Following the successful adjustment of Wang Ming, under a flash of light, he successfully transformed into the law form of the God Lord, and then Wang Ming stepped out directly, leaving the universe in an instant, and came to the opposite side of the Mercury Snake!
And when Wang Ming came to the opposite side of the mercury snake, he also found that the other party was looking at him with a smile. He was playing with a universe that was only the size of an apple, and Wang Ming ran out of it.

It's not that the universe is too small, nor is the mercury snake too big, but the concept of space is very mysterious. Sumina meson, one sand, one world, is not an abstract term, but a vivid metaphor. is not the same as the actual one.

"Why are you running out? I want to watch more dramas."

The Mercury Snake looked at Wang Ming with a smile and said, while Wang Ming directly clicked on the tablet a few times, bound the bond value between himself and the Mercury Snake, and said in a rather arrogant tone.

"There's no reason, can't I just beat you up?"

"Hehehe, you are very interesting, and your timing is very accurate. This time is a brand new variable. I will not do it again until I see the end. If this is the case, I will play with you and say Wake up, so many times, this is the first time to confront you head-on, I still look forward to it."

The Mercury Snake didn't reject Wang Ming's invitation to fight, on the contrary, he also had a standing smile on his face, as if he wanted to fight Wang Ming a long time ago.

While speaking, Mercury Snake also waved his hand, and put away the universe that contained Fujii Ren and the others. Now in this endless space of the seat, he no longer has any scruples when he moves.

And Wang Ming also got some information from his words, that is to say, this guy had never had direct contact with him before, and it was the first time until now.

This is good news for Wang Ming, because if it is the first time to fight, the opponent doesn't know his skills and hole cards, so he can't make a special target, and he won't be so strenuous in fighting.

"Then I'm welcome."

Wang Ming didn't have any fear at all. Back then in the Doujie, he dared to use half a step of infinitely diverse strength. His strength was almost the peak of infinitely diverse Dum. Although he was beaten badly, he didn't Counseled, not to mention that now he has more powerful power, so naturally he is even more fearless.

I didn't see Wang Ming making any moves, but countless magic circles around him suddenly opened up, and strange-looking monsters ran out of them. This kind of taboo small magic summoning circle can ignore the barriers of the multi-dimensional world, and directly destroy those deformed creatures in Marvel. Something weird is summoned.

After these little things were summoned, they were immediately strengthened by Wang Ming's other buffing magic, and each one's strength was no less than that of the multi-level, directly playing the crowd tactics.

Wang Ming was annoyed by this trick in the past, but it was really fragrant when he used it himself. Although the Mercury Snake is a character at the peak level of infinite diversity, it takes a little effort to kill a summoner with multiple levels. It can't be killed in an instant, so the number of these things is quite annoying.

Of course, they can't do any substantial damage to the Mercury snake, but the various mucus or other substances on their bodies can make the other party disgusting enough.

Wang Ming didn't expect these summons to bring any good results. He just used these things to delay time and prepare for the real big move.

"Really inelegant stuff."

Sure enough, the Mercury Snake frowned uncomfortably at these monsters from the Marvel Universe, and then he didn't see any special energy unfolding between his palms, and these monsters were directly torn into pieces.

But the torn monsters are only a small part, and most of the monsters are still charging towards him. The only advantage of this thing is its quantity. As long as it can hold the mercury for a few seconds, Wang Ming will Enough to unleash some powerful spells.

To be precise, his spells should be called the spells of laws. After all, the spells used by Wang Ming in this state have surpassed most of the supreme rules of the multiverse, and belong to powerful attacks that are close to the origin of Tao.

"The root cause is wiped out!"

Finally, the annoying Mercury Snake still used his skills, and a killing intent from the seat of the seat instantly swept across the audience. Just a simple wave of killing intent killed countless summoned creatures around him in an instant. It was completely clean, not even half of the most basic particles were left.

This is one of the abilities of the Mercury Snake. In this infinite space, he can use the seat to amplify all his powers. Just by simply amplifying his killing intent, he can instantly kill multi-level existences.

This is the almost invincible domineering god!
However, these summoned creatures have completed their mission, because at this time, the magic circle that Wang Ming needs to spend time to make has been completed.

"It's pretty powerful, how about you try my trick!"

"Endless dimension obliteration!"

Wang Ming looked at the Mercury Snake that had escaped, holding two huge silver magic circles in his hands. Wang Ming just slightly twisted the magic circles in his hands, and great power burst out from them.

An invisible and qualityless spatial fluctuation instantly enveloped the whole body of the Mercury Snake. This is a supreme space-killing force, and its horror can even tear apart in an instant. A mature Xeon universe.

In an instant, the body of the Mercury Snake was torn apart with countless cracks, making it look like a broken porcelain doll.

You must know that this guy's physical strength is extremely abnormal, even if it is just a cell, it is comparable to the total energy of an ordinary universe.

But now he was still instantly injured by Wang Ming's move, which shows how powerful his move is, which is equivalent to directly destroying thousands of multiverses.

Although it was only a minor injury, it was still an outstanding record. After all, the Mercury Snake was not a trash fish. During this period of time, no one could injure him except the Golden Beast.

This is also the reason why Wang Ming has to store his energy for so long. Ordinary laws have no way to have any impact on the powerhouses of infinite multi-level.

If you want to use the power of laws to harm infinite multi-level powerhouses, you can only use more than conventional laws, which is also the original meaning of Doctor Strange's small illegal magic.

Wang Ming called this kind of thing the supreme law, which means that the power of the law is far beyond ordinary, and the difference is equivalent to the difference between Tao and Dao.

The simple one-word difference, the difference in power level is unknown how many times, to be able to play with the power of the Dao to such a degree, Wang Ming now praises it as the master, and calling himself the master of the Dao is more than enough.

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