Now in the eyes of these people, Wang Ming's previous behavior was classified as mentally abnormal. Simply put, they thought that Wang Ming's mental illness was the result of that kind of performance, and it was not something like a ghost.

But Wang Ming didn't bother to pay attention to these people. He got a lot of useful information from Crocodile Zu. It turns out that this world is really a world of cultivating immortals.

As far as this world is concerned, the strongest realm cultivated on the bright side is the Great Emperor, and above the Great Emperor there is the misty Immortal Realm, but no one has ever been able to break through.

According to Wang Ming's own judgment, the combat power of the Great Emperor realm is probably equivalent to that of the peak of the constellation level, which is close to the universe level, so the combat power of the so-called immortal realm is probably the universe level.

Of course, this is only the strong man and the highest realm that appear on the surface. No one knows whether there is a way behind the fairy realm, because no one has walked this road so far. There are fairy kings in extremely ancient legends. I just don't know if it's true or not.

If it is true, then the monks in the realm of the fairy king are at least half-step multi-dimensional, and the monk Wang Ming above the realm of the fairy king feels his scalp tingle just thinking about it. The stronger kind.

Because he can see from the cultivation method in this world that it is extremely powerful, and everything in cultivation is to increase the means of attack and killing.

So much so that the Great Emperor, who is equivalent to a constellation-level powerhouse, can't live for tens of thousands of years. You must know that Pluto, who is also a constellation-level power, has been sealed for 100,000 years, which is equivalent to sleeping. If it were the Great Emperor of this world Being sealed for 100,000 years is already old and dead.

And Wang Ming also got a star map from Crocodile Ancestor, which records the places it knows, of course, there are monks.

The locations of the Earth, Yinghuo, Beidou, and Ziwei are recorded here and there. Wang Ming took a look at the place where the largest and most powerful people are in the Big Dipper Starfield.

Many famous emperors came from the Big Dipper Starfield, so Wang Ming decided to go to the Big Dipper for a visit, and he did it when he thought of it. Wang Ming didn't bother to find fault with Crocodile Ancestor.

Immediately, he determined the coordinates according to the position on the star map, and then stepped out, and in the next second, his body appeared in the Big Dipper Star Field.

"I'll go, you call this thing a planet?"

Wang Ming couldn't help being shocked when he saw the shocking scene in front of him. Wang Ming dared to swear that this was the biggest planet he had ever seen.

Even if he traveled through countless universes in the Ultra Multiverse, Wang Ming has never seen a planet with such an exaggerated mass.

And this planet is definitely not the Big Dipper among the Big Dipper described in the ancient books on the earth, the quality difference between the two sides is too far.

The Big Dipper alone, according to Wang Ming's visual estimation, is as big as two thousand suns, and its diameter is calculated in light-years, which is actually very unscientific.

Because according to science, if the mass of the planet exceeds 150 times the sun, it will collapse into a black hole, which is irreversible. When the mass reaches this level, the gravitational force of the inner star core will be so strong.

Therefore, Wang Ming has never seen a naturally formed planet with a mass of more than 150 times the sun in the previous universe.

The so-called planet is composed of a star core with a huge gravitational force that absorbs surrounding matter. The greater the gravitational force, the larger the surface area of ​​the planet.

You can refer to Krypton for this point. Krypton’s gravitational force is many times greater than that of the earth, and its surface area is far larger than that of the earth. Because of its strong gravitational force, it will also lead to the situation of Superman.

Ordinary people on Krypton can be regarded as little supermen when they go to the earth. Although they are not as perverted as the real superman, but on a planet with such a large mass as Beidou, even a dog can destroy the world if it is carried to the earth, right?

But the fact is exactly the opposite. Wang Ming judged from the information obtained by Crocodile Zu that the gravitational force and gravitational force of Beidou are only a few tenths of times higher than that of the earth. Good people are pretty much that.

In other words, the scene in front of him has violated the laws of science, even the laws of physics that Wang Ming knows. This world is a world that does not talk about science.

Because Wang Ming also saw a very interesting thing. There are hundreds of thousands of stars circling densely on one side of the Big Dipper. Of course, these stars are not as big as the sun, only about one-tenth the size of the sun, and the distance from the Big Dipper is also relatively large. Far away, probably a few light-years away.

If you look up from the surface of the Big Dipper, these things are the stars at night, and on the other side of the Big Dipper, there is a star that is a circle smaller than the Big Dipper, about the size of a dozen suns.

This constitutes the day and night of the Big Dipper. During the day, the sunny side is illuminated by the huge star, while the dark side will see hundreds of thousands of stars, and all of them are particularly bright stars.

It is no exaggeration to say that people who live on the Big Dipper do not need to carry lanterns when they go out at night, they can see the road clearly only by starlight.

Of course, in fact, these are all theoretical things. According to science, there is no condition for the establishment of this galaxy at all.

Because according to the laws of physics, things that are a few light-years or even more than ten light-years away will fall into the Big Dipper, because its gravity is too huge, and the super-huge black hole in the middle of the Milky Way may not necessarily have the gravitational force of the Big Dipper. It sucks in everything around it.

"It's an interesting world, go down and have a look."

With an interested smile on Wang Ming's face, he took another step forward, and in the next second, he appeared on the surface of Big Dipper.

This is a mountain range with many peaks and peaks, and it is now night, but under the light of the stars, Wang Ming found that the surrounding area seems to be quiet and scary. Not a single worm.

"Where am I now?"

Wang Ming looked around curiously. When he came down just now, he seemed to feel something was blocking him, but he directly used Anti-Void to push him back.

According to Crocodile Zu, the formations and other formations in this world are just things that embody the rules, and Anti-Void is best at refuting the rules, so it is the best ability to deal with these things.

But after a while, Wang Ming felt why there was no active life around him, because this place was weird, and there was a wonderful suction force, which was constantly trying to suck away Wang Ming's life force.

But because Wang Ming's body has six reincarnations, which are equivalent to a perfect small world, it is impossible for these substances to absorb his vitality.

So Wang Ming looked at the surrounding environment indifferently.

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