Chapter 246 Researching the Anti-Void

"I, damn it, God is awesome!"

"Oh my god, this is really awesome!"

"Only a great god deserves to be called a god, right?"

After seeing this scene, everyone in the Xiongbing Company was shocked, and the top military officials were even shocked. All kinds of terrifying abilities to control time are simply appalling.

"Could it be that this Great God of the Six Paths is a god who masters time?"

In the command room, Ducao murmured unconsciously that a group of scientific researchers beside him were frantically calculating the data at the scene, and finally they came to a unified conclusion.

These gluttonous warships were also weathered naturally... the result is quite scary.

You must know that the warships of the gluttonous clan are all made of dark alloy. This metal will not change even in the past tens of millions of years, and it can turn this metal into fly ash. Has the warship spent hundreds of millions or even billions of years?

Thinking of such a terrifying result, people who know how to do it tremble in their hearts. This is undoubtedly an ability that only true gods can use!
"After finishing work, let's go back."

It was only then that Wang Ming reopened the communication channel, and said with a smile amidst a group of salted fish shouting 666, and then he directly locked on all the members of the Xiongbing Company present with his mind.

The next moment, everyone felt their surroundings were spinning, and by the time they realized it again, they had already gathered on the deck of the Great Strait.

"Oh my god, what's going on, why did I come back!?"

Liu Chuang was the first to yell without knowledge, while Qiangwei was much calmer. She had seen Wang Ming's skills before, so it was not surprising now.

"Damn, I now suspect that I am a false god."

The moment she saw Wang Ming, Lena burst into foul language. The so-called gods here in Chaoshen Universe are actually products of advanced technological development.

Strictly speaking, these so-called gods are the most scientific. People call them gods because they don't understand more advanced technology, so they are misled.

But like Wang Ming, who doesn't talk about logic or science at all, he is more like the gods with great powers in myths and legends.

"I said which planet are you from? You are such a powerful person, logically speaking, you shouldn't be unknown in the universe, right?"

Lena drew to Wang Ming's side and asked with a smile, her eyes were full of curiosity, and Monkey King's ears trembled unconsciously, it seemed that he was very interested in this topic.

"You don't understand even if I say it. I am a higher-level existence. Unlike you, I don't talk about science. In your cognition, an existence like me should be understood by Tao, just like my They have the same nickname in Jianghu."

A meaningful smile appeared on Wang Ming's face. It was obvious that neither Lena nor Sun Wukong understood, and Wang Ming didn't need them to understand. He just waved his back to everyone and said something before leaving.

"I'm going to practice first, don't come to me if you have nothing to do."

"God is so handsome!"

"I don't know if the Great God has a partner."

"Great God, I'm going to be your dog's leg!"

Looking at the back of Wang Ming leaving, the soldiers of the Xiongbing Company instantly turned into fanboys and girls and shouted enthusiastically, but Wang Ming didn't care about their sand sculpture behavior.

After he returned to his room, he continued to study the super god gene. The power of the galaxy and Nuoxing god of war are the super god genes that mainly strengthen the body, and the supporting abilities just need additional research and development.

For example, the anti-void ability that Wang Ming is very interested in now, this is an ability to refute rules and break rules.

Of course, this kind of natural enemy is based on the fact that the strength of the two sides is similar. If the strength gap is too large, even if they have the ability to resist the void, they will still be slapped to death by Wang Ming.

As for things like the Void Engine, Wang Ming is neither rare nor too lazy to develop it. Anyway, this thing can be summed up in one sentence: the function is similar to the creation method of Six Paths of Reincarnation, but it is not as easy to use as Six Paths of Reincarnation.

Now that Wang Ming has made some small achievements in research on anti-void, it has to be said that the technology side is indeed a bit brain-intensive, and Wang Ming's research is still quite strenuous.

While Wang Ming was concentrating on his research, the high-level military held another meeting, and the content of the meeting was still on how to get along with Wang Ming.

In short, after this meeting, when Wang Ming occasionally went to the deck to enjoy the sea breeze, he always felt that the people around him were much more enthusiastic, especially the female soldiers on the ship. These people always got close to him intentionally or unintentionally.

Of course, Wang Ming didn't know that the high-level military officials had seduced him with all-round beauty based on the principle that heroes are sad and beautiful women pass. The female soldiers on the ship are all good girls.

The figure and appearance are quite good, and he has been single since joining the army, so it can be regarded as an absolute good match.

After receiving the mission, these female soldiers resisted a little at first, but when they saw the real person Wang Ming passed, they took the initiative one by one, and did not regard this matter as a mission at all, but as a real life event to proceed.

But obviously, these temptations of beauty are useless to Wang Ming. Now he only thinks about the three words "anti-void" in his heart, and he doesn't have those worldly desires.

Because Wang Ming discovered that Anti-Void has been developed to the limit. If it is used well, its effect will not be inferior to his Six Paths of Samsara. Even if he fights with someone who has Six Paths of Samsara at the same level, Wang Ming can use Anti-Void to crush the opponent to death. of.

"I didn't expect it, I really didn't expect it. The upper limit of the world's strongest is not high, but the growth potential is so terrifying. If these abilities are developed to the limit, the lowest is the universe level, and it may even grow to half-step multivariate."

Sitting cross-legged in the room, Wang Ming was amazed. The more he studied, the more he found that this world was not simple. It was really a good time to come to this world this time.

The anti-void ability derived from the power of the galaxy, to put it simply, is against all rules. Not only is the user himself almost invulnerable to all magic, but he can also invade all magic and use the power of the enemy to suppress and kill the enemy.

I often kill a strong enemy, but I don't have any consumption, because strictly speaking, the enemy is killed by myself, which is a bit like a magic-reversed armor with a beheading, and it is also a beheading with a very high blood volume .

The power of Nuoxing God of War is even more extreme. If it was Wang Ming in the past, he would probably like this kind of power very much. It is a kind of power that destroys all magic.

A single ax cuts out any monsters, monsters, or the laws of physics, etc., under this axe, it will be shattered. Now Wang Ming seriously doubts whether Nuo Xing's ancestors have something to do with Pangu?

Because Wang Ming knew that Pan Gu was the most powerful with an axe.

(End of this chapter)

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