The endless murderous aura surged up into the sky, which shows how much killing evil is contained in his supreme blood, and how many creatures have to be killed to reach this level!
The next moment, there was a huge clanging sound of gold and iron. It turned out that when Wang Ming was dealing with the Corpse Emperor and the Wanlong Emperor, he had no defense at all, and was forcibly chopped in the head by the precious sword of the Qilin Ancient Emperor.

After seeing this scene, Qilin Ancient Emperor's face showed surprise and excitement, but his expression immediately turned into panic.

Because he could clearly see that the moment his head collided with Wang Ming's proud emperor soldier, he was bounced away, and even a gap appeared.

After receiving this terrifying blow, Wang Ming was unscathed, and his body was not even shaken!

In fact, this is also inevitable, Wang Ming's body is blessed with the power of the six realms of reincarnation, not to mention that he is a crippled emperor holding the emperor's weapon, even a peak true immortal, it is difficult to injure him.

Wang Ming grabbed the ancient emperor Qilin's soldiers with a backhand, and threw it towards the ancient emperor Qilin!

The treasured knife instantly turned into a stream of red light, came to Qilin Ancient Emperor at an unbelievable speed, and stabbed fiercely into his chest!

Here Wang Ming used a little space transfer method, so the Qilin Ancient Emperor was caught unprepared. In just the blink of an eye, Wang Ming abolished three of the four supreme beings.

In fact, Wang Ming really wanted to kill them, it was not difficult at all, space confinement and time stop, just take out any one, you can press them to the ground and rub them.

Wang Ming fought them like this on purpose, and he also wanted to let these guys experience what despair is. For these villainous supreme beings, killing them directly is really too cheap.

It was at this time that Wang Ming made another move. Like a prophet, he reached out to the right and pinched a hydrangea burning with the true fire of the phoenix in his hand.

Attached to it was the Phoenix True Fire that could burn the Great Emperor, and it was as if it did not exist in front of Wang Ming. As soon as his power of six paths of reincarnation was activated, he directly swallowed and absorbed the Phoenix True Fire above it.

"Are you a male or a female? You are also a talent for making this thing a weapon."

With a faint smile on Wang Ming's face, he looked at Ancient Phoenix Emperor calmly and said, and his smile was like a devil's smile in the eyes of Ancient Phoenix Emperor.


Ancient Phoenix Emperor wanted to say something, but before he could react, Wang Ming came to him at some point, and grabbed his neck fiercely.

"But there is no need to talk nonsense with you, let me try the wonder of the Heaven Swallowing Demon Art. I will accept your physique and your origin."

The power of the Six Paths in Wang Ming's hand rotated, obliterating the primordial spirit of the Ancient Phoenix Emperor. The latter was killed by Wang Ming in an instant. This was an absolute crush and instant kill.

Then Wang Ming's Heaven Swallowing Demon Art started to work, and strands of blood flowed into his body through Wang Ming's hand that was inserted into the neck of the ancient Phoenix emperor.

These are the physique and origin of the Ancient Phoenix Emperor, but the speed of this bloodline absorption is relatively slow, after all, the current Heaven Swallowing Demon Art is only a small success but not a great one.

But as time passed bit by bit, the speed of Wang Ming's devouring became faster and faster. This is a snowball-like development.

It was difficult at first, but after absorbing such a high standard of physique and origin, the proficiency of the Swallowing Demon Art also began to increase crazily.

In less than 2 minutes, the ancient phoenix emperor in his hand was completely sucked out of his origin and physique. With a slight shake of Wang Ming's hand, the opponent's crippled body turned into flying ash and disappeared, completely falling.

"You, you actually want to devour us!"

The rest of the three supreme beings who had been seriously injured were shocked when they saw this, and uttered an unbelievable shout. Wang Ming was now intoxicated with the improvement of his own physique and origin. One sentence.

"That's right, you devoured so many creatures in the past, today's fate can be regarded as retaliation for retaliation. Unexpectedly, although you supreme beings are not willing to die, the strength of the origin of life is really not covered."

"Don't think about it, it seems that you have never seen our true peak combat power, don't even think about devouring us today, we will fight you to the death!"

The Wanlong Emperor with the most violent personality suddenly let out a terrifying roar, and then his aura began to rise steadily, and strands of divine light bloomed from his body. He was trying to sublimate and restore his peak power in the emperor period Fight to the death with Wang Ming!

And once he makes this decision, whether he wins or loses this battle is doomed to fall, because the supreme being who has been sublimated to the utmost is like a brilliant firework, which will extinguish and fall completely after burning and blooming.

If these ancient emperors were not forced to a dead end, they would generally not use this move, and would only use this move to die with the enemy when they were in a desperate situation.

However, this move may be effective in front of others, and even scare away some timid enemies, but it can't have any threatening effect in front of Wang Ming.

"What are you arguing about, shut up."

Wang Ming frowned, and his expression finally changed. He waved at the three supreme beings casually. The next second, the three of them felt unable to move their bodies, and they couldn't even blink their eyes.

Wang Ming directly suspended the time of their bodies, but he did not suspend the time of their primordial spirits, because Wang Ming wanted them to watch with their own eyes, and his body became nourishment.

This was Wang Ming's punishment for the evil deeds they committed in the past. These guys were so afraid of death, they tried their best to find ways to nourish their bodies and prolong their lifespan.

Then Wang Ming will let them see with their own eyes that they have given up all the goals they have degenerated to this point, and the picture is shattered before their eyes. Maybe some people will directly collapse their Dao heart, and it is not necessarily true.

But after the time of suspending them, Wang Ming's ears finally became quiet. He stood on the spot and slowly performed the Heaven Swallowing Devil Art, digesting the physique and origin that he had just absorbed.

There is no way, the physique and origin of the Ancient Phoenix Emperor are really very nourishing, and he still has to digest the Heaven Swallowing Demon Art at this stage for a while.

After about ten minutes, Wang Ming completely digested the physique and origin of the Ancient Phoenix Emperor, and then he set his sights on the Wanlong Emperor who seemed to have a very strong physique.

When the latter saw Wang Ming looking at him, he immediately became numb, but in the next second, Wang Ming turned his attention to the Corpse Emperor again. The most nourishing meal should be enjoyed last, and now only some appetizers will do.

Wang Ming mainly wanted to digest the easily digestible ones first, and then devour the Wanlong Emperor and Qilin Ancient Emperor after the level of the Heaven Swallowing Demon Art increased. It would be easier that way.

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