Chapter 167 Fighting Yuanzheng

"Come on then!"

Wang Ming let out a low cry, and it was also rare that he was aroused to fight. A strong blue flame burst out from his body. The next second, a blue flame dragon traversed the stars. This was Wang Ming's illusion. Something like dharma.

"Young man, you have some skills."

Yuan Zheng also commented calmly, and then the nebula body behind him also began to enlarge rapidly, and after a while, it became the same level as the blue flame dragon, which was because he increased the intensity of the nebula body release.

In the next second, the blue flame dragon let out a terrifying roar, which was more like a different kind of electromagnetic pulse than a roar, and then the blue flame dragon rushed towards Yuanzheng's nebula body, In the next moment, an extremely shocking picture appeared in the starry sky.

The blue flame giant dragon, which was comparable in size to the star system, fought fiercely with the golden giant of the same size in the starry sky. The aftermath of every collision between the two sides could shatter many planets.

The blue flame dragon soars and dances in the starry sky. Every time it spits flames, it can burn a large area of ​​the starry sky, and the flames it spews far exceed the temperature of the stars.

But the golden giant was not bad at all, he was able to bear the flames of the blue flame dragon, and counterattacked with fists and feet. The two sides fought fiercely in the starry sky.

The blue flame dragon flicked its tail and slapped the golden giant's back fiercely. A large number of stars exploded where its tail passed, and the flames of the stars were absorbed by it, further fueling its attack power!
The golden giant was caught off guard, and it flew forward tens of light-years before stopping. The two sides fought inside, and they still felt a little bit bound.


The golden giant seemed to be a little annoyed when he was whipped. He clenched his fists and began to accumulate energy. After a while, an unimaginably terrifying thunder light lit up on his fists.

Many people have seen thunder and lightning, but few people may have seen the thunder and lightning light ball that is the size of half a star system, and Wang Ming saw it today.

"Black Hole Dragon Flame!"

Seeing that the other party was about to magnify his moves, Wang Ming naturally wouldn't sit still. He controlled the mouth of the blue flame giant dragon, and then the vast starry sky where Wang Ming was located became completely dark and dull.

Because the flames of the stars in the surrounding starry sky were all sucked away by the unformed black hole in the mouth of the giant dragon. This move is a flame created by combining the properties of a black hole, and it is a flame with devouring power!
Before Yuanzheng could make a move, Wang Ming started to preemptively strike. A terrifying beam of black flame shot out from the mouth of the giant blue flame dragon, and shot directly at the golden giant dozens of light-years away!

"go with!"

Just when the terrifying black flame beam was about to hit the golden giant, the golden giant also violently threw the huge thunderball in its hand!

The terrifying thunderbolt and the black flame collided head-on, and a large amount of lightning light bloomed in the starry sky. Thunderbolts that could directly shatter the planet sputtered out from the intersection of the attacks of the two sides.

For a moment, the space was slightly distorted and trembling, as if it could not withstand this terrifying energy bombardment, but the stalemate between the two sides did not last long.

After all, the energies released by both sides are extremely violent, and it would be a miracle to be able to stalemate for a while, and most of the results will directly produce an extremely terrifying explosion.

The fact is exactly the same, after a while, the two streams of energy began to explode violently, and the light produced at the moment of the explosion directly flooded the entire metaspace.

Just like the big bang that opened up the universe, everything lost its color in front of it, and the entire metaspace began to tremble uncontrollably, as if it was about to shatter.

But fortunately, Yuanzheng took action in time to stabilize the stability of the metaspace, otherwise the metaspace would be broken, and this energy would leak to the outside world, and the entire earth would be destroyed in an instant.

The blow of the two of them has already surpassed the power of the galaxy level. If it weren't for the special existence of the Yuan space, Yuan Zheng would not be able to perfectly stabilize the space inside.

After about 2 minutes, the aftermath of the explosion gradually dissipated, and the situation of looking at this piece of metaspace at this time is simply horrible.

When I first came in, the bright stars all over the sky had completely disappeared, only a few sporadic stars who were lucky enough not to be affected were still shining their own light stubbornly, so as not to make the entire metaspace dim.

Except for a few sporadic stars emitting light, there are only two light sources left in the entire starry sky, one is a blue flame dragon that looks a little broken, and the other is a golden giant with a slightly dimmed light.

The two behemoths stood quietly facing each other in the starry sky, both of them were recovering slowly, and Wang Ming felt a rare feeling of excitement at this moment.

Although he could use the cosmic-level armor to hang Yuanzheng, but that would be too boring. Anyway, it's all about bond value, so it's better to choose someone who is evenly matched to fight with the opponent, which is more interesting.

"However, this old man has not fought for 100,000 years, and now the fight is really a bit fierce."

After Wang Ming took a breath, he took out his tablet and glanced at it, and then he found that the bond value had soared to 80.00%. It is estimated that after a few more rounds and a big move or something, his bond value will be maxed out. .

From this, Wang Ming can see that the old man said no, but his body is very honest. Everything else can be faked, but the bond value cannot be faked.

There is no deep hatred between the two, and there is only one reason why the bond value has increased so quickly, and that is the high fighting spirit of old man Yuanzheng.

"Can Elder Yuanzheng still fight? I think you, an old bone, shouldn't be able to withstand any trouble."

Wang Ming shouted to Yuan Zheng across dozens of light years through his mind, and Yuan Zheng also responded through his mind.

"Young man, I admit that you have some strength, but it's not that easy to defeat the old man. You should rest enough, let's continue!"

Yuanzheng's voice was full of energy, and there was no sign of weakness at all. As soon as he finished speaking, he rushed towards Wang Ming. The huge golden giant raised a fist as big as a planet, and smashed towards Wang Ming!

"Elder Yuanzheng, you don't talk about martial arts ethics and engage in sneak attacks!"

Not to be outdone, Wang Ming replied, then flicked the dragon's tail and slammed it towards the golden giant's head!

In the next second, the fist and the dragon's tail collided fiercely!
The strength of the two parties has reached the point of breaking through the laws of physics, directly breaking the laws of physics that cannot transmit sound in a vacuum, and this dull bang spread throughout the metaspace!
(End of this chapter)

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