"Let me put down the dark turmoil that has been roiling the world."

With a faint smile on Wang Ming's face, he stepped out and disappeared in place. After dozens of space jumps, he found his target.

It's not how far the Burial Sky Island is, but because it hides relatively secretly. It usually hides in the void above Donghuang, invisible and substanceless, and its existence cannot be found at all.

If Wang Ming hadn't found this place through his sense of space, ordinary people would not have expected to find Zangtian Island so smoothly. This place is also the most mysterious restricted area for life.

There used to be a great chaotic body, known as the Great Chaos Emperor, who for some reason had a conflict with Zangtian Island, and then the Chaos Great entered the Zangtian Island alone, and the battle was extremely tragic, and several Supremes fell.

And the Chaos Emperor finally died of exhaustion, on Burial Island, but he didn't know if his body was still there. If his body was still there, Wang Ming could give it a try and directly devour the Chaos body.

In this case, his progress in achieving the Chaos Body will be greatly accelerated, but this is just a thought, because no matter how strong the Chaos Body is, in this world without longevity substances, it will gradually lose its energy and blood, and finally disappear in ashes.

"I am the Great Emperor of Reincarnation, and I have come to pacify the restricted area today, you evil beast, come out and die quickly."

After Wang Ming shielded the surrounding space with his hand, he said calmly, the main reason for him to shield the space is not to hurt the innocent, after all, the ghost knows what kind of insane things these ancient emperors and supreme dogs will do by jumping over the wall in a hurry.

"You bastard! Where did you come from, a child who doesn't know how to live or die!"

"It turned out to be a newly promoted emperor. He didn't enjoy his good years and came to me to wait for his death in the restricted area. He was really stupid!"

"Today, I'm going to draw your vitality, and make up for me!"

As Wang Ming unleashed his aura, terrifying roars came from the depths of Burial Sky Island, and then five or six terrifying auras shot up into the sky, and Taoist figures broke through the ground and stood in midair, looking at Wang Ming indifferently. People are all supreme!


half an hour later

"Screaming so fiercely, in the end there was no one who could fight."

After Wang Ming absorbed the physique and origin of the last supreme being on Zangtian Island, he shook his head speechlessly. He beat these guys as easily and casually as a father beat his son.

There is no overturning at all, maybe the battle process is basically instant kills, which belongs to a quick battle.

And because of the fact that the Sky Swallowing Devil Kungfu has already been completed, Wang Ming absorbs the physique and origin of these guys, and the speed becomes very fast.

After absorbing the source of these supreme beings, Wang Ming sat cross-legged on the peak of Zangtian Island and began to erase the evil thoughts in his heart. He was a little full just now, and now he has to use some hands and feet to erase the evil thoughts in his heart.

And while Wang Ming was erasing his demonic thoughts, he was also looking at the layout of the Burying Heaven Island. This island looked very familiar to him.

It took a while for Wang Ming to realize that the layout of the funeral island was exactly the same as that of the Jiulong coffin. Nine huge mountain ranges lay across the island like nine giant dragons. At the end of the nine mountain ranges, there was a square huge mountain.

From a distance, it looked exactly the same as Nine Dragons pulling the coffin. After Wang Ming saw this scene, he strengthened his belief in finishing the chaotic body and running away as soon as possible.

There are so many secrets in this world. The depth of the water is even more terrifying than the Mariana Trench. It is impossible to see the bottom. Wang Ming has even begun to doubt whether this world is the lower bound of a certain super world.

Although Wang Ming didn't read much domestic web literature in the past, he still knows what kind of routines domestic web literature likes to play, especially in terms of worldview.

Most of the online novels of fantasy fairy tales like to set boxes. There is a big world outside the small world, and a bigger world outside the big world.

And now Wang Ming seriously suspects that he has come to a small world in a fantasy world of box sets, and the strong people that appear in this box world are quite terrifying.

If we really want to judge according to the division of combat power in the Ming Realm, the top powerhouses in this box world must at least be at the infinite multiverse level.

That is a powerhouse beyond the multiverse level. As the name suggests, a multiverse level powerhouse can destroy a multiverse, while an infinite multiverse level powerhouse can destroy infinite multiverses.

This kind of combat power is just in line with the fantasy world of this box set. No matter how many layers of boxes you set, you can't reach the reality where I am. This is the powerhouse of the infinite multiverse level.

And basically at the level of the infinite multiverse, there is nothing that can kill this kind of existence. This is a truly immortal existence.

A powerhouse of this level may be defeated, but he absolutely cannot be completely killed, unless you wipe out any trace of him in the heavens and myriad worlds.

Not leaving any traces for the other party, completely erasing its existence, erasing everyone's memory of him, erasing all his karma from the long river of time in all worlds of the heavens and myriad worlds.

To obliterate the other party has left traces on various avenues, and even erase any memories about him, so that it is possible to kill him in theory.

This realm is similar to the mythical Daluo in the popular sense, but it is stronger than the mythical Daluo. The mythical Daluo is just a concept of strength, and it is not the Daluo Jinxian realm in the prehistoric world.

The use of the word Da Luo is just to more accurately set off the strength of this existence. All in all, the powerhouse of the infinite multiverse level is basically linked to the word invincible.

"Finally, it's done. Just like this, the remaining few restricted areas will be flattened in one go."

Wang Ming heaved a sigh of relief after eradicating the evil thoughts in his heart, and then he got up and took a step forward. After a while, he came to another sea of ​​reincarnation in the restricted area of ​​life.

Still repeat the previous operation: confine the space, shout out, and then devour, a set of combos can be executed smoothly, Wang Ming is already a little proficient.

After a while, the Sea of ​​Reincarnation was also destroyed by him. Wang Ming showed an invincible posture far surpassing the ancient emperor. No matter what kind of supreme ancient emperor you are, no matter what kind of extreme emperor soldier you are, there is no one in front of Wang Ming. People survived a trick.

With this invincible posture, he directly wiped out all the life forbidden areas in the universe, and no one is his single enemy!
Dozens of Supreme Ancient Emperors in the Seven Life Forbidden Areas all died, and Wang Ming did not hesitate to attack, and devoured the physique and origin of so many ancient Supremes and Ancient Emperors.

Wang Ming faintly felt that his body was about to undergo a qualitative change. Once he crossed this threshold, it is estimated that his acquired chaotic body would be perfected.

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