Chapter 176 Pluto's Philosophy

Just when Wang Ming wanted to continue talking to Pluto, Pluto seemed to have a feeling in his heart, and he turned his head and said something to Lion King in a low voice.

"Notify Ye Lingyun to bring the super beast warriors here."


The Lion King responded very respectfully, and then turned on the communicator in his hand to send a message to Ye Lingyun. About half an hour after the Lion King's message was sent, Ye Lingyun brought Huo Linfei and the others to the outside of Hades Palace.

The lion king took the initiative to go out to meet them, looking at Huo Linfei and his party outside the palace, the lion king said with some emotion.

"I didn't expect that we would inevitably become rivals in the end. Maybe I shouldn't have returned the ability lock to you in the first place."

"Although I don't know why you locked the ability to me, I still want to thank you here."

Huo Linfei was also very serious, while the Lion King shook his head and said lightly.

"You don't need to thank me. What has been done will be done again later. What has been done will be done again. Before that, let me try your weight."

Then the lion king didn't talk nonsense, he directly summoned the super beast and attacked them. Except for Tian Yu, none of them had adapted to the gravity environment of the underworld, so only Tian Yu could summon the super beast to fight against it.

However, there is no need to go into too much detail about the battle process, it was just a unilateral beating. After a few rounds, Tian Yu was beaten until he lost his super beast status, and was held in the hands of the Lion King.

However, the Lion King didn't intend to play with them for real. He just wanted to show them off. Now that his goal has been achieved, he naturally started to talk about business.

"Come with me, Lord Pluto wants to see you."

Speaking of the Lion King, he walked into the light curtain of the gate of the palace first. Huo Linfei and the others looked at each other and followed. They passed through the light curtain and saw Pluto sitting on the main seat at a glance , and Wang Ming sitting on the side.

"Hey, aren't you a guy!?"

Huo Linfei looked at Wang Ming and immediately remembered that this guy seemed to be constantly showing his presence, but he had nothing to do with him.


Wang Ming greeted them with a relaxed smile on his face, while Hades looked at the super beast warriors and said in a calm tone.

"You are here, welcome to my world, Huo Linfei, are you here to prevent my resurrection?"

"That's right!"

Huo Linfei's tone was very firm. Pluto pondered for a while and clenched his fist, looking a little angry, but in the end he let go of his fist and continued to ask calmly.

"Then why are you here to stop me from being resurrected?"

"If you are resurrected, you will rule the entire universe, so our super beast team must stop you!"

Huo Linfei replied quite naturally, after hearing what he said, Pluto continued to ask without any major mood swings.

"Okay, if you succeed and I don't come back to life, who are you going to let take over these parallel universes?"

"We will not take over any universe, we will let the ethnic groups of each universe manage themselves!"

Tai Lei stood up and answered firmly, while Pluto asked calmly.

"Then if there is a conflict between these parallel universes, who will take charge of the overall situation? Is it you? Is it you? Or you?"

Pluto pointed his fingers at the members of the Super Beast team one by one. Several people were obviously asked by Pluto's question, and finally Long Jian stood up and said.

"There is no need for anyone to preside over the overall situation. Their conflicts can be resolved by themselves."

"If you let them solve it by themselves, then the strong must defeat the weak, and you are actually condoning the emergence of another strong. Since you can tolerate the emergence of another strong, why can't this strong be me? ?”

Pluto's words completely confused the four members of the Super Beast team. The four looked at each other and didn't know how to answer. In the end, Long Jian, who had a quicker brain, stood up and said.

"If such a violent conflict really occurs, then we will definitely help the righteous party!"

"Very well, this means that you want to uphold justice, but do you know? This is actually something that only rulers will do, because only rulers can judge right from wrong according to their own will, only rulers can Carry out so-called upholding justice."

Silence, and a long silence, Pluto's words completely stumped everyone in the Super Beast team, and Wang Ming looked on the sidelines and exclaimed.

Neither the previous Whale Shark King nor Ye Lingyun had such an excellent silence effect. When they came to Pluto, they basically asked a question, and the members of the Super Beast team were silent for a while.

It can be seen from this that Pluto's mouthpiece is so deep that Wang Ming even felt that everyone in the Super Beast team was thinking: It's broken!Am I a villain?
"Even if we take over these universes, we will never restrict other people's freedom, will they invade each other, we will make these universes better!"

In the end, it was Tai Lei who stood up and said, seeing that he had been chatted to death the previous day, he immediately changed the subject, and began to criticize Pluto from the perspective of ruling philosophy. I have to say that his move is relatively smart, but unfortunately his opponent is Pluto .

"Great, since you are so confident, then let you take over the seven parallel universes."

Pluto's words were not surprising, and everyone looked at him in shock as soon as he said this, and Huo Linfei couldn't hold back and stood up and asked directly.

"what do you mean?"

"Aren't you trying to overthrow me? Your mission has been fulfilled. When I reach the heights, I find myself always alone. No one talks to me. The lonely winter makes me tremble. What do I want to do in the heights? "

Just when Pluto wanted to continue to say something, Long Jian looked at the last light above Pluto's head and said loudly.

"He's stalling for time. The last light is about to go out. After this light goes out, he has fully recovered. Go and stop him now!"

Long Jian's words completely made Huo Linfei and the others lose their interest in talking to Pluto, and they immediately rushed towards Pluto!

"Who dares to be presumptuous!"

The Lion King stepped forward and shouted sharply, Ye Lingyun also stepped forward and walked to his side, and then the two of them fought with everyone from the Super Beast team in the hall.

Wang Ming still sat beside Pluto with a smile on his face, acting as the last barrier. With him, no one could prevent Pluto's resurrection.

Obviously, the four members of the Super Beast Team couldn't break through the protection of the Lion King and Ye Lingyun. When the battle situation reached a stalemate, a green figure rushed in from outside the hall, holding a kitchen knife in his hand shouted.

"No matter how skilled you are, you are still afraid of kitchen knives. Pluto, I, Slender Jun, are here to destroy you! Wow! Kill!"

(End of this chapter)

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