Chapter 185 I want to fight ten!
The blue race is a relatively rare scientific research race in the kingdom of light. The blue race is easy to identify, and they are blue all over. They generally don't take part in battles. Many new combat technologies and transformation tools have been released.

However, the Blue Race is the race that is most likely to produce Erwuzi. It is not once or twice that the Kingdom of Light has been cheated by the Erwuzi of the Blue Race. Combat?
Then there are some mixed-race Ultraman, which cannot be counted as a single race. The most famous of them is Ultraman Zero, who has the characteristics of the red and blue races.

Moreover, the race of the Ultramen is not very hereditary. It is normal for a couple of the red race to give birth to a child of the blue race. It feels like giving birth to a baby like a lottery.

So in the Kingdom of Light, race does not represent status, but everyone's division of labor is different, which is very similar to the structure of an ant colony.

"Human, who are you? What is your business in the Kingdom of Light?"

Just when Wang Ming was thinking wildly, the Red Race Ultra warrior asked Wang Mingfa. What he said was in Japanese, just like Wang Ming was in Shiwang World before, and all he heard was Japanese.

"It's just a Kamen Rider passing by, remember it for me."


The Ultra Warrior of the Red Race felt a little strange after hearing this new term, but Wang Ming had already pulled out a card from his waist.


'Kamen Rider'

'Every devil Zi-O! '

'Blessed moment!The supreme, the good, the great, and the mighty king!Meet the devil Zi-O! '

With the majestic voice on the belt, a huge phantom clock appeared behind Wang Ming, and the next moment the phantom clock rotated rapidly, and Wang Ming successfully transformed into the king of the magic time!

Seeing this movement, the Ultra fighter immediately became vigilant. Although Wang Ming was about the size of a mung bean in front of him, he still didn't dare to relax his vigilance.

"What the hell do you want?"

"I want to hit ten!"

Wang Ming stretched out an index finger and said arrogantly, and then he took out a gigantic card and inserted it into the driver. The next moment, Wang Ming also turned into a giant more than 50 meters high. equal.


"Very well, there are three plans for the next one. First, gather the Ultra Alliance as the main force, and then the rescue team to rescue Princess Julian. This formation will be centered on Melos of the Galaxy Rescue Team, and finally we will Galactic Guard, we are going to investigate the movements of the Absoluts."

In the main hall of the Kingdom of Light, the father of Ultra is assigning tasks to the most urgent matters that the Kingdom of Light needs to deal with at present. There are many famous Ultra fighters listening quietly.


But at this moment, everyone only felt the ground under their feet tremble slightly, and the father of Otto felt a little strange, so he couldn't help asking in a deep voice.

"What happened?"


But before anyone could answer his question, the gate of the main hall was suddenly kicked away, and the gate made of unknown materials fell to the ground with a loud bang.

Then many red figures flew in from the outside, and fell in front of Ultra's father. They were Ultra fighters of the Red Race, and even among the Red Race, they were relatively powerful. Ultra warrior.

"There are powerful enemies...invading..."

Among them, the only Ultraman of the Red race who was still awake, just barely passed out after finishing this sentence, and after hearing his words, all the Ultra warriors present focused their eyes on the gate.

Then everyone saw a figure who was about the same height as them, and whose body was mainly black and gold, walked in slowly. The person who came was Wang Ming, who had become the king of the time of the devil after being transformed into a giant.

At this time, Wang Ming felt very good. He didn't know that he hadn't changed into the Demon King before. When he changed, he was startled. In the Ultra Universe, he could actually use the full power of the Demon.

One must know that the King of Time, who possesses the full power of meeting demons, is a terrifying existence that Wang Ming uses the emperor's armor.

"Who are you, and why did you force your way into the Kingdom of Light?"

After Zhongao saw Wang Ming, they all wanted to fight him directly, but Otto's father waved his hand to signal Zhongao not to act rashly for the time being.

"It's just a Kamen Rider passing by, remember it for me."

"Knight? Is there something similar to Mirror Knight?"

There was a frivolous smile in Wang Ming's tone, while Sai Luo murmured to himself thoughtfully. Otto's father nodded and asked in a deep voice.

"What is your purpose in coming to the Kingdom of Light?"

"No purpose, just want to find someone to fight, I want to single out the entire Kingdom of Light."

"Are you kidding, we don't have time to mess around with you here!"

Wang Ming bluntly stated his purpose, and then he was reprimanded by Leo. This person can be regarded as the ceiling of fighting skills in the Kingdom of Light, the captain of the Austrian King's personal guard, although the Austrian King does not seem to need to kiss him very much. The guard is it.

"I'm not joking with you, you have to fight if you fight, or you have to fight if you don't fight, otherwise I will destroy the Kingdom of Light."

"Who can't say big words!"

Wang Ming's words were very arrogant and quite unbearable. After hearing his words, Leo couldn't help but rushed towards him.

And this time Otto's father didn't stop him, presumably he had already judged Wang Ming as an enemy, and was going to let Leo send Wang Ming away.

After all, Leo's strength is among the top group of people in the entire Kingdom of Light, even in the universe. It should not be difficult to defeat such an unknown person.

When Leo came up, he punched Wang Ming unpretentiously. Most of his fighting skills were adaptable. Except for a few nirvana, there were no particularly gorgeous moves, but their strength and fierceness were self-evident. of.

Then Leo flew upside down in the next second, and Wang Ming punched him flying out without any show of weakness, without any fancy tricks, just crushing him violently.

When the strength of the two sides reaches a qualitative gap, any fighting technique is just a joke, no matter how many punches the opponent punches you, you only need to punch him and the fight is over.

After defeating Leo, Wang Ming pressed a few times on the tablet at his waist to bind his bond value. Now Wang Ming is very proficient in the operation.

Now he doesn't need to take off the tablet at all, and he can skillfully complete the operation of binding the bond value, which is practice makes perfect.

And it seems to be the reason why they have been very dissatisfied with Wang Ming for a long time. The bond value between the two of them soared to 50.00% just after binding, which made Wang Ming have an unexpected joy.

(End of this chapter)

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