Comprehensive Manga: From the Armored Warriors to Blast Unlimited

Chapter 116 Neighboring Countries Frequented by Natural Disasters

Chapter 116 Neighboring Countries Frequented by Natural Disasters

A few hours later, several people returned to the Ba-Wang Group. Because it was a neighboring country, the distance was not far, and the time for them to return was also very fast.

"Hehehe, yes, you are very good. Wang Ming, your strategy is very good. In this way, I have taken another step towards my resurrection. You have worked hard on this long journey. Let's continue after a day of rest."

Lufa looked at the huge amount of negative energy sent by Sabin and Balu, and laughed triumphantly. He could collect such a huge amount of negative energy once he went out. Gather all the energy needed to resurrect yourself.

And there is no need to worry about the annoying armored warriors coming out to make trouble. If the plan goes well, it will take about a month for him to be truly resurrected, which makes him not happy.

"It's just a fair deal. I always do what I say. If there is nothing else, I will go first."

Seeing Lu Fa's proud look, Wang Ming also had a playful smile on his face, but this smile was fleeting, and soon his face was replaced with a hypocritical smile.

"Wang Ming, you are very good. You are a born bad breed. Have you considered joining my team? I can give you the position of captain. After we return to Ares and seize the Milky Way, you will be a big official of the frontiers." , the big man who rules hundreds of galaxies."

At this time, Lufa also recovered from his joy. He looked at Wang Ming with great satisfaction, and then extended an olive branch. Although there was no entity, several people could feel the meaning of goodwill from his tone.

"Let's talk about it later, at least wait until you are resurrected. It's too early to talk about it now."

Wang Ming replied with a hypocritical smile on his face, he neither accepted nor refused, his attitude was a little vague, making it difficult to figure out, he left after saying this.

"It's a talent, but if you can't join me, it's useless to keep it..."

After Wang Ming completely left the secret room, Lufa let out a creepy self-talk, Sabin and Balu Wenyan lowered their heads in very tacit understanding, pretending they didn't know anything.

After Wang Ming walked out of the Bawang Group, he returned to the hotel where he was staying. It was already daylight, and it was already six or seven o'clock in the morning.

And Wang Ming passed by a square accidentally, and saw the news broadcast on the super-large TV in the center of the square, he couldn't help but twitch his lips.

What was broadcasted above was a big international news. The general content of the news was that because of a small earthquake last night, the underground gas pipeline in the capital of Ouba country exploded violently.

A large number of buildings and roads were damaged, and many passers-by were injured. Fortunately, the Obama army entered the city in time for disaster relief.

This led to the control of this man-made disaster, but it also cost the lives of dozens of young Obama soldiers. This disaster caused Obama to lose hundreds of billions of dollars...

"It saves us the trouble of covering up ourselves. This is the case in a country with a good face, but it is not a bad thing."

Wang Ming commented in a teasing tone, and then he walked straight towards the hotel, and came to Ba-Wang Group early the next morning.

Today, Wang Ming brought Sabin and Balu to Baixiang Kingdom by private jet, but they did not go to the capital of Baixiang Kingdom this time. They came to Mai Muang City, which has the largest traffic flow in Baixiang Kingdom and is also known as the Paris of the East. .

"The sun is too big, there is no scary atmosphere, Sabine, can you do something?"

At this time, Wang Ming and Sabinbaru were standing on a tall building in Mai Mumbai. It was not that Wang Ming liked to climb stairs, but because of the high terrain, it was easy to judge where to start. After all, it is still necessary to destroy and collect negative emotions. It's better to start with the most crowded places.

"It's simple. I know some ways to control mines, and it's no problem to attract some dark clouds."

"Okay, then you should turn this place into a thunderstorm first, and it is best to block the satellites in the sky."


Sabin said in a calm and confident tone, Wang Ming nodded in satisfaction, and then said his request, Sabin didn't hesitate, immediately put down the weapon in his hand, and started to seal with both hands, using Wang Ming Read the words that you don't understand.

Wang Ming looked at this scene with great interest. Although he could call up a dark cloud with a wave of his hand, Wang Ming didn't want to expose his strength.

After a while, a miraculous thing happened. The cloudless sky suddenly appeared from nowhere, covering the whole city of Mumbai. It looks like it's going to rain heavily.

"It's fine, go down and destroy it, I'll fight for you."

"Yes!" ×2
Seeing this, Wang Ming showed a satisfied smile, and then he ordered Sabin and Baru to start collecting negative energy. The two of them didn't dare to be negligent when they heard the words, and jumped off the stairs again.

"Ah! There are monsters!"

"Police, where are the police!"

"No! No!"

After a while, panicked screams came from below. Wang Ming had learned the language of Baixiang Kingdom a little before, so he could understand what these people were screaming.

"I can only blame you for being unlucky, and people who are not of my race don't need to care."

Wang Ming looked at everything that happened below calmly, and then let out a somewhat racially discriminatory exclamation, as if all this had nothing to do with him.

The commotion below also quickly attracted the attention of the army of the White Elephant Kingdom, and to Wang Ming's surprise, the army of the White Elephant Kingdom was extremely mobile, and its efficiency far exceeded that of the Ouba Kingdom's army.

When Wang Ming saw it, he wanted to say that it was awesome. There were more than [-] people sitting on a motorcycle, and ten motorcycles pulled a company, but the combat effectiveness of these guys was really not flattering.

What Wang Ming saw was that they came, they shot, they ran, they ran faster than the people, they didn't have any decent resistance, and they were worse than the army of Ouba.

At least the Ouba army had worked hard before they were desperate, but the Baixiang army fired two shots and found it was useless, so they were so scared that they ran faster than rabbits.

And such a situation, of course, caused the whole city of Mumbai to fall into a great panic and fear. People only cared about running for their lives, while Balu laughed even more wildly.

"Hehehe! Just be afraid, be afraid! Desperate, no one can save you!"

Listening to the standard declaration of a big villain like Balu, Wang Ming couldn't help complaining in his heart, if you change the work, you will definitely not survive three episodes.

(End of this chapter)

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