Chapter 137 Super Beast Armed!

Although the former emperor's armor, the way of heaven is inclusive, and can control the six realms with the way of heaven, that power is not the most perfect after all.

After all, the way of heaven also belongs to one of the six realms. Controlling the six realms by the way of heaven and perfectly controlling the six realms are two concepts. The former is to be able to use its power, and the latter is to realize its essence.

After fully mastering the power of the Six Paths, Wang Ming's combat power will usher in a leapfrog growth, if it is said that he was just an ordinary universe-level combat power before.

Then, after replenishing the power of the Six Paths, Wang Ming will become the group of people with the most peak cosmic combat power. Although he is still far behind the power to touch the multiverse, that day will not be too far away.

Moreover, Wang Ming could feel that with the completion of his six powers, the fresh air produced by practicing the Heavenly Dao Sacred Art in his body began to change.

Originally it was just a wisp of formless qi, but now it has a form, and many other forces have joined into the qi, causing it to change.

It turned into a black and white Tai Chi ball during its extremely fast rotation, and at the bottom of this Tai Chi ball, there was a piece of Eight Diagrams and Six Paths Diagram suspended.

At this time, Wang Ming not only greatly strengthened the strength of his armor, but also his physical strength, mental strength and other personal strengths were also terribly improved.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for the gift!"

"Don't be too polite, you deserve it."

After the emperor saw that Wang Ming had fully adapted to the power he had given him, he also nodded in satisfaction. For so many years, Wang Ming was the first person who could accept his gift.

He also tried before to bestow the Emperor Armor Six Paths on his promising descendants, but all of them failed without exception. No one among his descendants could control this power.

Even if it is only one-sixth of the power of the emperor's armor. Heaven, no one can control it. Only the ultimate emperor's armor that has been greatly weakened can his descendants be able to control it.

He had only given Wang Ming the power of heaven, one of the six realms, and he was just investigating whether Wang Ming could control it, and then he got the answer, Wang Ming perfectly controlled this power.

That's why today the emperor will help Wang Ming complete the remaining five paths, making the emperor's armor a real six-path supreme, and this is the original power of the emperor's armor, at least the emperor can't find it in his hands. A more powerful set of armor.

As for why it was given to Wang Ming for no reason, the entrustment was just an excuse. He wanted to inherit his own power. The stronger the power, the more he would think about these things that ordinary people think are unbelievable. .

"You can take care of yourself. If I have something to do, I will go first. I can stay for a few days to communicate with them before leaving."

The emperor seemed to have completed some mission, and he didn't intend to stay in the Armor Temple any longer, so he just said a word in a hurry and disappeared in place.

After seeing the emperor pass by, all the armored deities were relieved, after all, no one likes their immediate boss, and working with him every day is a lot of pressure, okay?

Then Wang Ming really stayed in the Armor Temple for several days. Of course, his purpose was not very simple. He just had friendly exchanges with those armor deities that hadn't been collected yet under the guise of exchanging ideas.

A week later, Wang Ming completely collected all the armor cards. After all, there is nowhere more complete than the armor in the Armor Temple. Now Wang Ming has collected all the cards of the armor series.

And his mission in this world was also completed, and after saying goodbye to the armor deities, Wang Ming came to the starry sky outside the Armor Temple. At this time, he was able to completely cross the universe starry sky with his physical body.

Not afraid of all kinds of cosmic radiation and extreme temperature at all, he stood on the starry sky like a normal person, then Wang Ming took out the tablet and clicked the icon on it to travel through the world.

"A new world, here I come."

With an expectant smile on Wang Ming's face, he strode into the gray light curtain.


"Huo Linfei, let me ask you what is a parallel universe! If you can't answer it, I will punish you for detention today and doze off in class. It's too much!"

Just as Wang Ming came out of the Dimensional Wall, he heard an old voice reprimanding the student. The student had very eye-catching fiery red short hair. Wang Ming couldn't help but look in the direction of the sound.

Then he found where he was, which seemed to be the door of a school classroom, and the student Wang Ming who was reprimanded in the classroom looked familiar.

Because this can be regarded as one of his childhood memories, Huo Linfei, the hero armed with super beasts!
"It looks like this is a world armed with super beasts, but is it a little early for me to come here? At this time, Ignition Linfei has not even obtained the ability lock."

Wang Ming analyzed the current situation relatively calmly. He is used to time travel now, so whenever he arrives at a new world, Wang Ming will first know whether this world is a world he is familiar with.

If it was a familiar world, everything would be easy, and he would be able to make waves again. If it was an unfamiliar world, then Wang Ming would be more cautious in his actions.

As the saying goes, madness is bound to bring disaster. Before knowing the highest combat power in a world, Wang Ming will still behave relatively low-key.

And at this moment, a beautiful girl with pink hair suddenly emerged from Wang Ming's side. Wang Ming was also taken aback when he saw this pink-haired girl.

Because he also knows this pink-haired girl, isn't this Tian Yu, a member of the protagonist group?

Tian Yu was holding a photo of Huo Linfei at this time, and compared it with Huo Linfei in the classroom, Wang Ming probably understood when he saw this, Tian Yu's appearance meant that the plot should start.

A new cycle of 100,000 years begins now!
Wang Ming didn't strike up a conversation with Tian Yu, and the other party didn't want to pay attention to him. From Tian Yu's point of view, Wang Ming was just a passer-by, and there was nothing worth caring about.

And Wang Ming really pretended to be a passer-by, and walked past the classroom door very naturally, and then at a corner, he used a little trick to block all his breath and make himself invisible.

At this time, after Wang Ming obtained the power of the Six Paths, he had mastered new abilities. Now he can use many skills without transforming himself or summoning armor, because the power of the Six Paths is almost all-encompassing.

Basically, there are no skills that he doesn't know. In layman's terms, Wang Ming's ability now has a taste of being able to follow the law, which was impossible for him to do with the power of heaven alone.

The Six Paths is a reincarnation, and the 100,000 years of the Super Beast Armor is also a reincarnation. Wang Ming thinks that he should benefit a lot here.

(End of this chapter)

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