Comprehensive Manga: From the Armored Warriors to Blast Unlimited

Chapter 125 The Wedding of Xiangyang and Xiaolan

Chapter 125 The Wedding of Xiangyang and Xiaolan
Then Wang Ming moved his mind, and his body shuttled quickly in the universe. Every time he flashed and disappeared, he would span hundreds of thousands of kilometers. This is a kind of use of space.

This is Wang Ming's own ability, not the ability of the King of the Devils. It is his all-encompassing power of heaven. In just a few breaths, Wang Ming returned to the earth and returned to Hope City without any mistakes. middle.

But at this time, Wang Ming could vaguely hear the sound of police sirens, because Wang Ming and Yandi punched each other a few hours ago, causing great damage to the surroundings, and now the ambulances of the fire brigade are shuttled through the street non-stop. alley.

But the matter has come to an end for the time being. As for Lufa's son, An Mixiu, and two other captain-level ghost demons who live in seclusion on the earth and have no ambitions, Wang Ming has no intention of making trouble for them.

Because he is too lazy to take care of these nosy matters, isn't there still three Yanxing armors left on the earth?As for these people wanting to make trouble in the future, that is the task of Xiaotian and the others.

And Wang Ming had already released his transformation before he landed, he landed through spatial displacement, so he didn't need to consider the impact force.

' are so poisonous, you are so poisonous...'

Suddenly Wang Ming's mobile phone rang. Wang Ming picked up the mobile phone and looked at the caller. The caller had vaguely guessed, and he asked with a rare sincere smile on his face.

"Xiangyang, what's wrong?"

"That, that, Brother Wang Ming and Xiaolan's wedding is going to be held the day after tomorrow. Can you come?"

"No problem, I'll be there on time."

Xiang Yang's voice was unusually nervous, but Wang Ming, who had been mentally prepared for a long time, immediately agreed when he heard his words, and Xiang Yang immediately became happy after hearing his words.


Then Wang Ming chatted with Xiang Yang briefly, and after about ten minutes, the two hung up the phone, and Wang Ming also started to prepare to go to City D.

There is nothing to do in Hope City. The apprentices who should be taught have all been taught, and all the things that should be obtained have been obtained. Finally, after Wang Ming got the coordinates of Ares Star from An Mixiu, he left Hope City. city.

One day later, Wang Ming appeared in City D, and after a phone call with Xiang Yang, Wang Ming checked into the hotel where he came before, and it was also the best hotel in the city.

Tomorrow Xiangyang and Xiaolan's wedding will be held here, so naturally Wang Ming will arrive the day before. To be honest, he is still a little bit emotional. The kid in the orphanage back then has already reached the age of marriage. A feeling of vicissitudes of life.

That night, Wang Ming and everyone in the Armor Squad had another drink, but this time they knew that Wang Ming was amazing, so they didn't get too drunk. After all, tomorrow is Xiangyang's wedding. What if they all drink and lie down now? manage?
Soon it was noon the next day, and today was also the day when the wedding officially started. What Xiang Yang and Xiaolan held was a typical Chinese wedding.

So there is no need to go to a place like a church to swear an oath, it is a traditional type of worshiping heaven and earth, and Wang Ming actually met the director of the orphanage, because both of them were invited to the seats of the man's family.

There is a saying that this seniority is actually quite chaotic, Minci is Xiangyang's godmother, Xinnan is Xiaolan's cousin, and then Minci and Xinnan got married.

Question: What should Xiang Yang call Xin Nan?
Question: What should Xiaolan call Minci?
Wang Ming couldn't figure out how to calculate according to seniority. Just thinking about it made his scalp tingle. Fortunately, they were not directly related by blood. This kind of marriage was legally recognized, but in the future It should be very exciting to call each other's pictures.

The wedding went smoothly. In the evening, Xiang Yang and Xiao Lan were happily pushed into the bridal chamber by everyone, and then everyone in the Armor Squad was finally able to drink with Wang Ming indulgently that night.

They are still a little unbelieving, obviously everyone has two eyes and one nose, so why can't you, Wang Ming, get drunk?With such unconvinced thoughts, they were overthrown by Wang Ming again.

Next, Wang Ming stayed in City D for more than a week, and then Wang Ming solemnly bid farewell to everyone, saying that he would continue to go back and live in seclusion.

Whether they can meet in the future depends on fate, and after everyone drank with him for the last time, Wang Ming, who turned everyone over, left the hotel silently.

He came to the road outside the hotel, looked up at the vast starry sky for a while, and then Wang Ming stopped hesitating. With a thought in his mind, the super-dimensional Decade belt appeared around his waist, and Wang Ming pulled out the Asura armor card. inserted into the drive.

"Asura Armor!"


'Armor fit! '

A burst of purple light flashed, and Wang Ming successfully summoned the Shura armor. Now that Wang Ming summoned the Shura armor with a card, he can perfectly display its power, without the restriction of the strongest aura.

In the next second, Wang Ming's figure disappeared in place, leaving only gusts of breeze behind. When he reappeared, he had already arrived at the edge of the solar system. Ability, space teleportation.

One teleportation can cross a star system. This is the limit that Wang Ming can achieve with the Shura armor. If it is the Emperor Armor. Heaven, if he knows the coordinates, Wang Ming can reach Ares with a single thought.

The entire universe can be reached with a single thought. After all, this is Wang Ming's home field. It is completely different from the masked world. His power comes from this series of universes. Although they are not the same universe, they are still very similar.

In this way, Wang Ming started to move towards the direction described by the coordinates, and continuously carried out space teleportation. After teleporting more than 30,000 star systems, he finally arrived at Ares Star.

In terms of the huge macroscopic level of the Milky Way, the Ares star is actually quite close to the earth. After all, the star system is calculated by hundreds of billions in the entire Milky Way.

It is only [-] star systems away, which is quite close. From a macro perspective, the earth is basically at the gate of Ares.

"Is this the Ares star? It's quite spectacular. A planet is bigger than the entire solar system. No wonder it can produce such a powerful army and technology."

Wang Ming looked at Ares Star, which was emitting a faint blue light from the whole planet, and sighed, this level of technology has far surpassed that of the Time King World, and he must have gained a lot this time. .

But when Wang Ming was sighing, several sci-fi aircrafts suddenly flew from afar. Their speed was extremely fast, close to the speed of light, and they arrived in front of Wang Ming in a short while.

(End of this chapter)

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