Their loss in this game is not because they are too good at it, but because there is a knowledgeable person on the opposite side. If the other side does not pull Ye Fan into the game, the Ji family will probably win this game.

Both sides are brainless people who don't know how to deal with details. In terms of combat experience alone, there is at least an [-]% probability that the Ji family will win.

"The game is over, the Yaozu wins this game!"

Wang Ming announced loudly, and then with a thought in his mind, the canyon and auditorium below disappeared, and everyone returned to floating in the starry sky in front of him again.

After hearing Wang Ming's final verdict, the members of Yaozu showed excited smiles on their faces, while everyone in Ji's family looked ugly because they didn't know how to explain to the Patriarch.

Then Wang Ming didn't intend to maintain the game domain, he directly pulled out the God Limit card from the drive, and the whole game domain began to dissipate slowly in the next second, and everyone returned to the real world.

Although there have been huge changes in the game field just now, the real world has not been affected in the slightest. After seeing this scene, everyone began to lament the power of Wang Ming's methods.

"Was the chief referee's method just now an illusion?"

"I don't know, but the illusion should not be so real."

"Could it be that this is a unique skill lost in ancient times, Huangliang Yimeng?"

After the group exited the game field, they looked around in amazement. Before exiting the game field, no one thought that the place they were in just now was a fake.

But after Wang Ming lifted the game domain, they realized that everything they experienced just now was virtual, and this kind of method was simply unheard of.

But Wang Ming didn't care about the surprise of these bumpkins, he said with a faint smile on his face.

"Okay, the game is over, now it's your turn to fulfill the bet, Ji Haoyue, do you have items that are almost as valuable as the Emperor's Soldier?"

"I... don't have any on me."

Ji Haoyue looked at Wang Ming and hesitated for a while before saying, now he has nothing to do.

Wang Ming also seemed to have guessed that Ji Haoyue would say that, and immediately said it in a relaxed tone.

"In this case, go to Ji's house to get it, and I will go with you as a witness."


"Do you have an opinion?"

Ji Haoyue was a little hesitant when he heard the words, but Wang Ming pressed on step by step unceremoniously. After all, as the chief referee, he did not favor anyone in the game.

The victory and defeat of both parties depend on their own efforts. If they lose, they must admit it. This is the most basic principle, and Ji Haoyue knows that she is in the wrong, so she can only bite the bullet and say it.

"Okay, senior, please come with me."

After Ji Haoyue finished saying this, she began to greet everyone in the Ji family. They were going to go outside the ancient battlefield first, and then go back to Ji's house to draw their bets.

But Wang Ming interrupted their actions, he said in a casual tone.

"It doesn't need to be so troublesome. Just point out the direction, which direction Ji's house is in, and how far it is from here."

"Ji's family is in the south of us, 800 million miles away from here."

Ji Haoyue didn't know what Wang Ming wanted to do, but he still reported the location honestly. Wang Ming nodded clearly when he heard the words, and then he waved his hand.

In the next second, all the members of the Ji Family and the Monster Race felt their eyes were spinning, and when they reappeared, they had already appeared outside a towering giant city.

And the word Ji is written on the plaque of this big city, this is not an ordinary city, this is the family land of the Ji family.

The size of this city alone is comparable to the size of the entire territory of some small countries. The desolate ancient family is still very impressive, after all, it has lasted for so many years.

There are several great emperors from some desolate ancient families, and their backgrounds are so rich that even those holy places cannot match. Of course, these great emperors are not from the same era.

Maybe a great emperor came out of a remote ancient family hundreds of thousands of years ago, and another one came out tens of thousands of years ago, and it probably continued like this.

Possessing the blood of the great emperor, coupled with the resources of the ancient family, as long as the geniuses cultivated in this way do not fall, it is still very possible to hit the realm of the great emperor, and no matter how bad they are, they can become saints or quasi-emperors.

However, in recent years, it has become more and more difficult. Whether it is the aura between heaven and earth, or other special substances, it has become more and more rare.

Not to mention the Great Emperor, Beidou can't even find a saint on the bright side. Of course, those who are stronger than saints either enshrine themselves in the source of God, or hide themselves from the world. Now the entire universe is dead. It has some taste of the end of the Dharma era.

All strong people want to fight to the end. If they can live forever here, they can really beat their opponents to death. No matter how powerful they are in life, they will die of old age. Only long life is the kingly way.

"I don't know who came to my Huanggu Ji's house?"

The moment the group of people appeared, there was a reaction in the big city of the Ji family. As a big family that has survived for so long, there is still a little bit of vigilance.

People arrived before the sound came, and when everyone reacted, they saw a white-haired old man standing tall on the top of the city.

This old man exuded a powerful aura, he turned out to be a half-step power in the realm of immortality, and he was one of the supreme elders of the Ji family.

"The old ancestor is like this..."

Ji Haoyue obviously didn't want to make a big deal out of it, so he flew out first, came to the Supreme Elder and explained in a low voice.

Following Ji Haoyue's explanation, the face of the Supreme Elder became more and more ugly. From his sudden clenched fists, it could be seen that he really wanted to beat Ji Haoyue.

But thinking that this is a rare divine body, the key to the future rise of their Ji family, and even a genius who may become a great emperor in the future, he still forcibly held back the anger in his heart.

"You really pissed me off, wait and see how I deal with you!"

The Supreme Elder of the Ji family gave Ji Haoyue a hard look, then forced a smile the next second, and flew up to Wang Ming, clasped his fists and said respectfully.

"Chief referee, I already know the matter, but the emperor's holy weapon is of great importance, the old man and I can't decide it alone, and we need to notify the Patriarch to make a decision."

"You want to play tricks?"

Wang Ming was blunt and outspoken, and the latter immediately squeezed out an ugly smile on his face.

"Chief referee, where is this? It's just that such a big matter really requires the head of the family to make a decision. I don't have that much power, old man."

The elder of the Ji family kept his posture very low, he had already imagined in his heart that he had spanked Ji Haoyue a hundred times, and he was also a cunning guy.

He actually has the right to take out a handful of the emperor's holy weapons on the spot, but these are all things that must be recorded in the genealogy, and he will not help the Patriarch take the blame.

It's none of my business to wipe my son's butt by himself.

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