's right, that's why he became my friend."

Butler Tie thought for a while and blinked his eyes: "Understood, whether it is an enemy or a friend, these can be changed. Sun Yubo's go-getter may also become his death knell."

Tu Cheng sighed: "Brother Tie is indeed a rare smart person, you guessed it very accurately."

Butler Tie asked again: "Since King Wanpeng passed away, there are two candidates who have the most voices in the gang. One is you and the other is Zuo Feipeng. So is Zuo Feipeng's death accidental or inevitable?"

Tu Cheng's eyes suddenly brightened, and he said coldly, "What do you think?"

Butler Tie smiled and said, "The subordinates don't know. But the leader is alive and well today, but Zuo Feipeng is dead. Suitable for leading the Feipeng Gang."


It was like swallowing a live fly, and Tu Cheng didn't know how to catch it. He was very uncomfortable, and his stomach felt a little sick.

"Go ahead and call the girls over."

"Yes, Master, please rest early."

The iron butler bowed and retreated, with a gentle and honest expression on his face, as docile as an old dog.

Tucheng's depression immediately had a channel to vent.

I have to say that King Wanpeng is really good at picking women, and he was not disappointed.

The wind, flowers, snow, and moon are all very good.

——Enough moist.

After dawn, before dawn.

Tu Cheng had already fallen asleep at this time, sleeping quite contentedly.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes.

There were footsteps approaching outside, and one of his subordinates shouted: "Guard Master, Gang Master, wake up soon, you're out of the water!"

Tu Cheng changed his face and said, "Where is the water?"

The subordinate said: "Water is flowing everywhere, and it is burning very badly."

Tu Cheng glanced out the window, and through the layers of window paper, he could indeed see a faint flame.

He immediately grasped the handle of the knife.

When he sleeps, he always likes to keep the knife by the bed.

Tu Cheng held the handle of the knife as if he was holding the hand of an old friend, and regained his composure at an alarming speed.

A sneer appeared on his face.

"Sun Yubo?"

(End of this chapter)

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