Chapter 215 Dagu Arrives
And the things hit by the red lightning directly turned into fly ash. From this we can see that the power of the red lightning is so terrifying that it makes one's scalp tingle!
At this time, there were indeed many wounds on Gazot's body, and the power of those ground-penetrating bombs and armor-piercing projectiles did have a good effect on the materialized it.

But this also drove it completely crazy, and it began to attack all moving things within its line of sight indiscriminately, even a bird flying in the sky would be killed by it.

The most indispensable thing in Gazot's body now is energy, and even because of too much energy, it will vent through this kind of venting revenge.

And Gazot's revenge was indeed terrifying. The B2 bomber at an altitude of tens of thousands of meters was turned into fly ash by it. This time, it exploded and directly wiped out all the American troops present.

The loss of the American army this time is calculated in trillions of dollars, but fortunately, the fleet at sea is far away from here, and has not been retaliated by Gazot.

" this the apostle you sent to destroy mankind?"

In the highest military base in the United States, the commander-in-chief of the United States military looked at the images sent back by the satellite with a distraught expression. He felt a sense of frustration that his beliefs had collapsed.

There is nothing wrong with the army and the navy. After all, one of the two sides is too far apart, and the other is too mobile, so they don't have much combat power to invest.

The biggest loss was the American Air Force. 80.00% of the combat power of the American Air Force was destroyed by Gazot. The original Gazot could not do such an exaggerated level.

But Gazot, who had accepted the buff of the nuclear bomb, was much stronger than before, and even Wang Ming was not sure about defeating it.

"This is really a headache. Although I can understand that the United States has good intentions, they have done something bad..."

Wang Ming scratched his head in embarrassment, but soon he dispelled this worry, because a huge figure flew over from the sky not far away, and the mix of red, blue and silver made Wang Ming recognize the person at a glance It's Dagu.

'Wang Mingsang, are you all right?I was knocked out by this guy's attack on the plane just now, and I'm really sorry for coming here now. '

Dagu's voice sounded from the bottom of Wang Ming's heart. After Wang Ming heard this, he immediately understood what was going on. It turned out that Dagu was attacked by Gazot before, and he didn't need to think about it to know that Feiyan-[-] must have crashed again. .

"I'm fine, it's better to say that you came at the right time. This monster has been mutated by the nuclear bomb attack, and it is stronger than before. I can't take him alone, so we can only go together." '

Wang Ming briefly talked about the current situation, and Dagu looked at Gazot in the field with serious eyes, and he said something helplessly.

'It's really messy. Using nuclear bombs will cause a lot of pollution, and it will hurt innocent people, but now I can't control so much, Wang Mingsang, let's go together! '

'it is good! '

Dagu yelled energetically, and then rushed towards Gazot first, followed by Wang Ming who activated his own displacement skills. With a flash of blue light, he came to not far from Gazot in an instant. The light bomb in his hand shoots at high speed!
Whoosh whoosh!
Wang Ming's blue light bullet hit Gazot's body, knocking the latter back again and again, and just when it was about to counterattack, Dagu threw a flying kick from the sky and kicked Gazot hard on the back!

Gazot was staggered by the kick, and his body fell forward involuntarily. Seeing this good opportunity, Wang Ming quickly stretched out his hands to accumulate energy, and crossed his hands to shoot out a freezing light.

After being hit by the absolute zero-level freezing light, Gazot was instantly frozen into a big ice cube, and the high-temperature energy surging in the cracks on his body was also cooled down immediately.

This also means that Gazot can no longer use nuclear energy. It was forcibly weakened by Wang Ming. Seeing this, Dagu also knew that this was a good opportunity. !

Click click!

After Gazot was hit by Zapelio's light, the ice on his body began to shatter along with his body, until finally it exploded into pieces all over the sky.

Dagu's move directly killed it, not to say how weak Gazot is, its performance just now is obvious to all.

It's just because in a short period of time, he ate two Ultraman's killing rays in a row, even Li Jiadron, who had amazing defense, couldn't resist, let alone Gazot, whose body was only flesh and blood.

Moreover, Wang Ming and Dagu's attack is a coordinated combo. First, Wang Ming briefly controlled Gazot, preventing him from energyizing, and then Dagu smashed the materialized Gazot, completely destroying him wipe out.

'It's that simple, is it over?Why do I have an unreal illusion. '

Dagu said to Wang Ming with some uncertainty, he has never played such a smooth game since his debut, and he immediately killed the enemy in seconds when he came out.

And Wang Ming also knows what Dagu is thinking, after all, not every Ultraman looks like Saiwen X in his own TV.

Most of them fight against the wind. Basically, if the red light is not turned on, the monster cannot die. It seems that the red light on the chest is like an anger bar. When the anger bar is full, the monster can be killed.

'It is indeed dead, I have to leave beforehand. '

Wang Ming confirmed Dagu's guess, and then flew out of the atmosphere. There is no air resistance outside the atmosphere, so Wang Ming can fly very fast.

In less than 1 minute, Wang Ming came to Japan's airspace again, and after confirming a good place, it turned into a light spot and landed.

At this time, Saori was standing around the off-road vehicle looking around worriedly, because almost half an hour had passed since Wang Ming left, and it was normal for her to be worried.

"Really, where did this guy go!"

Saori stomped her feet and looked around angrily, but at this moment, a familiar voice came from behind her.

"Sister Saori, I'm back!"

When Shazhi heard the words, she suddenly turned her head to look in the direction of the sound, and then she saw Wang Ming, who had a lot of grass clippings on his body and messy hair, ran out of the bushes beside him.

"Really, I thought you were eaten by a bear. I'm really worried about you after leaving for so long."

Shazhi was relieved to see that Wang Ming was intact, and then said with some complaints, while Wang Ming scratched his head with a smirk.

"I'm sorry, I accidentally fell into a pit just now, and it took me a long time to climb out. I saw it just now. The monster seems to have disappeared. Let's take this opportunity to drive back from the town."

"Well, you really have to get out of here quickly, it's too dangerous here."

Saori also nodded in agreement, and then Wang Ming ran to the driver's seat and reversed the car very skillfully, and returned to the direction that Saori came from together.

(End of this chapter)

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