Chapter 212 Across the Ocean
"It's Ultraman Soruka who came to save us!"

The people who were fleeing in a hurry were quite excited after seeing this scene. After these few days of publicity, all the people knew the names and appearances of the two Ultramans, so they could accurately call Soruka's name .

At this moment, Gazot let out a nasty roar like a snake, its body stood upright from the ground strangely, and then shot many lightning balls from its mouth at Wang Ming!
And Wang Ming, who had been prepared for a long time, also shot a corresponding number of light bullets from his hand to disperse these lightning light balls. He didn't dare to let these lightning light balls fly randomly.

Compared with Dagu who has a strong sense of responsibility, Wang Ming has more selfishness. For those present, if he can save him, he will save him. Just weave.

Whoosh whoosh!
Wang Ming was directly separated by a series of blue light bullets and hit Gazot. He knew very well what Ultraman Soluka was good at. Speed ​​and light were his only advantages.

If you fight in close quarters, you're just looking for death. Anyway, even if you can't die, you can't avoid a severe beating. He doesn't have such a comprehensive form as Dagu, and he can switch to different forms according to different enemies to fight.

His only advantage lies here, and if he doesn't make good use of it, he will really be useless.

Gazot was completely irritated now. It let out a terrifying roar, and then a large number of lightning burst out from its body, and began to carry out regional and indiscriminate clearing attacks on the surrounding area.

'It's not too stupid, but it's a pity that your opponent is me. '

Wang Ming secretly thought in his heart, he can understand what Gazot is saying, what the other party said just now probably means: You have the ability to come here!

But Wang Ming was not that honest, he directly raised his hand to charge up, and two seconds later a freezing light shot at Gazot!

In the next second, Gazot was directly frozen into an ice sculpture, but this was just an illusion. After all, Gazot’s race is the Lightning Man, and his body is between energy and entity. This has the advantage that he can Switch between energy state and entity.

Once under a powerful energy attack, Gazot can completely switch his body into an energy form, and then use energy to counteract the energy attack, and even absorb it. This is the scary thing about their family.

Sure enough, in the next second, Gazot transformed his body into an energy body, and then escaped from the ice sculpture and recondensed into a solid body, and there was only a large empty ice shell, a 60-meter-high large ice shell beside it. The block looks like an iceberg.

Gazot let out an angry roar, and Wang Ming also felt a bit of a headache when he saw this. After thinking about it for a while, he decided that he couldn't fix the battlefield here, because there was a dense crowd of people here, and yarn was only a few kilometers away from here.

He was a bit restrained when he fought, and Wang Ming didn't dare to use some powerful light skills, so Wang Ming decisively raised a middle finger at Gazot, and then flew straight into the sky and flew into the sky.

Although Gazot couldn't understand the meaning of Wang Ming's gesture, there was a sense of contempt and mockery rushing towards his face, which made it quite angry, so it transformed into an energy body without even thinking about it, and chased after Wang Ming And went.

It doesn't even want to eat these small desserts on the ground, it wants to kill Wang Ming right now!
The two sides launched a fierce air battle in the sky. Gazot spit out several lightning balls and shot at Wang Ming from time to time, but Wang Ming easily dodged them.

This is the sky, which is his main battlefield. Soluka, who is best at speed, is the strongest in the air. He is very comfortable with Gazot's attack. He even has the mood to throw two light bullets back. Garzot roared wildly for a while.

The speed of both sides is very fast. Gazot is because of the transformation into an energy body, which is basically weightless, so it is very fast, while Wang Ming is because of his own characteristics.

The speed of the two sides broke through tens of times the speed of sound in an instant, and Wang Ming flew straight to the east, and the United States was on the other side of the sea.

No way, Wang Ming has to find a suitable battlefield. Flying to the west is Huaxia. He can't fly to the west. Flying to the north is Maozi. With Maozi's temper, he doesn't care who you are. He probably just throws Dayi away. Wan, come and destroy these two giants that invaded the land.

Flying to the south are all small islands, which are not suitable as a battlefield. In this way, only the world's largest country in the east, with its vast land and sparse population, is very suitable as a battlefield.

The two sides moved forward at a speed dozens of times the speed of sound, and landed in the United States in just a few minutes. Such a big movement has long attracted the attention of the United States. Their military radars and military satellites have already begun to lock on Wang Ming and Zuo Jia. special.

"Attention all departments. Just now, two huge flying objects flew into our country's airspace at a speed exceeding Mach [-]. The photos taken through satellite imaging show that Japanese monsters and Ultraman are fighting. Now the commander allows Use all means to kill these two outsiders who have invaded our airspace!"

"Yes, sir!"

Thomas, the commander-in-chief of the United States Armed Forces, looked at the picture sent back from the satellite in front of him, dialed the phones of all senior officers and gave the highest order!
At this moment, all senior military officers in the United States began to move. The aircraft carrier left behind was approaching the coastline, and various cruise missiles had begun to lock on the target.

Advanced fighter planes took off to intercept Wang Ming and Gazot's route. All the missiles in the major missile bases were ready to launch.

All the anti-aircraft tanks and radar vehicles on the ground were dispatched urgently. In just 3 minutes, all the armed forces of the United States, land, sea and air were in motion.

And their purpose is to eliminate Gazot and Ultraman, no matter who is righteous and who is evil, in the eyes of the United States, they are all threats, and they need to be eliminated if they are threats.

As long as it is out of control, it is a threat that needs to be eliminated. There are no things on the earth that the United States cannot control. They are the overlords of this planet!
In this regard, all American soldiers firmly believe in it!

At this time, Wang Ming and Gazot had already entangled and fought all the way to the hinterland of the United States. The two of them were like two humanoid fighter jets, fighting fiercely in the air.

During the fight, Wang Ming found something very strange, that he didn't seem to have the setting of 3 minutes as a real man.

Wang Ming and Gazot had been entangled for almost ten minutes, and the light on his chest didn't mean to flicker at all, as if the light on his chest was just a decoration.

(End of this chapter)

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