Comprehensive Manga: From the Armored Warriors to Blast Unlimited

Chapter 158 The Whale Shark King's Mouth Cannon

Chapter 158 Whale Shark King's Mouth Cannon (1)

Following the sound of the voice prompt on the belt, Wang Ming successfully changed into Tai Lei's armament, which was also one of his goals, relying on the camouflage of this armament, and then went to brush the bond value of the Whale Shark King.

Here, by the way, the super-dimensional Decade belt is not only able to use the abilities of characters who can transform. For those characters who do not have the ability to transform, the super-dimensional Decade belt will directly add the abilities of the characters to Wang Ming's. body.

This is also one of the strengths of the super-dimensional Decade belt. For example, Pluto does not need to transform to have a powerful nebula body power. If Wang Ming gets the Pluto card, he will not become Pluto, but But can use all the abilities of Pluto.

And this form is called: Ability to control!

"Here they are, kill them!"

The Whale Shark tribe drove four-wheeled off-road motorcycles and ran towards them. Wang Ming showed a trace of disdain when he saw this.

Then he took the initiative to rush towards those little guys on motorcycles!

"Ban Lei Jue!"

There were arcs of electric arcs on Wang Ming's body, and his figure turned into a jumping thunder in the next second, shuttling among the whale shark clansmen who came to strangle them.


It was just a face-to-face meeting, and in less than two seconds, all these whale shark tribe members were directly killed by Wang Ming. Their bodies exploded directly, turning into light spots and disappearing into the sky and the earth.

"Okay, so strong."

Tai Lei couldn't help sighing after seeing this scene, but at this moment, a calm and indifferent voice from a distance reached everyone's ears, and following the voice came a dark blue figure, who was coming It's the Whale Shark King!

"Taylor, I am very disappointed in your performance."

"Whale Shark King, I don't want to be your slave anymore!"

Facing the Whale Shark King this time, Tai Lei finally bravely said what was in his heart, but the Whale Shark King was not angry about it, he still spoke calmly.

"Of course you are not a slave. The strong are never slaves. It's a pity that you are on the wrong team."

"What's wrong with standing on the wrong team? He's called abandoning the dark and turning to the light, no, he's called turning over and becoming the master!"

Huo Linfei couldn't help but refute. Originally, the Whale Shark King didn't pay attention to Huo Linfei, but Huo Linfei's words attracted his attention.

"Huo Linfei, you trespassed into my territory without permission, and even killed my subordinates, do you know the consequences?"

"I don't care who you are, since we are here, we must save the slaves in this land!"

Facing the gaze of the Whale Shark King, Huo Linfei directly turned back, and the Whale Shark King couldn't help laughing out loud as if he had heard some big joke after hearing what Huo Linfei said.

"Hahaha, save? How do you save?"

"Does it still need to be said? It must destroy you!"

Huo Linfei said confidently, but Whale Shark King still answered with a smile.

"Hehehe, even if you defeat me, do you think you can save the slaves here?"

"Can't you?"

"There is a kind of people in this world. Although they are human beings, they have never lived a life of their own. They live everything according to the wishes of others. This kind of people existed before the ages, and they will not disappear after the ages. Such people will never be free, because their hearts have long been imprisoned in chains."

Huo Linfei was a little speechless by the words of the Whale Shark King, and he pondered for a while before speaking.

"You don't enslave them, do they?"

"No, even if you unshackle these slaves physically, can you unshackle their minds? Even if you defeat me, do you think they will be free? Wrong, they will need another strong man sooner or later Come rule them!"

Whale Shark King's tone was sonorous and firm, which made people feel convincing. Huo Linfei was speechless after being stunned, but Long Jian stood up to refute.

"Who said that slaves must have a strong man to rule them? Can't they lead themselves!"

"Hahaha, your innocence is beyond my imagination, do you think it's okay?"

Whale Shark King was amused by Long Jian's words again, he turned his eyes to Tai Lei and said.

"Taylor, tell them if it's okay."


Tai Lei was silent for a long time without saying any rebuttals, because he remembered the uprising and resistance led by him last time, and the performance of the Golden Elephants made him terribly disappointed, and his appearance basically acquiesced to the Whale Shark King's statement .

"In fact, there is more or less slavishness in everyone, and this kind of servility is greater in slaves, and strong people like us should never pity these weak people who are full of servility, because this kind of Pity is pointless!"

The Whale Shark King took advantage of the victory to pursue and launched his mouth cannon skills again. The three of Huo Linfei were all silenced. They were speechless, and the more they thought about it, the more they felt that what they said seemed reasonable. All three of them lowered their heads and began to doubt life.

'The Whale Shark King is brainwashing the super beast fighters. '

Wang Ming stood quietly and listened to the secret thought in his heart. He was in a very complicated mood now. Although he knew that the villain of Super Beast World could speak well, he didn't expect it to be so powerful.

"Come on everyone, join the ranks of us strong, the world will become better because of us strong, only the strong can guide the weak to create a better future!"

The Whale Shark King spoke more and more vigorously. His high-pitched voice was full of bewitching power. The three of them once again shook their confidence. Seeing this, Wang Ming knew that it was time for him to act.

Anyway, he just wanted to find an excuse to fight with the Whale Shark King, so if he interrupted now, he could also draw the Whale Shark King's hatred by the way, so why not do it?

"No, you are simply arguing. This is the common home of the Golden Elephants and Whale Sharks. The earth is so big, can't it accommodate the two races? And don't forget, if Yuanzheng hadn't deliberately condoned , How could your Whale Shark Clan overthrow the rule of the Golden Elephant Clan.

It's a pity that Yuanzheng's idea is good, but he misunderstood the inherent evil of human nature, which is far greater than love, but this is not a record that you can boast about every day. As long as that old man thinks about it, he can kill all the members of your Whale Shark Clan at any time. Unfortunately, he is too pedantic and still remembers that agreement, otherwise you wouldn't have the right to speak. "

A very uncomfortable smile was drawn on the corner of Wang Ming's mouth. He walked up to the three of them and said to the Whale Shark King. After hearing Wang Ming's words, the confident smile on the Whale Shark King's face froze.

His face gradually became a bit ugly, Wang Ming's words hit his sore spot, Whale Shark King turned his head to look at Wang Ming indifferently and said.

"You, this is courting death."

(End of this chapter)

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