Chapter 165 Rescue Yuanzheng
Tai Lei frowned after hearing the words of the Whale Shark King, and found that the matter was not simple, while Yuan Zheng looked at the Whale Shark King very calmly and said.

"I know you hate the ugliness of human nature, but you still forget that there is one thing that can change everything, and that is love."

"Yuanzheng, for the past 100,000 years, you have been accompanying these slaves in an attempt to influence them, but have you ever succeeded? History always repeats ugly scenes."

The Whale Shark King refuted Yuan Zheng's words with disdain, while Wang Ming and Long Ying hid in the crowd and watched the debate between them, which was quite interesting.

"The difference between a realist and an idealist."

Wang Ming gave his own evaluation of the two, and he was more inclined to the concept of the whale shark king. Yuan Zheng's concept was too idealized. Wang Ming felt that he was not that kind of naive person, so he was not very acceptable.

"The biggest difference between love and hate is that love can make people look forward to the future, but hate can only make people think of the painful past."

Yuanzheng's belief remained firm and unwavering, while Whale Shark King shook his head in disdain, then said with a sneer.

"Since you are so stubborn, then I will use the cruelty of reality to destroy your belief in love."

"The battle spirit of the dark abyss, give the right to burn again!"

The Whale Shark King raised his right hand and yelled loudly. In the next second, something happened that made the scalps of all the Golden Elephants go numb. The Whale Shark Warriors who had been knocked down and died all climbed up again.

They were resurrected intact!

"It's a good method. You can actually use your own supernatural energy to revive your subordinates."

Seeing this, Wang Ming also felt a little novel. This kind of control over energy is really amazing, but this method of resurrection is only useful to the whale shark tribe.

After the resurrection of these Whale Shark fighters, they all rode off-road motorcycles to stand behind the Whale Shark King quietly, but the Whale Shark King did not issue an attack order immediately.

Instead, he walked slowly towards a member of the Golden Elephant Clan and looked down at him. When the member of the Golden Elephant Clan saw the Whale Shark King approaching, he was so frightened that he trembled and couldn't speak.

Whale Shark King first patted the shoulder of the Golden Elephant who was closest to him, then pointed to Yuan Zheng and said to all the Golden Elephants.

"Don't be afraid, you won't die, and you don't have to die, as long as you are willing to help me kill him!"


Before the members of the Golden Elephant Clan could express anything, Tai Lei was the first to rush towards the Whale Shark King, and then he was sent flying by the Whale Shark King's punch.

The members of the Golden Elephant tribe, who were already vacillating, began to shake their will violently after seeing Tai Lei, who led them to rebel, being punched to the ground.

"I'll say it again for the last time, as long as you help me kill Yuanzheng, you don't have to die!"

"I, I kill!"

The member of the Golden Elephant Clan closest to the Whale Shark King stabbed at Yuan Zheng with a spear in his hand, and when the first person came up, the other members of the Golden Elephant Clan rushed towards Yuan Zheng with their spears. .


Yuanzheng was a little shocked, a little puzzled, and looked at the Jinxiang clansmen who were facing him with a little heartache. For a moment, he felt all hope was lost, and he didn't even have the consciousness of resistance. He actually wanted to die in an instant .

"Hehehe, they are indeed a group of hopeless slaves. What you said, Whale Shark King, is correct."

Bang bang bang!

Just when Yuanzheng was about to be stabbed to death by dozens of spears, a ridiculous laughter suddenly sounded in the field, and then those members of the Golden Elephant Clan flew upside down, lying on the ground and unable to get up.

At this moment, everyone came to their senses and looked in the direction of the voice, and then they saw a magenta figure with a purple light shining on its forehead. It was Wang Ming's Decade passion form.

"who are you?"

Whale Shark King looked at Wang Ming suspiciously, mainly because Wang Ming's voice sounded familiar to him, but Wang Ming was too lazy to explain so much, so he said something with a light smile.

"It's just a passing Kamen Rider."

"No matter who you are, as long as you dare to stop me, there is only one dead end."

Whale Shark King said lightly, his tone was very calm, as if he was telling a fact, but Wang Ming pointed behind him and said with a smile.

"Compared to me, you should deal with them now, shouldn't you?"

The Whale Shark King couldn't help but turn his head to look, and then he found that the three of them, Huo Linfei, who had fully recovered, were staring at him.

"So that's it, did you run to restore the power? Interesting, the three of you go together."

"No, it's four!"

The Whale Shark Dynasty caught Huo Linfei and they hooked their hands, looking very disdainful, but Tai Lei suddenly walked from the crowd to Huo Linfei and the others. Now the situation is four against one.

"Super Beast, Armed!" ×4
The four of Huo Linfei shouted in unison and summoned their super beast, and then Huo Linfei, Long Jian, and Tian Yu performed the super beast god triad again.

"Super beast god, fit together!"

After a while, the situation on the field became two-on-one again, but Huo Linfei's super beast god triad, in terms of strength, is not inferior to the Whale Shark King. It is obvious that the Whale Shark King is at a disadvantage, but he is still calm Calm look.

"Super beast, armed!"

The Whale Shark King also snorted, and in the next second, a dark blue steel whale emerged from the desert behind him, and the Whale Shark King jumped into the Whale Shark Beast and turned into a light spot.

"Let me test you brats, what kind of abilities do you have, dare to provoke me again and again."

The Whale Shark King said coldly, and then took the initiative to attack Tai Lei and the Super Beast God. The two sides were on the verge of firing, and a fierce battle began.

Huo Linfei and Tai Lei consciously led the Whale Shark King away from here. After all, there are too many people here and it is easy to accidentally injure them. After a while, the three huge robots hit farther and farther away and disappeared.

"Elder Yuanzheng, I have an unfeeling request, can you fight with me?"

After Wang Ming rescued Yuanzheng, he didn't leave immediately. Instead, he stood there as if watching a show, watching the actions of Whale Shark King and Huo Linfei, and waited until they were far away before Wang Ming made his request.

"I'm tired of fighting and don't want to fight."

As expected, Wang Ming's request was rejected by Yuan Zheng, but Wang Ming was not discouraged, he still had a faint smile on his face, but people outside couldn't see him smiling.

Wang Ming took out his tablet and directly bound the bond value with Yuanzheng. After all, this is the strongest person under Pluto and Snow Emperor in the super beast world, and his bond value Wang Ming will not let go.

(End of this chapter)

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