Brother Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 303 Suffering Again 1 Suffering Outsider

Chapter 303

"Fall! Fall! Fall!"

"Zhu Yujian, can you do it? If you can't, get out of my way!"

"The body is so weak, I'm afraid it's because women play too much in Tang Fan."


In Yanshan Military Academy, when all the clans were chatting, laughing, cursing and joking, Zhu Yujian, who was on the academy grounds, was practicing fighting with a son of Zhou Fan's clan.

It's just that Zhu Yujian has been imprisoned with his father for several years after all, and although his body has been recuperated for three years, he is still a little weak.

Therefore, when the corner arrived, he often couldn't throw the clan disciples on the opposite side to the ground in one breath, but had to use skills to trip the opponent.

Such a trick is not shameful, because the military academy only teaches victory, and not many people who lose will remember him.

Under the booing of the clan's children, in the end Zhu Yujian tripped the other party by a trick.

He didn't care about the taunts from the clans below the stage, but after pulling the opponent up, he turned around and walked off the ring.

It was when he walked off the ring that Zhu Youjian, who was in the distance, said to the people next to him:

"He's a bit weak, but he doesn't rely on generals to charge ahead in battle. The future must be the age of firearms."

"No matter how brave your personal force is, you are still so vulnerable to rifle bullets."

"What Your Highness said is very..." Hearing Zhu Youjian's words, the principals and deputy principals of the Military Academy bowed to each other in response.

But if you look closely, you can see that both of them are more or less incomplete.

This is a very normal situation. There are more than [-] teachers in Yanshan Military Academy, all of whom are from more than [-] households. They were disabled and retired due to the war.

Although there are only a hundred households, he also has the experience and examples of commanding hundreds of people, so it is very easy to teach the clan.

What's more, Yanshan's military teaching materials basically violated most of the military books of this era.

Due to the lack of ability to manufacture aircraft, the college is divided into the Army Department and the Navy Department.

Both textbooks are basically based on what Zhu Youjian learned in his previous life, and are in line with the combat methods and types of subjects of this era.

Zhu Youjian did not specifically divide the pure firearms squad, but divided the army into three major divisions: infantry, artillery, and cavalry, and the navy into two major divisions: naval forces and marine forces.

The reason why it is so simple is that the Ming army is not allowed to produce more types of weapons, and some methods of cold weapons need to be abandoned, so it seems to be rare.

"Apart from the clan's children among the students, how are the students from Yanshan who graduated from Tianqi five years ago and entered the academy, how are they studying?"

Zhu Youjian watched many clan disciples speak, and the courtyard beside him also replied:
"It's about the same as when it was at Yanshan Academy. Cao Zongbing's nephew and Li Zicheng from northern Shaanxi are still at the top of the academy."

"After all, they have four years of basic military theory, and their studies have improved by leaps and bounds after entering the academy. If it wasn't for the fact that they graduated from the Military Academy three months later than normal schools, they might have been sent down to the ranks of generals."

"Well...they should be able to catch up with the big and small battles next year." Zhu Youjian nodded slightly, but these words made the ears of the people around him prick up.

They noticed that Zhu Youjian didn't directly talk about the battle of sweeping captives, but about big and small battles.

In other words, next year, Ming Dynasty may wage war against more than one place and in more than one direction.

This move made Wang Chengen, who was standing behind Zhu Youjian, also very curious. After all, the cash seized in the San Niangzi case and the sold mansion, plus the Jiangnan flood case, the cash would not exceed [-] million taels of silver.

Moreover, one-third of this money has been spent on disaster relief.

Under the condition that the grain does not move, the combined cash of the Daming Yumajian, the Ministry of Households, and the internal funds is only about [-] million taels. Twenty-five million taels were eaten up.

Although there were still [-] million shi of grain, more than [-] million shi were allocated for follow-up disaster relief from the north and the south.

Under the guaranteed relocation policy, the grain that Daming could move was only [-] million shi.

After [-] million stones are folded, it is at most [-] million taels of silver.

With such a small amount of money, wanting to launch multiple battles is really a bit dumbfounding.

But Zhu Youjian is very confident, the reason is that the various feudal clans...

There are more than [-] feudal clans, large and small, and even if each feudal clan only relocates [-] people, it still needs to pay the Ming Dynasty more than three million taels of silver.

What's more, what can a mere [-] people do?
For the feudal vassals who enjoy it, I am afraid that the artisans who built the palace alone will need to relocate thousands of people.

However, in terms of construction, it's okay to say that Zhu Youjian can't let go of any craftsman in related industries such as textiles, porcelain, and tea.

The Ming Dynasty needed to relocate the population out in the year of the catastrophe to reduce the cost of the court's disaster relief.

But it's also an opportunity to move from agriculture to industry.

This is not to say that Zhu Youjian wants to get the Ming Dynasty out of agriculture, but that he wants the Ming Dynasty to get out of small-scale agriculture and turn to medium and large-scale agriculture.

Don't farmers make money?

I am afraid that many people will scoff at this question, because in the industrial age, farmers really do not make money.

In the information age, one acre of low-yielding fields costs [-] yuan to harvest, while chemical fertilizers and pesticides cost more than [-] yuan, close to [-] yuan.

You can reap [-] yuan by planting the land for a year. Although there are still many subsidies, the subsidies are very limited. It is far worse than going to the city to work for a month. This is why many people in later generations are unwilling to continue to be farmers.

Because in the information age, you can earn tens of thousands of dollars a year in any class you choose.

Although Daming said that because of the low grain output and low cost, one mu of land can harvest about [-] wen, but the actual situation is not much better.

The social ethos of the Ming Dynasty had already reflected that under the small-scale peasant economy, farmers had to go to the city to work during the slack season.

This is also the reason why Zhu Youjian has always known that people work privately and that tax evasion is serious, but he has not been caught.

Even though many people in Ming Dynasty basically have three acres of guaranteed land, after a year, after excluding the cost, they can earn at most two taels of silver.

But in Nanjing City, Beijing City, and even the second-class Yangzhou, Chengdu, Suzhou and other places, as long as you go to the city to work, the daily wages start at [-] or [-] Wen.

Even Zhu Youjian learned from the correspondence with Yang Lian that in a small city like Dali, which is not popular in this era, the wages of the peasants are twelve cents a day.

During the [-] months of the year, eight full months of agricultural slack, excluding the month of the new year, during the seven months, the peasants in Dali City can get two or five taels of silver when they go to work in the city.

Including the harvest in the field, the income is almost less than five taels of silver.

However, the Ming Dynasty was an agricultural society after all, and in fact there were not so many places that needed labor.

Many farmers still can only rely on the fields in their hands to support their families. Under the small-scale peasant economy, there is no problem in supporting themselves with an income of two taels of silver, and their lives can be very nourishing.

However, the policy of three acres per person and fifteen acres per household will slowly collapse as the population increases.

In fact, by now, there are already signs of collapse.

Zhu Youjian actually eased some of the contradictions in the land annexation of the Ming Dynasty by resolving the guards and distributing troops to garrison land.

It's just that the population will not be fixed. If two people join the family and there is one child left, it will change from six acres for two people to six acres for three people, and the court has no extra land to distribute to them.

If another...

In fact, this fragile one-person-three-acre model only takes one generation, or even ten years, to be impacted by the sharply increasing population.

How to reduce the contradiction of land annexation?

It's very simple, give farmers more fields and create more jobs.

This is actually an economic issue, and land merger is actually an economic issue.

If they could have enough to eat in the city, many farmers would not choose to farm, and the conflict would naturally shift from land to employment.

The size of Daming cannot be purely industrialized, because there are not so many demands and jobs, and blind transformation will only lead to industrial surplus.

What Zhu Youjian wants to leave is to switch from a small-scale agricultural economy of three acres per person to a medium-to-large agricultural economy of thirty acres per person, or even hundreds of acres, while maintaining external migration.

An increase in grain yield per mu in the future will inevitably lead to a drop in grain prices.

Planting three acres of land will gradually fail to support a person, but planting thirty acres and hundreds of acres can definitely support one person.

Agriculture is profitable, but the premise of making money is that you must have a large number of fields and sufficiently advanced mechanized equipment in your hands.

One person only earns [-] yuan per acre, but how about ten people manipulating machinery to plant one hundred acres or one thousand acres?
Giving farmers enough land and finding them jobs in cities can actually solve land conflicts and economic problems in the short to medium term.

Therefore, Zhu Youjian wanted to leave a large number of craftsmen and send away a large number of ordinary people for the matter of becoming a vassal overseas.

Artisans can gather together and finally create jobs one by one, while ordinary people are sent out to farm.

For example, on Ceylon Island, if only [-] people are relocated to the [-] million mu of arable land on the island, each person will be able to share [-] mu of land equally.

If you can't plant that much, then the Xiaoxiyang Supervisor will distribute the cattle, and the cattle can be obtained from the Mughal Dynasty.

As for how to get it?This is...

Zhu Youjian set his sights on the clan's children of the feudal lords, and then said:

"How much do you think most of them can lead?"

"This..." Yuan Zheng was a little hesitant, and said after a long time: "Right now, I'm afraid it's not enough to lead a small flag (12 people) alone."

"If it is tempered and tempered, maybe there will be a general who leads a thousand people and a battalion."

Fighting requires talent. Not everyone is like Zhu Youjian who can lead tens of thousands of troops at a young age.

The vast majority of people, in fact, only have the ability of a hundred households, and this is the premise of going through a lot of wars.

"Conquer from south to north, next year it's time to regain Jiaozhi..."

Zhu Youjian sighed, making everyone's hearts tense, and at the same time he said:
"In addition, these clan children have never seen blood after all. It is normal for them to be timid on the battlefield. We just sent them to the battlefield first to avoid the embarrassment of going to Tianzhu."

"Your Highness, do you want to discuss this with Zhu Fan?" Wang Chengen couldn't help but Zhu Youjian said:

"It is necessary to discuss, after all, there is still enough time."

"Currently, there are only more than [-] million people living in the old port area. This year, Henan and Shandong suffered major disasters. People can be relocated from the coastal Yellow River to the south."

"It's not difficult to relocate another two million people to this old port this year. In addition to the follow-up of the San Niangzi case, it is better to relocate more people..."

"Jiugang can afford to support these people, first make Jiugang rich, and then move people to Tianzhu in one go."

Zhu Youjian walked towards Xueyuan with his hands behind his back, ready to watch while walking, and Wang Chengen and others followed closely behind him.

"I have read the memorials of Shen Tingyang and Li Dan. It costs three taels of silver to move a commoner from Daming to Tianzhu."

"We charge ten taels of silver from the feudal clans, which is just about the same."

"We need to mobilize soldiers and horses this year, and send troops to the Tubang in the south of Tianzhu next year. How many guard battalions do we need to mobilize? How can we mobilize so many soldiers and horses if we don't enrich the old port?"

"Besides, there are thirty-two vassals, big and small. Even if each branch needs to mobilize a battalion of soldiers and horses to protect them, it still needs thirty-two battalions."

"Thirty-two battalions, nearly one hundred thousand soldiers and horses, Daming can't spare them right now."

"If you want to draw it out, you have to start with the Southern Army Commander's Mansion and the Western Army Commander's Mansion."

"The main direction of the southern army's governor's office is Annan. If Annan is pacified, and Champa and Nanzhang are taken in, Siam and Gan Bozhi will become Ming's close neighbors."

"It will be enough for the southern military governor's mansion to retain only fifty battalions."

"Annan and these forces can be defeated in an instant. Don't take things too seriously. Our strength in the Ming Dynasty is still strong. If you are a young man, it is time to exercise."

"Annan can just try sea-land cooperation this time. If he can fight well, then it would be good to fight Tianzhu again."

When Zhu Youjian was talking, he had already come to a row of academies, and saw some Yanshan students who were constantly learning knowledge.

"But Your Highness, if you want to fight Annan and regain Champo and Nanzhang, I'm afraid it will cost money and food..."

"Indeed there are quite a few..." Zhu Youjian replied without waiting for Wang Chengen to finish speaking:
"I did the math. The Western Army Commander's Mansion and the Southern Army Commander's Mansion jointly dispatched [-] battalions, plus six navy guards and horses, totaling more than [-] troops."

"However, fighting in the south is not as laborious as in the north. In the north, these people need at least a million civilians, but fighting Annan only needs [-] civilians."

Sea transportation is the cheapest, and it doesn't even need too many civilian workers, and the [-] civilian workers mentioned by Zhu Youjian are mainly to ensure the logistics of the Ming army sending troops from Yunnan and Guangxi on land.

Once the army takes the Red River Delta in the north of Annan, the army can be fed just by relying on the grain output of Luzon Mansion.

When the time comes to regain Nanzhang, you can also go to Siam and transport water along the Mekong River and the Chao Phraya River to the north. In short, it is good to fight.

Daming regained three propagandas and six comforts, just like Tsarist Russia's eastward advance.

As long as it is transported by water, the logistical pressure is even only one-third of that in the north.

"[-] troops, [-] civilians, and [-] million taels of silver are enough to defeat Annan and recover Nanzhang."

As Zhu Youjian said, he also saw Li Zicheng, Cao Bianjiao and others in an academy.

"But Your Highness, six million taels of silver is easy to get out, but if you take this amount of money, you may not be able to get out the money for the war of sweeping captives..."

Wang Chengen persuaded, because he knew how much pressure the household department was under right now:

"According to the results of the Battle of Restoring the Liao Dynasty, at least [-] troops will be dispatched in the campaign of sweeping captives, and more than [-] civilians will be needed, plus [-] mules and horses."

"This man eats horse chews, and the loss of just eating them every month is as high as [-] taels of silver."

"Combining the salaries of the peasants and the wages of the peasants, three million taels of silver will be distributed as soon as the war of sweeping captives begins, and the wages of the [-] peasants every month are nearly half a million taels of silver."

"Every month of fighting is nearly a million taels of expenditure. If this battle is to annihilate all the Jian captives, it will be calculated based on the beheading rewards of [-] taels for false captives, [-] taels for northern captives, and [-] taels for real captives. Spending tens of millions of taels of silver..."

Wang Chengen has been busy with many battles, but no matter which one, he remembers the deepest battle of the Liao Dynasty.

Not only because of the largest number of Ming troops dispatched in this battle, but also because of the largest scale of the war.

The Battle of Liaodong was still fought on the mainland of Liaodong, and the result was an expense of [-] million taels of silver.

Now the battle of sweeping captives is said to be fought at the door of the house, but in fact everyone knows that this battle will become an expedition if it is fought.

Fighting and expeditions at the door of the house, the expenses and expenses are different.

The military expenditures for a war of sweeping captives were enough for Ming to take down half of Tianzhu.

"Don't worry about the silver. Isn't there still [-] million stones of grain?"

Zhu Youjian said absent-mindedly: "When the fight starts in July next year, the treasury will have money in October, and then we will fight another winter."

"Sweeping Jianlu, the people of Ming Dynasty will be able to farm in Liaodong and Liaobei with peace of mind. In terms of emotion and reason, they must be beaten."

"But it's too urgent..." Wang Chengen showed a bitter smile, and Zhu Youjian also patted him and said:

"The matter is put on hold for the time being. The fleet that sails to the west will return in March next year. Now it is almost time to notify the feudal lords to come to the capital."

"Gu also wants to discuss with them about the clan's children going to the southern and western military governor's mansions to start recovering Annan."

"Yes..." Wang Chengen had no choice but to agree, and Zhu Youjian could only shake his head seeing his expression.

The recovery of Annan and the establishment of the Cochin Chief Envoy are important links in Zhu Youjian's plan.

Not only to extend the territory of the Ming mainland to the South China Sea, but also to better control the Naval Governor's Mansion.

The naval governor's mansion is hanging overseas alone, which makes Zhu Youjian a little uncomfortable, and always feels that there is no sense of security.

This time Huanglong explored southward to Australia, Zhu Youjian did not appear particularly happy, because he knew that Daming could not eat Australia for the time being.

The territory of Old Port is scattered and vast, with only more than two million people, which is very unfavorable for governance, and the main ethnic group in the area remains unchanged.

When the number of Han Chinese in the old Hong Kong reaches [-] million, that is the time to attack Australia.

The environment in Australia is not good. The eastern and southwestern coastal areas are okay, but the central, midwestern, and northern regions are hard to say.

The people who migrated from the northern part of the mainland to the south traveled nearly [-] miles by sea, so they could only migrate southward step by step.

The only thing Zhu Youjian cares about is that this place is very suitable for animal husbandry, and there are also a large number of mineral deposits.

This place may become a few resource-rich provinces in the future...

Thinking this way, Zhu Youjian led people away from Yanshan Military Academy, and did not continue to read.

He took people back to the capital, and after a few days in the capital for Zhu Youxiao who pretended to be sick, he received Sun Yuanhua's memorial.

Sun Yuanhua came to Qi Palace with the memorial and stood in the study, while Zhu Youjian looked at the content of the memorial.

In this regard, Sun Yuanhua mainly calculated the investment and number of employees of the fertilizer factory, and he set the size of the fertilizer factory according to the population of the county.

There are more than [-] counties in the Ming Dynasty. Some counties have only [-] to [-] people, and some counties have hundreds of thousands. Naturally, it is impossible to follow a standard.

According to Sun Yuanhua's standards, the chemical fertilizer plant must be established forty miles away from the city, and the scale and land occupation of the chemical fertilizer plant must be expanded according to the population of the county.

A county with [-] people needs to build a fertilizer factory covering an area of ​​[-] mu, need [-] Ye Xiangfu and [-] fertilizer workers, and raise [-] draft horses.

Among the investments, it costs two thousand taels of silver just to draw a horse, and it costs six hundred taels of silver to build a fertilizer plant.

It takes [-] taels of labor and [-] taels of raw materials to maintain the operation of the fertilizer plant every month.

This is only on the scale of [-] people. If every [-] people are added, the scale needs to be doubled.

In other words, a big city like Beijing with a population of [-] million needs at least tens of thousands of night husbands and more than [-] fertilizer workers, plus [-] draft horses.

To deal with the population of Yexiangfu in the entire Ming Dynasty, the number is terrifying, at least hundreds of thousands of people and tens of thousands of fertilizer workers are needed.

Although this can be regarded as creating employment, the Department of Agriculture will lose a penny for every bag of chemical fertilizer sold, if the cost of eating horse chews is added.

According to Sun Yuanhua's speculation, if he really wanted to promote chemical fertilizers, Zhu Youjian would have to accept that the Department of Agriculture would lose hundreds of thousands of taels a year.

"This amount of money is nothing. It depends on whether the people are willing. After all, the price of chemical fertilizers is not low."

"If the people are willing, let's see if the price can be lowered."

After Zhu Youjian finished reading the memorial, he responded to Sun Yuanhua. As for the cost, Sun Yuanhua had already studied it thoroughly. He said with shame:

"The cost is overwhelming. Basically, it's all labor costs, unless His Highness decides not to use labor..."

"If His Highness uses the method of the old port, collects with free manpower, or initiates corvée, then the cost of fertilizer can be reduced to twenty pennies a bag."

After all, Sun Yuanhua is already a member of the Qi royal party, and he is well aware of the things that the Navy Governor's Mansion did in the old port.

He understood Zhu Youjian's idea of ​​giving wages to the people because he wanted to benefit the people.

But the problem is that the national conditions of Ming Dynasty are here. In fact, doing so is compromising Daming's financial and corvee system in a disguised form...

His kind reminder made Zhu Youjian frown.

But he was not frowning because of Sun Yuanhua, but because he was thinking about labor costs.

He originally wanted to use the excrement of Ming people and livestock to realize the regional use of chemical fertilizers, but now it seems that he is somewhat ideal.

If Daming had money, he would naturally be able to do this, but right now what Daming lacks is money.

Thinking of this, Zhu Youjian could only express a thought in his heart:
"There are many seabird islands living in groups in the sea, and exaggerated ones can produce hundreds of thousands or millions of catties of bird droppings a year."

"In your opinion, if I use the method of the old port to transport the guano to the coast by sea, and build a fertilizer factory along the coast, can the price of fertilizer be reduced to ten cents a bag?"

Zhu Youjian's words made Sun Yuanhua speechless, he paused before bowing and saying:

"This... I have never heard of it, and I don't know if bird droppings can be used. You can try it first."

"Okay, I see. You can first ask the Department of Agriculture to build several chemical fertilizer plants with an annual output of one million catties in Songjiang, Tianjin, Lushun, Denglai, Guangzhou, and Beigang."

"Yes... I'm going to resign..." Seeing that Zhu Youjian didn't say any more, Sun Yingyuan also slowly retreated.

Seeing his receding back, Zhu Youjian also frowned and thought about the manpower problem in Jiugang.

"It's still too little... It seems that we have to start from Yan Siqi..."

 Update around [-]-[-]

(End of this chapter)

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