"Senior righteousness."

After hearing that Wang Ming allowed himself and others to participate in this competition, the descendants of the demon emperor immediately bowed down and bowed to Wang Ming.

"Senior, you..."

"Don't talk too much, you are robbing other people's ancestral graves and you are not allowing them to participate?"

The five powerhouses were not reconciled, but they were reprimanded by Wang Ming. No matter how much they were unwilling, they could only bear it in their hearts. They even regretted it in their hearts. If they had confirmed their participation in the competition earlier, they would not have created a competition out of thin air. the ones.

Now they have nothing to do, they can only say that they are suffering, and Wang Ming also opened his mouth after seeing that everyone had a correct attitude.

"I'll reiterate the rules of the competition again, no matter what method you six use, whoever can cook the most delicious food will be able to get the treasure from the Demon Emperor's Ancient Tomb, and it's for the sake of humanizing the competition.

Each of you has two places to request foreign aid. The competition lasts for three hours. Each of you has three chances to serve food. Among these three opportunities, the dish with the best taste will be used as the score. "

After listening to the detailed rules explained by Wang Ming, the faces of several people showed some relief. They were still worrying about how to deal with this competition.

After all, although they are powerful, they really don't know how to cook. If it's just a simple defeat in the game, it's okay, there is no loss, but if someone cooks too bad food and pissed off this old monster, then I really don't know How to write the word dead.

Then the six people turned their attention to their entourage, and the people who came with them all shook their heads blankly.

Just kidding, everyone is a monk, why do you think I can cook?

This is the common shortcoming of monks of the sect of sects. They have been aloof since they were young, living a life of clothes and food.

They don't know what cooking is at all. They have someone to serve them when they are weak, and they don't need to be so troublesome if they are strong.

Only those monks who came up from the bottom will have these skills, so the competition event Wang Ming created is quite difficult for them.

But for low-level monks, it's not that they can't get started, it's just that it's a bit difficult to make good dishes. Ordinary food is nothing to them.

And these six contestants naturally thought of this point. Those who can cultivate to this level are not stupid, and their minds turned around in an instant.

They could definitely find the low-level monks who were watching outside as foreign aid, so someone immediately spoke up.

"Who is there who is good at cooking and would like to be my Ji family's foreign aid? Afterwards, my Ji family will definitely be rewarded."

The strong man from the Ji family spoke first, and the remaining five spoke without hesitation when they saw him like this.

"Whoever wants to be a foreign aid to my Jiang family, my Jiang family also has generous rewards. If they are young and promising young people, I would like to accept them as disciples."

"My monster clan is willing to send out a sky fox girl to accompany the young talents who are willing to help for a long time."

"I, Shaking Light Holy Land, are willing to send out a king's weapon as a reward!"

"My Yaochi Holy Land is willing to betroth a personal disciple to the young talent who helps us win!"

"My Dayan Holy Land is willing to give up a quota of personal disciples to the winning young talent, and promise to invest a lot of resources in training in the future!"

The conditions offered by the six powerhouses are more attractive and richer than the other, especially the holy land of Yaochi, which is simply a gift to the wife at the cost of money. You must know how precious a direct disciple of them is, and the goals of most spouses are You have to be an alternate saint son.

The eyes of the onlookers eating melons immediately turned red when they heard this, and everyone's eyes shone with fiery light. The conditions offered by the six powers represented by the six powerhouses all met the conditions of these casual cultivators. The G-spot of monks of small forces.

It is said that desire is the driving force that drives people forward. This is indeed true. There is always one that satisfies them for the conditions offered by the six powerhouses. Some monks who think they are good at cooking and plan to try it have also begun to think carefully Which one should I help.

Soon some monks made a decision, and they came to their favorite forces one after another, and went to the scene.He made his best dishes and gave them to the leaders of these forces to taste.

After the preliminary selection here, if there are more than two people, the remaining people will be asked to compete in cooking again until the two with the strongest cooking skills stay.

This is a bit like an audition, and the six major forces are the sponsors, and Wang Ming is the referee. The purpose is to help young monks with dreams realize their dreams!
Beidou big stage, come if you have a dream!
Finally, after less than half an hour of selection, the six major forces have found their own foreign aid, because Wang Ming gave them enough time, and they can cook freely.

In order to achieve the best results, it is essential to improve the quality of the ingredients. The six powerhouses all took out the rare ingredients or meat they treasured.

Then a very strange and strange scene appeared in the sky. On the platform built by the six powerhouses with clouds, there were all kinds of bowls and pans.

The kitchen knife cut vegetables automatically without anyone controlling it, and a large flame burned in the void, and above the flames were mouthfuls of dark iron pots.

The six powerhouses are actually working for the chefs they have chosen. They are all doing the cutting and washing of vegetables. Although they are only in the air and do not do it themselves, this scene also makes people feel quite funny.

Wang Ming assumed Ge You's lying posture in mid-air, quietly watching the operations of the people below, and a very wicked smile appeared on his face under the visor.

Although his xinxing has improved a lot, he still can't forget the thing that is almost engraved in his bones, and he has to make strange things from time to time, otherwise he will feel uncomfortable all over.

In this way, the time passed little by little, and about half an hour later, their first dish was cooked. The six powerhouses personally held the dishes, came to Wang Ming and said respectfully.

"Senior, this is our first dish, please taste it."

"I've said it all, call me the chief referee."

Wang Ming said in a relaxed tone, and then he tapped the visor twice, and the cheek covering his jaw disappeared directly.

Kamen Rider won't take off his mask, just like Niu Warrior won't take off his mask, Wang Ming's can only be regarded as some micromanagement.

The function does have such a function, but the average knight will not use it, because it is hard to imagine under what circumstances, the Kamen Rider will only open a hole to sit down and eat.

Why do you have to eat after transforming? Isn't transforming a waste of energy?
Of course, if you reach Wang Ming's level, you can do whatever you want.

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