"Then come with me."

Asura Unicorn squeezed out a very disgusting smile on his distorted face, and then he didn't continue to attack Genos, and he really walked in front to lead the way.

And Genos also kept a distance, and followed him far away. The two walked for tens of seconds, and walked into a huge space at a corner.

This is a pure white space. There is nothing else. It is quite large. The area is no less than a football field. It should be used for fighting.

"Then let's get started!"

Asura Unicorn let out a loud cry of excitement, and then he rushed forward regardless of whether Genos was ready or not!

"It's already ready!"

Genos also shouted and punched hard!
bang bang bang...

In the next second, the sound of countless fists and feet colliding resounded in the entire space, filled with fist wind and sonic boom everywhere, and the fists and feet of the two people collided fiercely in countless afterimages.

Both sides are using the most primitive fighting tactics, and this battle space is indeed strong enough. It stands to reason that the aftermath of the attack by the two of them is enough to mess up several streets. .

However, there was no damage in this white space, and the speed of the two of them was getting faster and faster, and the Asura Unicorn Immortal became more and more excited.

"Hahaha! That's how it feels! This is fighting!"

Every punch of Ashura Unicorn Immortal carries great power, and the speed is extremely fast. Genos can barely parry at first, but now he is more and more powerless.

His main brain has been unable to accurately predict the next attack of Asura Unicorn Immortal. Simply put, the powerful computing power of his semi-biological computer has already shown signs of being overloaded at this time.

It can be seen that Asura Unicorn Immortal's punching speed is fast and his fighting skills are exquisite. This guy is also a humanoid weapon with a lot of fighting skills implanted.

You must know that after summoning the Xingtian Armor, Genos now has the combat power of an ordinary S-level hero, and ordinary dragon-level monsters are not necessarily his opponents.

Hitting ghost-level monsters can be killed in seconds. The three monsters outside the evolutionary family were the existence of the peak ghost level, but Genos still gradually fell into a disadvantage.

It can be said that Asura Unicorn is the most powerful work of Dr. Genos, and he definitely has the strength of the top five S-class heroes.

Because there is one of the current S-class heroes, who can be regarded as the predecessor of Asura Unicorn, the current eighth zombie man of S-class, and he is also one of the works of Dr. Genos.

For some reason, he has become a hero now, so the strength of Ashura Unicorn is considered to be the top wave among all S-level heroes.

It is quite normal for Genos to fall into a disadvantage. After all, the armor is not the ultimate cheat, it just enhances the strength of Genos.

The enhanced strength is based on the base of Genos itself. The current Genos has not replaced another more powerful mechanical body, which means that his mechanical body has not been upgraded, and its performance in all aspects is weaker. Not a lot.


Finally, Genos's calculations still stagnated, and his computer froze for a short while, and this brief stagnation was a fatal loophole.

Asura Unicorn Immortal punched Genos hard on the chest, and the latter flew out like a cannonball, and then slammed hard on the pure white wall of the battle space.

The entire wall suddenly sank into a huge round hole, and the entire battle space trembled, and Genos, who had been hit like this, was directly beaten to the point where his armor was lifted.

The Xingtian Summoner fell from his waist and hit the ground fiercely. Asura Unicorn was a little joking, and walked towards Genos slowly.

"I thought you had some kind of strength, so that's it. It's just for me to warm up. It's rubbish."

Asura Unicorn taunted, and Dr. Genos became excited after seeing this scene. He said to Ashura Unicorn through the loudspeaker equipment in the battle space.

"Pick up the small box that fell from him, that's the key to that armor!"

Dr. Genos is such a smart person. He has been observing the structure of the Xingtian armor for a long time, and then he discovered that the Xingtian summoner has always existed before and after the transformation, and then he deduced the important role of the Xingtian summoner .

And Asura Unicorn Immortal heard that he did not show his rebellious spirit at this time, he was also very obedient and prepared to pick up the Xingtian Summoner.


At the same time, Wang Ming, who was playing games with Qiyu tens of kilometers away, seemed to have sensed something, and he suddenly pressed the pause button of the game.

"Sorry, let's pause for a moment, I have something to deal with first."

After pausing the game, Wang Ming put down the game controller and said stretchingly, then Wang Ming twisted his neck and came to the balcony.

He stretched out his hand and held it forward, a pure black iron sword was created out of thin air, and then Wang Ming roughly gestured in the direction, then threw the iron sword in his hand away at will.

The iron sword broke through dozens of times the sound barrier in an instant, turned into a streamer and flew out, and there was a terrifying explosion sound at the scene, but with Wang Ming's intentional blessing, the balcony of Saitama's house was not affected in any way.

After doing all this, Wang Ming didn't even bother to look at the iron sword again, so he walked back to the living room, picked up the game controller and said.

"Let's continue."

"Hey, what did you do just now? It's such a big commotion."

"It's nothing, it's just helping a junior."

Qiyu asked curiously, he wasn't really stupid, it's just that sometimes he didn't bother to think about many things, but after hearing Wang Ming said it was all right, Qiyu didn't care and continued to play games with Wang Ming.


"I will accept your armor."

Asura Unicorn Immortal walked slowly in front of the Xingtian Summoner, and was about to bend down to pick it up, but at this moment, the entire underground base began to vibrate violently.


It was as if it was about to fall apart, and then Asura Unicorn Immortal felt a great fear, and he immediately gave up to pick up the Xingtian Summoner.

Immediately, he turned around without hesitation, and according to his intuition, he made a gesture of catching the sword with his bare hands, and then he actually caught a weapon.

It was a pitch-black iron sword. At this time, it was stabbing towards the Asura Unicorn Immortal with terrifying force. Judging from the direction the iron sword came from, it pierced through the entire underground base. Came here.

And Asura Unicorn also tried his best to resist the iron sword for a while with both palms. After a while, Asura Unicorn felt that he couldn't stop it.

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