It's not easy to make some money with Wang Ming's means, and after you have money, you can go to inquire about the news, so after wandering around for a day, Wang Ming also got a lot of useful news.

For example, the holy places that dominate the Big Dipper, and the barren and ancient restricted areas are the origins of the place Wang Ming went to yesterday, as well as some forbidden areas and some histories. In just one day, Wang Ming has almost figured out what the world is like. of the world.

And Wang Ming stayed in this small town for several days, and then he realized that the dense forest he went to before was called the barren ancient restricted area, which is also recognized as the forbidden area for living beings. .

There are also several well-known sects nearby, and the one closest to here is a sect called Lingxu Dongtian.

Wang Ming is very interested in the sects of this world. In the past, these things only existed in novels and animations. He hadn't seen them in real life, so he decided to take a look.

After finding out the location of the Lingxu Cave, Wang Ming moved directly to the outside of the sect's mountain gate. Looking at the magnificent plaque above his head, Wang Ming was also amazed.

"So this is the cultivation sect? It looks more grand than the ones in TV dramas."

Wang Ming looked at the faint fairy aura in front of him, and the Lingxu Cave Heaven, which looked like a blessed place, was quite novel, and then he walked towards it in such a grandiose manner.

Wang Ming's body did not emit any aura fluctuations, and those who passed by him.The disciples of Lingxu Cave Heaven ignored him as if they had turned a blind eye to him.

Wang Ming just walked in like that, and started to visit it as if he was walking into some tourist attraction. With his strength, he didn't want people to see him, and no one really could see him.

In this way, Wang Ming visited most of the main buildings in Lingxu Cave, and when he saw a remote courtyard on the mountain behind the main peak of Lingxu Cave, Wang Ming found two acquaintances.

These two people were sucked into the huge bronze coffin together with him at the beginning. A few days ago, he also heard that there was a Kowloon pulling the coffin in the ancient forbidden land.

Wang Ming guessed that those thirty people must have come with the huge bronze coffin, but if they landed in that kind of place, they would be absorbed by their vitality and age quickly, so it's hard to say how many survived.

But today, by coincidence, I met two of the survivors. If Wang Ming remembered correctly, the group of people called them by their names, one was Pang Bo, and the other was Ye Fan.

However, there seemed to be some strange changes in the two of them. At this time, both of them were only eleven or twelve years old, and they looked like two little kids.

At this time the two were discussing something, Ye Fan said to Pang Bo with a serious expression and frowning.

"I should leave the Lingxu Cave. Someone is already watching me. After all, we escaped from the ancient restricted area and took the magic medicine. Some elders in the door wanted to harm me. Then Han Feiyu came to provoke me again and again. Just to lure me into the bait, and then catch me and train me into a blood pill."

"You don't have to worry about this, I'm a fairy seedling inside the door now, I'm covering you, they don't dare to do anything to you."

Pang Bo frowned after hearing Ye Fan's words, but the next second he patted his chest to reassure Ye Fan, and Ye Fan shook his head firmly.

"It's different, you are now a fairy seedling in the sect, they dare not do anything to you, and I am just an ordinary disciple after all, and I am still a barren ancient holy body with no future, you can protect me for a while, but you can't protect me forever , They will attack me sooner or later, so I have to leave and find my own opportunity."

At this time, Ye Fan had decided to go, and it was hard for Pang Bo to persuade him after seeing him like this. Then he thought for a while and gave his own suggestion.

"You can't go down the mountain rashly now. Since Han Feiyu has already been eyeing you, it is estimated that you are under his surveillance now. Once you go down the mountain rashly, he will definitely rob and kill you halfway. This matter has to be discussed in the long run. Wait until you find a suitable solution." Let’s talk again.”

"It makes sense. Actually, I thought so too. It's just that I couldn't find an opportunity. After all, we've only been up the mountain for a few days, and people are staring at us everywhere."

Ye Fan naturally knew what Pang Bo meant, so he was also a little distressed, and when the two were contemplating how to deal with it, a voice with a faint smile sounded behind them.

"For the sake of fellow villagers, I can help you."

"who is it!"

The hairs on both of their bodies stood on end when they heard the words, and they immediately turned around fiercely to face the enemy. In this practice world where the jungle preys on the weak, it is impossible not to be vigilant. This reaction of the two of them is a normal reaction.

Then the two of them were stunned for a second, because they both knew the person in front of them, and it was Wang Ming who they once suspected to be a ghost.

"You are that ghost!"

"You are the ghost."

Pang Bo blurted out immediately after seeing Wang Ming, but Wang Ming gave him an annoyed look, which is not his fault.

Because when Wang Ming left after communicating with Crocodile Zu, he didn't hide anything at all. He just disappeared in front of more than a dozen people. After seeing it, other people took it seriously that Wang Ming was a ghost. up.

"Since you are not a ghost, then you are a practitioner?! Did you bring us here!"

Suddenly, Ye Fan's brain opened and he thought of a very nonsensical possibility. Wang Ming felt speechless for the two people whose thinking had been completely changed.

"Let me ask you one question, is there any advantage for me to bring you here? Why do you think you are qualified to be brought here by me? And I don't have that much ability, I'm just an ordinary monk , it’s just that I started practicing on Earth.”

Wang Ming spread his hands and talked nonsense helplessly. After hearing what he said, Ye Fan and Pang Bo thought it seemed reasonable, so they let down their vigilance a little.

"You said just now that there is a way to help Ye Fan escape, what is the way?"

Pang Bo still asked with vigilance in his eyes, while Ye Fan looked at Wang Ming with some hope in vigilance, because if Wang Ming is really a monk who started practicing a long time ago, it would be very good.

Regardless of his strength, there must be a lot of means, maybe there is a way to help him escape, but Wang Ming's method made the two of them a little dumbfounded.

"It's so troublesome, whoever dares to stop you, you just kill him."

Wang Ming said it confidently with a smile on his face. This answer was almost teasing the two of them. The two of them were speechless for a while, and Pang Bo even directly opened his mouth to complain.

"If you can beat it, do you need to say it?"

"You can beat this with this one."

Wang Ming was not annoyed by the contemptuous eyes of the two, he took out the king catcher summoner from the direct space equipment, and waved it in front of the two.

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