And Wang Ming's opponent is the first generation of Kirielod, the ability in this area is not very good, it is normal to be completely abused by Wang Ming now.

Wang Ming knocked down the Kirielod again, and then directly shot a freezing light to freeze him into a big ice cube.

Wang Ming looked at the Kirielod who had been frozen into ice, stretched out his hands and began to charge, the next second the light blue destructive light hit the ice fiercely!

Accompanied by a huge explosion, the Kirielod sent out to deal with Wang Ming turned into a sky full of ice scum. This Kirielod has never survived 2 days in Wang Ming's hands since his appearance. minutes.

Wang Ming only had time to look at Dagu's situation at this time, and when he saw Dagu, he was stunned. Dagu had now become his most proud and powerful form, and then he was killed by Kirierod. The second generation hit the ground.

And Wang Ming noticed that at this time, the second generation of Kirielod had a slight change in body shape and appearance. It seems that he should have switched to his own powerful form.

Responding to violence with violence, Tiga was actually crushed by him. Although it may be because Dagu was beaten up before the transformation, the physical state and fighting will of the human body will affect the transformation of Ultraman. fighting power.

Although this setting is not obvious in Tiga's original work, it does exist, and the most typical example of the mutual influence between the human body and Ultraman is Nexus Ultraman and his human body. body.

As the saying goes: just a bond, strangled generation after generation, this sentence is to describe the human body of Nexus, a TV has changed five human bodies, people who have become Nexus are not dead It is a serious injury.

There were even times when the lights went out, and he could stand up and continue playing. I have to say, Brother Zhun is really a man!

And Nexus is Ultraman Noah's trumpet, he can become Ultraman Noah, but for some reason, Wang Ming's head starts to hurt when he thinks of Ultraman Noah.

But the current situation doesn't allow Wang Ming to think too much, because if he doesn't take action, Dagudu will be killed soon, although it is very touching to wait for the next group of people to shine light on Tijia's body and replenish his energy.

But Wang Ming has regarded Dagu as a true friend anyway, and he has no reason to let Dagu suffer this crime again, but this incident is the embryonic form of Shining Dijia's appearance.

In the original book, it was not the light of flashlights and searchlights that awakened Dagu, but the light in people's hearts, the light of the soul that encouraged Ultraman!

In the finale, Dagu received the light of hearts from all the people in the world, thinking that the author also contributed to the defeat of Gatanjae.

Withdrawing his chaotic thoughts, Wang Ming teleported to the second generation of Kirierod, and directly kicked him hard!
The latter was immediately kicked out by Wang Ming's sudden attack. Wang Ming also took this opportunity to pull Da Gu up from the ground. The two nodded to each other without saying much, and put on a fighting posture together. Facing the second generation of Kyrierods.

"Why did you end it so quickly?"

The second generation of Kirierod shook his dizzy head and got up from the ground. He looked at Wang Ming in amazement. He didn't realize until now that his companion had been killed. …

But obviously Wang Ming and Dagu would not answer him directly. In order to keep Ultraman's mystery and identity secret, they would not take the initiative to speak.

Otherwise, when people from other countries hear it, your Ultraman speaks Japanese, and there will be big news at that time, and people may even think that Ultraman is actually a human change, which is not good. up.

Wang Ming directly turned into a blue light, appeared beside the second generation of Kirielod and punched out, while Dagu ran towards him directly from the front and kicked him!
The combination of the two of them cooperated very tacitly, because it was not the first time they had used this kind of tactic. Facing such a menacing siege, the second generation of Kirielod knew that they would not be able to escape.

The lesser of two evils, he decided to avoid Dagu's flying kick and resist Wang Ming's fist. For this reason, the second generation of Kirielod directly took the initiative to meet Wang Ming's fist.


The second generation of Kirierod was punched in the abdomen by Wang Ming and immediately bent down, while Dagu kicked lonely, went out and kicked down three or four buildings, it seems that the fall should be very painful.

It has to be said that the second generation of Kirierods has a lot of combat experience. Wang Ming and Dagu didn't expect him to come to such a skill all of a sudden.

And the second generation of Kiri Ailuode received Wang Ming's punch hard, grabbed his arm, and then directly threw him away!

Wang Ming's body was smashed on a tall building, and it was smashed to pieces. It is unknown if there is anyone inside. It seems that he is not much better than Da Gu.

The second generation of Kirielod had quite a lot of combat experience, and they were able to handle the siege of the two with ease, but Wang Ming was just careless just now, and now he is going to be serious.

Wang Ming's body turned into a blue light and disappeared instantly. When he reappeared, he came behind the second generation of Kirielod. Wang Ming slapped him without hesitation!
In the beginning, after the second generation of Kirielod felt the power of Wang Ming's palm, they were actually a little disdainful, because the strength was too weak. Now he is in the powerful mode, how could he be overwhelmed by such a little strength? down.

Then in the next second, he wanted to take back what he said. Although the power of Wang Ming's palm was small, it was not small at all, because he released a lot of light against the body of the second generation of Kirierod. bomb.

The latter was directly shot away by the light bullets released close to the body. At this time, the second generation of Kyriaelods who were stuck in the air showed a huge flaw. Wang Ming released a frozen light without the slightest hesitation.

The second generation of Kirielod was frozen into a big ice cube in an instant, and then hit the ground hard, making a loud noise.

Dagu also got up from the ground at this time, and every time he fought side by side with Wang Ming, he would know it was time to release his special attack as soon as he saw his opponent was frozen into ice.

So Dagu started to accumulate energy without the slightest hesitation. After raising his hands high and swipe around, he held a red energy light ball in front of his chest.

At this time, Wang Ming also made the appearance of preparing to release the freezing and exterminating death light.

In the next second, two beams of light, one blue and one red, hit hard from different directions on the big ice block that wrapped the second generation of Kiriarods!
After the huge explosion, the second generation of Kirielod was completely blown to pieces.

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