In this way, Wang Ming followed Qiyu to his apartment, which can be said to be quite simple, but in fact, except for the slightly narrow space, there are all the daily necessities that should be there.

Under Saitama's impatient eyes, Wang Ming unpacked the package, and then took out a game console the size of an ordinary shoe box, although the technology of Wang Ming's future world is already very advanced.

But their technology tree seems to be a bit crooked. It is not bad in the high-end scientific field, but there is really no major breakthrough in the basic civilian use of entertainment products such as game consoles.

And because Saitama's TV and Wang Ming's game console are both from Japan in different worlds, their docking interfaces can match perfectly.

That is to say, plug the game console into the power supply, and then connect it to the TV to use it normally. There is no problem of mismatching at all. Even if there is a mismatch, it is not that there is no display screen in Wang Ming's space equipment.

"That's about all the battle games. Let's pick one. I haven't played it before. We both start to learn from scratch."

Wang Ming took out more than a dozen game cassettes and placed them in front of Qiyu. Qiyu also looked at the game cassettes in front of him with great interest. He glanced around and was attracted by a very special cassette at first glance. attention.

Saitama picked up the card bag and shook it, and said with a little excitement.

"Just play this game. I think this game should be very fun. It looks very interesting. There is actually a game with animals as the main character playing basketball."

Wang Ming glanced at the cassette that Qiyu was holding, and found it very interesting. The name of this game is "Basketball Chicken Overlord".

As the name suggests, it is a sports basketball game, but the protagonist is replaced by a group of big cocks wearing jerseys instead of various traditional basketball stars.

To be honest, Wang Ming has never tried this type of game, and he also felt that it was a bit novel, so he agreed immediately.

"This game is interesting. I haven't played it before. Try it."

"Hey hey, it seems that my vision is pretty good. Even you haven't played this game. Now we can compete fairly!"

Qiyu also ignited an inexplicable enthusiasm for a while, and the bond value between him and Wang Ming was steadily increasing. Wang Ming felt that this was definitely the best bond value among the people he had met.

There is no need for life-and-death battles, and there is no need to engage in any sensational bells and whistles. You need to play a few games with the other party to increase the bond value. It feels like fishing at work.

Then Wang Ming and Saitama started the game. There are many characters to choose from in this game, and each chicken has a different jersey and outfit.

Wang Ming chose a character named Ji Daying, while Saitama chose a character named Ji Dakun, and the costumes of the two characters are different.

Ji Daying's attire is a very ordinary jersey for playing basketball, except for a red string tied to his head that says "Must Win", there is nothing special about it.

And the outfit that Qi Yu chose was quite special, not to mention its unreasonable attire as a chicken, but at the very least you have to wear a jersey to play basketball.

This character not only does not wear a jersey, but also wears a very flamboyant suspender outfit, and even has a very distinctive hairstyle. Wang Ming guesses that the reason why Saitama chose this character is because it is flirtatious.

"Then let's get started."

"I'm best at sports games, you can't beat me!"

Wang Ming said with a light smile, while Qi Yu shouted very energetically, and then both of them started their own operations.

The living room was filled with the crackling sound of the handle buttons, and the two of them called the skill names of the characters in the game while typing. For a moment, Wang Ming felt that he had returned to his childhood, playing King of Fighters with his friends. The battle scene.

"Look at my hidden black chicken!"

"Hmph, it's nothing more than a trick, watch my blue butterfly roam the clouds!"

"Then try my chicken dance for nine days!"

"My handsome chicken Yang is much better than your move!"

The shouts of the two people and the sound of the collision of the handle buttons are very intense. If you don't look at the content on the screen, just listening to the sound will make you feel that the two are quite powerful game masters.

And if they look at the picture, most people will be speechless. The chicken eagle controlled by Wang Ming just jumps and throws the ball, so Wang Ming calls him handsome chicken Yang.

The Ji Dakun controlled by Qiyu is just a simple dunk, which he called the hidden black chicken, and a long-range jumper three-pointer, which he called the chicken dancing nine days.

This is a serious discrepancy between the picture and the sound. Wang Ming has to admit that he is not much better than Qiyu in terms of game talent.

The two are actually at the same level. The most important thing is that although the two are powerful, their reaction ability is far beyond ordinary people.

But the game they played didn't require much reaction power at all, because this was a problem with the game itself, and the design of the game was a bit anti-human.

For example, the parabola of pitching is always inaccurate. The parabola displayed on the screen is completely different from the actual pitch.

Every shot is a random result, and it is impossible to achieve a perfect effect by predicting the parabola.

This time the throw may be a little lower, but when you adjust the parabola next time, you will find that the ball you throw becomes lower. This is not a difficulty that can be solved by external force.

This is fundamentally a big problem with the game itself. No matter how strong the two are, they can't tamper with the game program directly through their minds. Wang Ming can try to change the game program by transforming into a god limit.

But it would be too obvious to do that. It is obviously not good for you to cheat, so in fact, what the game screen shows is the picture of two chickens pecking at each other.

And both of them blamed the game itself for their fault, neither of them realized that it was their fault, or that neither of them had read the rules carefully.

In fact, this game is just a fighting game disguised as a sports game, because the rules of the game clearly show one rule.

Whoever shoots more than twenty shots first, or knocks down the opponent's character, is the winner.

That's right, in this game, you can actually hit your opponent with a basketball. Although there is no clear fighting skill, you can intentionally hit the basketball on the opponent's character to cause a blood deduction effect. Will it bear a blood bar?
What's the point of this blood bar if you can't attack each other?Obviously, neither of them noticed this detail, and they both subconsciously ignored this detail.

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