Chapter 144 Release the Seal of Hades

"Report, a powerful fluctuation of different energy has been detected on the earth!"

At this moment, the report from the soldiers from the underworld interrupted their conversation. Both the Lion King and the Silver Lion General couldn't help but look at the big screen. Seeing this, the Lion King seemed to understand something.

"It must be the Xuanwu spaceship. They are here to intercept us. They must want to snatch the Xuanming key back."

"Hmph, overreaching, my lord, I'll take the forward troops to annihilate them!"

General Silver Lion said confidently. Looking at his confident look, the Lion King also knew that he had made up his mind to go, so he was not going to stop him. After all, they really needed someone to stay behind to prevent the Xuanwu spacecraft from flying. catch up.

"If that's the case, then you all stay here, and I'll return to the underworld first, and make a decision after the Pluto wakes up."


After thinking for a while, the Lion King gave an order, and then he and Wang Ming took a small spaceship and left the first parallel universe first.

The spacecraft broke through the wormhole and traveled through many parallel universes, and soon came to the fifth parallel universe where Pluto was located, and because of the extremely precise positioning.

When the spaceship landed, it was already outside Pluto’s palace. Wang Ming and the Lion King got off the spaceship. He looked at the shimmering majestic building in front of him curiously, while the Lion King walked up to Wang Ming and said .

"I'll call the door."

After finishing speaking, he didn't wait for Wang Ming to express anything, he directly charged up a huge ball of light in his hand, and then smashed it hard on the ground. After the ball of light landed, a circle of six-pointed star appeared.

Then the lion king's super beast, the Iron Lion, emerged from it. After the Iron Lion appeared, it was also very cooperative, and let out a fierce roar at the gate of the palace.

This roar is deafening and makes one's heart tremble. This is the coercion from the top predators in the food chain, and its roar seems to be useful.

The gate of the palace opened slowly. Ye Lingyun, Whale Shark King, and Long Ying came out from inside. They and the Lion King were the four strongest protectors under Pluto!

"Did you get it back?"

The Whale Shark King asked indifferently. After hearing his words, the Lion King turned and looked at Wang Ming. Wang Ming took out the box containing the Key of Xuanming and weighed it.

"It's in there."

The three had already noticed Wang Ming, but after all, he was brought back by the Lion King, so the three of them didn't have much to say. Since the Key of Xuanming had already been obtained, there was no need to care so much about some minor details.

"Let's go, go to revive Lord Pluto."

The lion king also said indifferently, and then he led Wang Ming towards the palace, and Ye Lingyun and the others followed behind the lion king.

Several people came to the main hall, and Ye Lingyun and the three of them faced the Xuanming Coffin in the center of the hall, kneeling on one knee in great respect, while the Lion King and Wang Ming came in front of the Xuanming Coffin.

"Just put the Xuanming Key in it."

The Lion King pointed to a depression in the center of the coffin of Xuanming and said to Wang Ming. Wang Ming nodded, then opened the box, took out the key of Xuanming, and he put it into the depression without hesitation.

The next second, the coffin of Xuanming opened suddenly, and a faint blue light shot up into the sky, piercing the eyes of several people present, and then the whole hall began to shake violently.

The terrifying energy shock wave instantly spread to the seven parallel universes. This force was so powerful that the faces of everyone who could feel it changed suddenly.

"The coffin of Xuanming has finally been opened... Could it be that this is also predestined?"

Feeling this powerful energy, Xuan Yizi, who was still in the first parallel universe, couldn't help but muttered to himself, and the powerful existences in the other six parallel universes were awakened one after another, and now everyone knows.

The seal of Pluto has been lifted!

"What's the situation, Pluto?"

Wang Ming said with some doubts that there was no change in the Xuanming Coffin at this time except that it was opened, and there were no corpses or the like in the Xuanming Coffin, only a faint energy light curtain.

"It will take some time for Lord Pluto to accumulate strength before he can fully wake up. Now he has just lifted the seal, so we have to protect the fifth parallel universe before Lord Pluto wakes up."

The Lion King stood up and explained something, and Wang Ming nodded clearly when he heard the words. It is a very traditional setting of breaking through levels and fighting bosses. If the protagonist group wants to prevent the resurrection of Hades, they must break through levels one by one.

And the four in front of me are obviously the little bosses who guard the level in the legend. They can wipe out the protagonists together, but they have to stay in their own parallel worlds, waiting for the protagonist to come up and fight righteously. Ming didn't know whether to say they were conceited or really stupid.

"Xuan Yizi has sealed all my subordinates just now, but he also sealed himself in. Now the Xuanwu is flying to the second universe. Who will intercept it?"

Suddenly, the lion king seemed to have received some news, he looked around and said, and at this time Long Ying also stood up directly, she said with a cold snort.

"Let me go, it's time for the blood debt to be paid in blood."

"I'll go as well."

Wang Ming said suddenly, Long Ying gave him a strange look, she still hasn't figured out the details of Wang Ming, but the words of the lion king dispelled her worries.

"It's best if you are willing to go, Long Yin, you two should cooperate well, Wang Ming is not weaker than me."

The lion king looked at Long Ying and said very seriously, and he raised himself a little bit, he didn't mention anything about being beaten up by Wang Ming on the earth just now.

"In that case, then you come with me."

Long Ying thought for a while but did not refuse, and then she led Wang Ming out of the hall. After the two left, Ye Lingyun and Whale Shark King asked the Lion King for proof.

"Is he really that strong? I've never heard of such a character in the seven parallel universes."

"Indeed, I can't even feel the slightest flow of supernatural energy in him, and he looks like an ordinary person."

Regarding the doubts of the two, the lion king just said a word, and then blocked their mouths.

"I've already had a fight with him just now, and I can't beat him."


Half a day later, the second parallel universe.

"Why did you bring so many people here? If you stop Huo Linfei and the others, this level of combat power is not enough. If you come, you will just die."

Wang Ming looked at the many female warriors of the Scorpion clan brought by Long Ying and asked them with great interest. To Wang Ming's question, Long Ying just replied lightly.

"I waited for 100,000 years, and I finally waited until today. Every 100,000 years, there are only seven days to travel to other parallel universes. How could I pass up such a good opportunity? The blood debt must be paid with blood."

(End of this chapter)

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