Comprehensive Manga: From the Armored Warriors to Blast Unlimited

Chapter 194 The Emperor's Shadow vs. Noah

Chapter 194 The Emperor's Shadow vs. Noah
The old devil king who has obtained the power of the whole team, coupled with his own power of encountering demons, is now a proper half-step multi-level powerhouse, and even a relatively strong category in the half-step multi-level.

It is second only to the emperor and the shadow emperor, this kind of half-step multiverse that creates a multiverse by itself. After all, the situation of the emperor and the shadow land is quite special.

Their current rating is half-step multiverse, because they have created multiverses, but they have no way to descend into other multiverses, so they are rated as half-step multiverse, but if someone dares to go wild on their territory, these two It can definitely unleash a true multiverse-level combat power.

"Cough, cough, old man, why are you here? It turns out that, old man, you set me up."

Wang Ming also regained a little consciousness at this time, he barely opened his eyes and looked at the old devil and said something with a wry smile, the latter immediately burst out laughing out loud.

"Hahaha, boy, don't thank me. In return for letting me see the new multiverse, I will help you this time."

The old devil king waved his hand at Wang Ming as he spoke, and the power of time attached to Wang Ming's body in the next moment, and his body instantly recovered to its best condition.

The old devil king reset Wang Ming's time and restored his body to its strongest state, but this was only to repair Wang Ming's own injuries.

The emperor's armor. Six paths and the six paths of reincarnation in Wang Ming's body cannot be repaired by the old devil. The former is because the old devil's personality is not enough to repair.

The latter is because this is Wang Ming's own Tao injury, and apart from his own peace of mind to recuperate, there is no external means to help him recover, not even the emperor.

So the current Wang Ming has basically lost his combat effectiveness. Of course, this loss of combat effectiveness is only a relative term.

He still has a Shadow Armor card, but that thing is useless. In this kind of half-step multi-level battlefield, cosmic-level combat power is really useless. It is no exaggeration to say that a slap can was shot to death.

However, Wang Ming used it to save his life and block the aftermath of the battle. After the pain in his body disappeared and he was able to move normally, Wang Ming asked the old devil curiously.

"Old man, how did you come here? Could it be because of the dial?"

"That's right, that dial is the coordinates I set on you, but I'm not very familiar with space. I tried to follow the coordinates directly before, but they all failed. I don't know why, but this time it succeeded."

The old devil king explained in detail how he found Wang Ming, but Wang Ming was thoughtful. The old devil king couldn't follow him before, probably because the distance between the two multiverses was too far.

But now that Wang Ming has come to Ultraverse, the situation is different. If reality is used to reflect the infinite universe, it stands to reason that the three multiverses of Ultra, Team and Kamen Rider should be regarded as neighbors.

It should be the reason why Wang Ming was able to use the full power of encountering demons here before, and now the old devil king can come directly should also have something to do with this. There is a certain truth.

"Another outsider from another multiverse came, really, why is it getting more and more troublesome."

Noah also became irritable in a rare tone at this time, and he was a little overwhelmed by the successive changes, while Wang Ming directly summoned the Shadow Armor, and then said something to the old devil king.

"Old man, please forgive me!"

"Leave it to me, I haven't fought a strong man for a long time."

The old devil responded calmly, and then his body instantly disappeared in place, appearing in front of Noah and punching without fancy!
Noah wanted to punch Noah at first, but when he was about to fight back, his body paused strangely. Taking advantage of this gap, the old devil punched Noah hard in the chest, causing the latter to collapse immediately. fly out.

And just when the space was about to shatter and Noah was about to fall into the next universe, the space was suddenly stabilized, and then a golden fist hit Noah's back fiercely!

The emperor punched Noah back towards the old devil fiercely, and the old devil stopped Noah again very tacitly, and he kicked Noah in the abdomen mercilessly!

The latter flew towards the Shadow Emperor immediately, and the Shadow Emperor was not polite to the two of them. He directly slapped Noah on the face, and then slapped him in the direction of the Emperor.

Although the three of them had never fought side by side before, they cooperated very well at this time, as if they were comrades in arms who had cooperated for many years.

Noah fell into an absolute disadvantage because the old devil forced him to stop him from time to time. Every time he wanted to fight back, he was stopped.

Among the people present, only the old devil king could do this. Wang Ming tried to stop Noah before, but it didn't work.

But now the old devil king has achieved this, although it was only for a split second, but for a battle of this level, a split second is enough to decide the outcome!

From here, it can be seen how perverted Noah's strength is. The half-step multivariate old devil stopped him, and he could barely stop for a moment.

Theoretically speaking, if you want to stop Noah in time, the power you pay is basically equivalent to stopping the entire Ultra Multiverse for an instant. It is really not easy for the old devil to do this, and the consumption should not be small.

In this way, under the strong control of the old devil king, the three hit Noah back and forth like a rubber ball, and Noah was beaten helplessly.

But no matter how hard the three of them tried, they couldn't injure Noah. His defense power was really multi-level, and Noah just looked rather embarrassed.

If there is a specific blood volume value, you can see that the top of Noah's head is constantly at -1-1-1... and his total blood volume is ∞, which can't break the defense at all.

The three of them have the power to destroy the universe with a random blow, but it is still painless to hit Noah, and if it is not for the presence of the old devil, the emperor and the shadow emperor are probably on the verge of defeat now .

"One or two are so annoying, do you really think there is no one here?"

Noah's body suddenly erupted with powerful energy fluctuations, and he broke free from the time stop of the old devil for a short time, and he also took advantage of this precious opportunity to wave his hand.

In the next second, three beams of light shot up into the sky, and then three tall figures walked out of the beams of light. After Wang Ming saw these three people, he immediately felt that things became more and more difficult.

Noah recruited the remaining three of the mysterious four: King Ultra, Reggado, and Saiga!
(End of this chapter)

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