Chapter 113 Shura Summoner

"The two of us each took out a thing containing a gene sequence and put it in the contract box."

Lufa opened his mouth to explain, Wang Ming thought for a while and pulled out a piece of his hair, and put it into the hollow in the middle of the light blue cube, and Lufa also parted from the gray robe and released a wisp of white smoke into it. in the light blue cube.

In the next second, the light blue cube began to emit a large amount of light, and finally divided into two rays, which penetrated into the bodies of the two and disappeared.

By the way, the current Lufa is not a soul body. There is no ghost on the technological planet Ares. The current Lufa is an incorporeal body composed of a bunch of genetic data bodies and spiritual data bodies. state.

So this kind of genetic contract is also effective for him who has no entity. One thing to say, Lu Fa didn't make any small moves, which surprised Wang Ming. He was ready to suppress the other party, but the latter did not. Surprisingly honest.

"Okay, now that the contract has been reached, it's time to give me what I want."

Wang Ming felt the extra energy in his body and said, this energy is hidden in his genetic level, it is hidden very deeply, and it is almost impossible to deprive him of it by external objects, but Wang Ming can use the energy in his dantian. A breath of fresh air will expel it at any time.

"I didn't carry the Asura Summoner with me. Take this thing to the Demon Suppressing Tower on the outskirts of the city, and the Asura Summoner will appear at that time."

Lu Fa did not play any tricks, he took out a key-like object and handed it to Wang Ming. This is the key he made with the Genghis Khan Vajra. It is reasonable to use the Gengren Vajra to find Shura and summon him. device.

After Wang Ming took the key, he put it in his pocket directly, and then walked out. Before going out, he left such a sentence.

"I'll come and help you after I get the Asura Summoner."

"Then you should go faster."

Lu Fa said something calmly, but Wang Ming didn't answer. He waved his hands with his back to Lu Fa and walked out. After walking out of Bawang Group, Wang Ming stopped a taxi and went to the suburbs.

About half an hour later, he arrived at the Demon-Suppressing Tower. At this time, the gate of the Demon-Suppressing Tower was firmly locked by iron chains, and Wang Ming also found that there were many cameras around the Demon-Suppressing Tower.

"Is this the secret cultivator's monitoring of the Demon Town Tower?"

Wang Ming looked at these monitors with interest, and then he waved his hand, and these monitors were instantly destroyed. When he came to the gate, Wang Ming took the iron chain and pulled it lightly, tearing it into pieces. Duan pushed open the door.

And there are actually many surveillance cameras in the Demon Town Tower, Wang Ming was a little speechless, but he still destroyed all the surveillance cameras with a wave of his hand.

What Wang Ming used was not a violent method. He just created some electromagnetic pulses, which did no harm to other things, and were fatal to electronic equipment.

Then Wang Ming came to the center of the Demon Suppressing Tower and took out the key-shaped thing that Lufa gave him. The moment Wang Ming took out the key, a light blue light shone down from the top of the tower.

Then, shrouded in light, a small flip phone slowly fell from the top of the tower, and this flip phone was the Summoner of Shura Armor.

Wang Ming could feel that the Summoner of the Asura Armor was not simply hidden on the top of the tower, but was hidden in a different space where the top of the tower was located. There is no way to find its existence.

It has to be said that Lufa's method of hiding things is quite clever. Wang Ming stretched out his hand to catch the Asura Armor Summoner that was slowly falling, with a satisfied smile on his face.

"Try it in a few days."


"I've already got the things, what should I do next? If I remember correctly, you need negative energy for resurrection, right?"

The next day Wang Ming went to the Ba-Wang Group again to meet Lufa, and the Lufa he saw this time was different from yesterday. Yesterday’s Lufa possessed his body in a gray robe in a state of no body, but today’s Lufa Lu Fa is possessed by Croton.

"No hurry, I was curious before I said this, can you summon the Shura armor?"

Lufa was not in a hurry to ask Wang Ming to help him. Instead, he was very curious and asked the question he wanted to know the most. The current Lufa has not released Emperor Yan, so he does not know that if he wants to use the Shura armor stably, he must Have the strongest spirit, and there must be no fear in your heart.

And Wang Ming almost possesses these two points. With Wang Ming's current strength, there is nothing that can make him feel afraid.

As for the strongest aura, Wang Ming does not have the strongest righteous aura, nor the strongest evil aura, but if it is madness...he is quite crazy, although it cannot be called the strongest madness, but it is stable for a short time. It is enough to use Shura armor to exert most of its power.

Of course, this is only limited to the Asura Armor summoned by Wang Ming using the Asura Summoner, if he summons the Asura Armor with a card, there are no such restrictions.

"If you summon it, it should be possible to do it. Why do you want to see it?"

"I'm really interested."

Wang Ming answered the question bluntly, and Lu Fa also nodded to express his interest. Then Wang Ming did not hide it, and directly took out the Asura Summoner.

"Since you want to see it, I'll call it out and show it to you."

Wang Ming took out the Shura Summoner as he said that, he pressed down on it in the order of Huofenglei, and finally pressed the start button.

"Asura Armor!"


Swish swish!
After several phantoms and a burst of purple light flashed, Wang Ming successfully summoned the Shura armor. To be honest, this was the first time Wang Ming summoned the Shura armor after he got the Shura summoner. He felt the huge power of the Shura armor. , couldn't help sighing.

"This is really a veritable king's armor."

Wang Ming looked down at the Shura armor he had summoned. It was strange that he didn't feel any discomfort or lack of energy. It felt as if the Shura armor had fully recognized him.

And the strength of Shura's armor perceived by Wang Ming has far surpassed those knights in the ultimate form in Kamen Rider, but the strength of Shura's armor is also limited.

How should I put it, Wang Ming's strength after putting on the Shura armor is equivalent to the ultimate emperor's armor summoned by Ziyang, which is still much worse than the emperor's armor.

After all, there is still a difference. No matter how powerful the Shura armor is, it is also made by the people on Yanxing. This is an artificial product, man-made armor.

As for the emperor's armor incarnated by the Dao of Heaven, it is a product of the sky, and the difference is quite large, but as a man-made armor, it can be regarded as the top.

(End of this chapter)

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