Chapter 228 The Extreme Wang Ming


Wang Ming slammed down again, temporarily ending his continuous violence against Masaki Keigo. At this time, Dagu had already released his transformation and watched all this quietly from a distance.

Wang Ming was fighting with his body on purpose. He wanted to kill Masaki Keigo with one punch. Only in this way could he vent his anger!
If Wang Ming used the light skill, Masaki Keigo would be blown up in a few hits, so who should Wang Ming turn to to vent his anger?

And the current Masaki Keigo was about to be beaten stupid. If he was explained in a human state, he should have been beaten so much that he rolled his eyes at this time.

But Wang Ming still did not let Masaki Keigo go, Wang Ming directly pressed his head and ran quickly on the ground, as if plowing the ground with his head!

The sound of heavy footsteps and the sound of Masaki Keigo's head breaking the ground spread around, and Wang Ming directly pressed his head and ran wildly.

Such a savage and cruel scene made people feel chills in their hearts. People who saw this scene through the satellite live broadcast all looked at Wang Ming with fear and fear.

In this way, Wang Ming pressed Masaki Keigo's head and pushed it for hundreds of kilometers to the seaside. Wang Ming threw it into the air, and then jumped over to hit a knee fiercely!
The terrifying sound of air explosion reverberated between the sky and the earth, Masaki Keigo's body instantly broke through dozens of times the speed of sound, like a large cannonball, it turned into an afterimage and flew out!

Then Wang Ming hit him repeatedly in the air like a storm, the sound of sonic boom continued continuously, and the air waves created by his fist force completely stirred up the clouds in the entire sky.

In the end, Wang Ming kicked Masaki Keigo from the sky with a ruthless kick, and the latter slammed on an uninhabited island like a meteorite!

Masaki Keigo smashed the whole island so violently that it even began to crack in all directions. He hit the island with a large crater several kilometers in diameter, almost splitting the entire island in two, supporting the island The continental plates are beginning to collapse!
And at this moment, an ice-blue light fell from the sky, directly freezing Masaki Keigo into a big ice cube. This is Wang Ming's freezing light, and his release of the light means that he doesn't want to play anymore.

Most of Wang Ming's anger had disappeared, and now he only had killing intent in his eyes. He killed Masaki Keigo to end the battle.

In the next second, Wang Ming's body also fell from the sky. He didn't take any means to relieve the force. He just smashed down from the sky in such a brutal and brutal manner, and stepped on Masaki Keigo's body fiercely.

And Wang Ming's strong kick directly caused this small island, which was already on the verge of collapse, to completely collapse. Wang Ming grabbed the ice that was freezing Masaki Keigo and threw it into the air.

Then Wang Ming stomped his feet fiercely, completely erasing the small island from the map. With this terrifying recoil force, Wang Ming ruthlessly punched the ice block that froze Masaki Keigo!


In the next second, the entire ice cube was crushed into fine powder, turning into shards of ice that fell down the sky, and Masaki Keigo was directly beaten to ashes and wiped out, leaving only ice slag.

People who saw this scene through the live broadcast of the satellite also breathed a sigh of relief unconsciously. Although they didn't know why Ultraman Soruka was so irritable today, as long as the enemy was defeated, everything would be fine.

Seeing this, Wang Ming looked around, and then disappeared in an instant. After several consecutive space jumps, he got rid of all the satellites' tracking, and finally landed in front of the Dongdu Detective Agency in a reduced state.

After landing, Wang Ming first removed the barrier protecting Shazhi, and then he also removed the transformation, returning to his original appearance.

Wang Ming came to Sazhi's side and gently hugged her into his arms. At this time, the wound on Sazhi's chest had been sealed by Wang Ming's previous ice, so no blood would flow out.

Wang Ming looked at Saori's lifeless face, memories of the past emerged in his mind, he couldn't help showing a nostalgic smile on his face, and then tears unconsciously slipped from the corner of his eyes, dripping on Saori's face.

"Sister Saori, I'm back. Don't worry, I will definitely wipe out all the monsters in the world. I won't let such a tragedy happen to others again. I will kill all the evil ones."

Wang Ming's words were extremely gentle, and the ruthlessness and determination revealed in his words made people feel hairy after hearing it.


Three days later, Wang Ming finished organizing the funeral for Shazhi. It was not until the day of the funeral that Wang Ming found out that none of Shazhi's relatives came.

But it really didn't, until now Wang Ming recalled that an accident happened at a family gathering five years ago, only Wang Ming escaped with Saori, and everyone else died.

Wang Ming never thought about this matter, because as long as he didn't think about it seriously, some memories would basically be dusty in his mind.

Now Wang Ming finally found some reasons why Saori is so dependent and even attached to himself.


In front of Sazhi’s tombstone, Wang Ming stared at the black-and-white photo of Sazhi’s smile on the tombstone. At this moment, Dagu came to Wang Ming with a bouquet of memorial flowers and whispered, “Talk to him.” Lina is also here.

At this time, there was sadness in the eyes of both of them. Although they had only been together for three days, with Dagu and Lina's personalities, it would not be difficult to become friends in two or three days.

Obviously they were traveling and playing happily together before, but now they are gone after not seeing anyone for a while, it will make anyone feel uncomfortable.

"Well, thank you for coming to visit."

Wang Mingchao and the two nodded. His voice was hoarse, as if he hadn't drank water for a long time, and his eyes were a little empty. Seeing this, Dagu was very worried about Wang Ming's state.

"Are you okay, don't worry too much, I think Miss Tiandai doesn't want you to be too uncomfortable."

"Well, thank you for your concern."

Regarding Dagu's concern, Wang Ming nodded mechanically and politely, but seeing his appearance, Dagu became even more worried.

Because the current Wang Ming gave him the feeling that he was like a walking dead, who continued to exist in the world just for a certain mission.

But Dagu knew that it was useless to persuade Wang Ming in this situation, he could only come out if he figured it out on his own.

After talking to Wang Ming briefly, Dagu and Lina left. They all knew that Wang Ming now needs a quiet environment to adjust his emotions, and it would be troublesome to keep pestering him for comforting words.

(There are still about five or six chapters left in the world of Ultra, and the next world is going to the Xiongbing Company. In the next few days, the author is going to be more diligent, with a minimum of four shifts a day, and possibly five shifts.

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(End of this chapter)

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