Chapter 345 The Battle of Wakanda

"I'm really looking forward to it."

There was an arrogant smile on Wang Ming's face. The next second, he stepped out to the sky above Wakanda. He had no intention of participating in the battle below.

Because this level of battle is quite boring to Wang Ming, Wang Ming just glanced at it and found it meaningless.

A group of aliens holding the most advanced weapons in the universe are playing the most primitive hand-to-hand combat below. This kind of battle scene makes people feel speechless.

At this time, a group of Wakanda soldiers below and several Avengers members are taking the airship to the outer edge of the energy barrier to challenge.

Although Thanos' army has arrived, Wakanda's energy shield is still quite strong, temporarily blocking the opponent's full-scale invasion, but they will not wait for the enemy to hit the door, and taking the initiative to attack is the best choice.

"All alert, ready to fight!"

The warriors of Wakanda said loudly with their spears, and then the warriors of Wakanda formed square formations of different shapes, which should be called battle formations, and began to wait for the alien army outside the barrier.



They kept shouting and cheering in Wakanda, which was very similar to the scene of the ancient African indigenous war. Wang Ming was speechless while watching it. Wakanda has the most advanced technology on the earth, but it still wants to be like ancient times. The ranks fought hand to hand with others.

At the forefront of the army, Captain America, Black Widow, Dr. Banner and Black Panther wearing anti-Hulk armor are the main force of the reunion members.

Outside the barrier not far away, the two subordinates of Thanos quietly watched this scene. They were Proxima Centauri and Black Dwarf among the five stars under Thanos.

Seeing this, Captain America and Panther also walked to the edge of the barrier in a leisurely manner, watching the two speak in a relaxed tone.

"Where's the ugly monster from last time, won't he come?"

"We will definitely pay in blood."

"You have to be clear that this is Wakanda, even if Thanos comes, he will never return."

"No return? It seems that you still don't understand the status quo."

Black Panther seemed very confident in Wakanda, but Proxima Centauri sneered, and then waved her hand fiercely. This was her order to attack.

As Proxima Centauri gave orders, countless alien species with four arms or six arms on the alien battleship behind her rushed down the battleship and rushed towards the energy barrier like crazy.

They hit the energy barrier crazily, and Captain America and the Black Panther also retreated to the front of the army formation. The Winter Soldier jokingly said something after seeing Captain America.

"Well, have you persuaded them to surrender?"

"At present, it seems that there is no."

Captain America shrugged his shoulders to express his helplessness, and the Black Widow also sighed when she saw such a crazy scene outside the barrier.

"They're desperate."

"No, they are desperate."

The Panther's face also became a little serious at this time, and after saying this, he gave an order to Wakanda's troops.

"Defensive formation!"

After Wakanda's troops were ordered, they also began to change their formation, and at this time the alien creatures outside the barrier were attacking more and more frantically.

And under such a crazy impact, no matter how strong the barrier is, it won't last long. After all, this energy shield is a bit big, and the bigger the shield, the weaker the defense is. This is basically the reason.

After the first alien creature broke through the defense, there was a second and a third, and they poured into the shield like a steady stream of water.

And Wakanda also started to fight back. They took out their spears, and then fired lasers from the spears. The alien creatures that were hit would instantly turn into fly ash. The power of this thing is not small at all.

In a sense, this spear is quite convenient. After all, it can be used as a rifle, and the power of swinging it in close combat should not be small.

The battlefield below began to become chaotic, because Wakanda's shield had been completely torn a big hole, and endless alien creatures poured in from it.

The Avengers members on Wakanda's side also showed their special abilities. The battlefield was fierce and anxious, and in the rear of Wakanda, the sister of the Black Panther was trying to remove the gem on Vision's forehead.

As long as they take out the Mind Stone and hide it somewhere no one can find it, Thanos will never be able to collect the six Infinity Stones, so he can't complete his plan.

But the power of the gem is so great, it will take a lot of time for them to dismantle it, and the army in front is fighting desperately just to delay the time.

But just as several people were operating the machine to dismantle it precisely and hallucinate the mind gem above their heads, Wang Ming's figure suddenly appeared in the laboratory.

Scarlet Witch was startled when she saw Wang Ming suddenly barging in, her hand immediately lit up with red light, she looked at Wang Ming very vigilantly and said.

"Who are you?!"

"It's just a passing Kamen Rider."

Wang Ming replied with a somewhat embarrassed smile on his face, and then, ignoring the gazes of several guards and Scarlet Witch, he walked directly to Vision's side.

"Stop, you won't be polite if you come near me again!"

Seeing this, the Scarlet Witch immediately issued the most severe warning, but Vision, who was lying on the operating table, suddenly stopped the Scarlet Witch's movements.

"It's okay dear, he's not Thanos."

The Scarlet Witch breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, while Wang Ming asked with great interest.

"What, you know me?"

"That's right, I once controlled the global network, checked all the surveillance, and learned all the information on this planet. I know who you are. You are the mysterious person who gave Tony that magical alien armor. I heard Tony talked about you and found your appearance information in the database."

It was also the first time for Vision to see Wang Ming in person, so he looked at him curiously, but Wang Ming just shook his head indifferently and said.

"I can take down the soul gem. In fact, I came here for this. With me, Thanos can't take this gem away."

Wang Ming showed an arrogant smile while talking. Scarlet Witch couldn't stand Wang Ming's angry attitude for a long time, so she also stood up and said.

"Why should I trust you..."

Before she finished speaking, Wang Ming snapped his fingers at her, and the next second, all the power in Scarlet Witch disappeared, and she became an ordinary person in that instant.

It wasn't until then that Wang Ming's arrogant words reached everyone's ears.

"I wonder if you have made a mistake. I am here to inform you, not to discuss with you. I am going to order the Infinity Stones. Anyone who dares to stop them will try."

(After thinking about it, I decided not to go to the fantasy world. I will not go to the prehistoric and perfect worlds. I plan to go to the high-end combat power world of Riman. Don’t think that Riman’s combat power is weak. You can search for Ruphas, Riman’s combat power ceiling The setting is similar to Gu Chensha, and sometimes the sky, which is also a big daddy)
(End of this chapter)

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