Chapter 225 Masaki Keigo
But this peaceful day was soon broken...

Two months later, Wang Ming was idle for another two months and did not act. He was quite satisfied with his current life. It was not until now that Wang Ming realized that he was not useless, and that he really had some talent as a detective.

His senses and intuition are particularly keen, and he can deduce many things through some details, and this talent is very suitable for the field of detectives.

But although Wang Ming was living a happy and carefree life, Dagu's side was a bit miserable, because monsters appeared more frequently recently, and the areas where they appeared were not near the Eastern Capital.

Therefore, the monsters that Dagu faced recently were all defeated by himself, which made him feel a little overwhelmed. Today, after defeating a shark monster that can sneak in the ground.

Dagu finally couldn't stand it anymore. He landed next to a carousel in an amusement park. At this time, his physical strength was exhausted and his body was weak. He couldn't get up even if he wanted to climb up.

And now the amusement park has been closed for get off work, so the appearance of Dagu did not attract the attention of others, so there is no need to worry about being surrounded.

"It's really exhausting..."

Dagu said something helplessly, and at this moment, a man in a light-colored suit slowly walked down from the merry-go-round. Dagu didn't pay too much attention to the merry-go-round before, so he didn't notice him .

"Thank you for your hard work. Even if you become an Ultraman, it still consumes your Dagu's stamina. This job is so tiring, why do you want to become him?"

The man in the light-colored suit said as he walked, and then he interrupted Dagu without waiting for Dagu to answer his question, and started talking on his own.

"that is because……"

"It's all for self-satisfaction. You are just intoxicated by the praise of saving human beings. How can you save this dying earth with Diga and Soluka alone?"

The man in the light-colored suit approached Dagu while talking, and at this moment, he took advantage of Dagu's inattention and punched Dagu in the face hard!
Just as Dagu got up and didn't stand still, he was punched and fell down. The man in the light-colored suit looked at Dagu lying on the ground and said in a very complacent tone.

"I have intelligence beyond the reach of ordinary people, and I am born with it."

The man in the light-colored suit said so, then squatted down and stretched his hand into Dagu's arms, and then took something from it, he took Dagu's divine light stick...

"give me back!"

"That's what I'm missing, something that turns my body into light."

Dagu's tone was also a bit fierce, and the man in the light-colored suit didn't pay any attention to what he was saying. After he said something on his own, he left the scene directly.

"give me back……"

Dagu said this last sentence before losing consciousness, and when he woke up again, it was already late at night.

Dagu woke up a little distraught and discouraged, because he was actually robbed of his most important things, and he walked on the road aimlessly.

Before he knew it, he had arrived near the place where the giant stone statue was discovered. At this time, Dagu was a little tired from walking, so he simply lay down on the lawn.

"Without the magic light stick, I'm just a mortal..."

Da Gu muttered to himself in a lonely voice, but at this moment, a puppy was trotting towards him wagging its tail.


"Sister Saori, I'm going out. The place of commission this time is in Xidu, so I may not come back until evening."

"Be careful."

"Know it."

On the other side, Wang Ming was also preparing to start today's daily work. After saying hello to Saori, Wang Ming drove away from the office. Today he has a commission to help the rich man investigate whether his wife is cheating.

Although Wang Ming thought this kind of entrustment was very troublesome, but the other party really gave too much, and Saori took it directly, so Wang Ming had no choice but to make a trip.

However, when driving, Wang Ming always felt a sense of palpitation, as if something big was about to happen today, but it was calm and it didn't look like there was any big thing.

Half an hour later, Wang Ming arrived in the Western Capital, and met his client smoothly. After a brief chat, Wang Ming started today's work.

At this time, Dagu on the other side followed the puppy to an underground ruins, and then he saw the man in the light-colored suit, the man named Masaki Keigo.

"Thank you for being able to come here, it's a bit beyond my expectation."

Masaki Keigo looked at Dagu in surprise and said, but Dagu questioned him very seriously.

"Why, why are you doing these things?"

"Why? Of course it is to become light!"

Masaki Keigo's tone was a little fanatical and crazy. This matter has become his obsession, something he must complete, and he already feels like a demon.

Then he didn't bother to take care of Dagu, he set up electric field protection around him, Dagu's mortal body now couldn't pass through this layer of protection, which would affect what he was going to do next.

Masaki Keigo walked directly to the center of the transformation device he set up, and then activated the device, and the entire cave flickered with electric arcs in the next second.

As the core of this converter, the divine light rod played a vital role. It must be said that Masaki Keigo was indeed a genius, who could think of this method to forcibly transform himself into light.

"I'm going to evolve from a dwarf thing like a human, ancient power, turn me into light, hahaha!"

Masaki Keigo laughed wildly, and then his body turned into a ray of light and entered the giant's body under the conversion of the divine light stick.

With a flash of dazzling light, the giant stone statue in the underground ruins revived, just like when Dagu became Tiga, he revived from the state of the stone statue.

Masaki Keigo glanced at Dagu indifferently after transforming, and didn't intend to move him, he just flew out from the portal just opened above his head.

This relic is hidden underground in his company. Masaki Keigo is a very rich and famous scientist, so it is not very difficult for him to use the company to hide the relic.

After Masaki Keigo flew into the sky, he didn't stay in place for long. After all, this place belongs to the suburbs, and he wanted to go to the urban area to receive people's worship.

The great hero who saves mankind and the earth, exists like a god, how intoxicating, he Masaki Keigo did these things just for this moment!

(End of this chapter)

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