Chapter 187 The King of Ultra
"How dare you slap me in the face, I'm not finished with you!"

After landing on the ground, Jade rolled and stood up again, and then he rushed towards Wang Ming again with his sword in hand.

Wang Ming didn't know how much psychological shadow a big pussy pocket could cause on the child. He only knew that hitting like this was really cool. Although it didn't hurt, it was really cool, so Wang Ming just teleported and raised his hand and it was a slap!

Ged rolled and flew out again, and then Wang Ming slapped a few more casually, sending away several Ultra fighters who wanted to take the opportunity to attack.

After seeing such a "tragic" situation at the scene, the new generation of Ultra warriors, such as Uub, Taiga, and X, were a little afraid to step forward.

There is no way, Wang Ming is really too cruel, whoever goes up will be a slap in the face, although it won't cause too much harm, but no one wants to experience that kind of humiliation.

The new generation is still like this, the Galaxy Guard and most of the Ultra fighters in the Heisei system, no one is willing to go up and lose face, as a respected senior, if he goes up and is slapped back, then he will have to Don't mess around in the Kingdom of Light.

Then a very strange scene appeared at the scene. A group of Ultra fighters surrounded Wang Ming and dared not go forward. Many Ultra fighters covered their faces with one hand. They were a little afraid that Wang Ming would suddenly rush up and give them a slap in the face. .

"Why, are you scared? Don't dare to go up? Is this the Ultra Warrior?"

Wang Ming saw that no one rushed up to get slapped, he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, but immediately he started to provoke again, and this time the Ultra fighters had learned to be smart, and they didn't catch his aggressive method, Jed covered his face shouted loudly.

"You despicable villain, you have the ability to fight us upright, don't insult us here, we Ultra fighters have our own dignity, not what you say!"

"Okay, come here and challenge me one-on-one, I won't slap you."

Facing Ged's scolding, Wang Ming was very calm. After saying this, he hooked his hand at Ged. Ged seemed a little hesitant when he heard Wang Ming's words, and he asked a question tentatively.


"Really, the Japanese don't lie to the Japanese."

"Okay! It seems that you are still a bit bloody, and you are qualified as a strong man!"

After hearing Wang Ming's swearing promise, Jiede was also relieved, and then he really believed Wang Ming's nonsense, and rushed towards Wang Ming with his sword!

The next second, a golden figure spun and flew out, and Ged was slapped away by Wang Ming again. When Ged got up again, he was already furious, and he looked at Wang Ming viciously and said.

"Bastard, you lied to me! Didn't you say that the Japanese don't lie to the Japanese!"

"Where did I lie to you, I'm not Japanese."

Wang Ming shrugged his shoulders and replied in a very casual tone, Jie De was very angry at Wang Ming's words, if the anger value can improve the combat power, Wang Ming would probably be instantly killed by him.


At this time, a notification sound came, and the bond value between him and Gedd was also maxed out, which made Wang Ming once again confirm the practicality of this move. It only took him to fill up a Gedd's bond value Five slaps.

Jie De stared at Wang Ming viciously, but in the end he didn't dare to continue to move forward. Now all the thorns were subdued, and no one took the initiative to come up to get slapped, but how could this satisfy Wang Ming?

Since they didn't come, Wang Ming had no choice but to take the initiative to attack, and then the new generation of Ultramans suffered bad luck. Wang Ming aimed at a target and slapped non-stop, and he would not stop until the bond value was maxed out.

They also thought about dodging and running away, but no matter how they dodged, Wang Ming would appear beside them without any mistakes, and then he raised his hand and slapped him.

clap clap clap...

There was a very strange sound at the scene at the first time, don't get me wrong, it was just Wang Ming slapping the face, and after a round of slapping, he also filled up all the bond points of Ultraman in the new generation and Heping period.

However, Wang Ming didn't see Di Jia in it, because he is not an Ultraman from the Kingdom of Light, and he is not even in the same universe. It is normal to not be there.

And now only the old Ao from the Showa era remained unslapped. Seeing Wang Ming cast his malicious gaze on him, all the old Ao from the Showa period took a step back subconsciously.

"Don't mess around. What are your conditions? Let's sit down and talk about it carefully."

The father of Otto stood up first, and said in a calm and sincere tone, and then Wang Ming responded with a merciless slap in the face. Although he is the father of Otto, in fact, his strength is just that, not as good as some comparison Powerful new generation.

Wang Ming didn't have any difficulty in beating him, just like that, Wang Ming beat him down in a circle again, and the Zhaohe Lao Ao all covered their faces and looked at Wang Ming angrily.

All the Ultra fighters present were covering their faces, staring at Wang Ming with murderous intent in their eyes, but the strange thing was that none of them dared to come forward to compete with Wang Ming.

This is also very normal, who wants to come up and get slapped.

"It's over, stranger, don't go too far. They are all heroes who have made outstanding contributions to the peace of the universe. It's too much for you to insult them like this."

When all the Ultra fighters were in a dilemma, a steady and powerful voice came in from the entrance of the main hall. Everyone including Wang Ming heard the sound and looked at it, and then the Ultra fighters present became excited.

"It's the King of Ultra!"

"The King of Ultra is here!"

"King of Ultra, hurry up and get rid of this intruder, he is too much!"

All the Austrians talked to the King of Ultra, and they all came to the King of Ultra, and a group of people stared at Wang Ming with the same hatred.

"It seems that I won the first prize, but I didn't expect that it really attracted you."

Wang Ming didn't panic after seeing the King of Ultra, but was a little happy. It can be said that he was quite lucky when he encountered one of the mysterious Four Austrians just after crossing.

"So you came here for me, what is your purpose?"

After hearing Wang Ming's words, the King of Ultra couldn't help asking in a deep voice. After hearing Wang Ming's words, the other Ultra fighters finally understood why this guy never killed him. The combination of special fighters may not be able to beat him.

"Purpose? There is no purpose. I just want to fight with you. Do you dare to agree?"

Wang Ming said with a faint smile, after listening to Wang Ming's words, the King of Ultra took a deep look at Wang Ming, and he spoke slowly after a while.

"Since you want to fight me so much, then I will fight you."

(End of this chapter)

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