Chapter 418 Extreme Violence


Wang Ming could even hear the sound of his own bones being twisted, and the armor in the form of the god master began to tremble slightly. From this we can see how terrifying this force is.

"The causal rate collapses!"

Naturally, the Mercury Snake would not let go of this good opportunity. After controlling Wang Ming, he resolutely launched a new attack.

The same multi-dimensional collapse happened in Wang Ming's body as before, and the muscles on Wang Ming's body were torn apart in an instant.

At this time, Wang Ming was a bit overwhelmed by the Mercury Snake, and he didn't care about his head. However, he was also a person who had experienced many battles, so he didn't lose an inch because of the enemy's fierce and continuous attacks.

Wang Ming is very clear that he should get rid of this terrifying tidal force now, otherwise there will be more attacks on him in the future.

So Wang Ming carried this terrifying tidal force, and forcibly clicked a very convenient button on the god master mode. This was originally a custom function, and the purpose was to allow the user to quickly switch forms during the battle.

So Wang Ming clicked without hesitation, and switched to the icon of the violent form of the god master mode with one click, because now he can't bear this terrifying power, because he is essentially a crispy mage.

The opponent used this kind of pure violence to suppress him, and he really didn't have a good way to fight back. After much deliberation, he could only use strength to fight strength.

After all, in his new violent form's deck, there is more Saitorak, an infinitely multi-level fierce man, so the current violent form is only a little weaker than the lawful form in terms of overall combat power. The strength is already far beyond the law form.

In the next second, a dazzling light flashed on Wang Ming, and the six cards in front of his chest suddenly flipped and changed their form. At this time, Wang Ming successfully switched to a violent form!
And the moment Wang Ming switched to the violent form, the entire seat space trembled violently, because a terrifying force that could rival the tidal power of countless multiverses and all stars appeared!

"Don't get too complacent!"

Wang Ming let out a somewhat angry roar, and then he forcibly retracted his stretched body that had been stretched before, bit by bit.

If you look at it from a macro point of view, you can find a rather shocking fact. At this moment, all the multiverses in the seat world, as well as all the stars in the parallel universe, are being pulled towards him by Wang Ming.

This is fighting against countless multiverses with one's own power!
Moreover, as Wang Ming became angry, the characteristics of the World Destroyer Hulk card also appeared, and because Wang Ming felt a sense of crisis, Saitama's cards also continued to play a role.

Wang Ming's strength is still increasing without limit, this is his current violent form which is only slightly weaker than the law form!
"This is really unreasonable brute force."

After seeing this scene, Mercury Snake's expression became serious. One thing to say, it was the first time he saw someone who could use pure violence to resist his move. Even the Golden Beast used skills to resist it. Only then can he break free from the shackles of his move.


At this time, Wang Ming roared again violently, and the entire seat world began to tremble violently. At this time, Wang Ming was wrestling with countless multiverses in the simplest way.

Either they tore Wang Ming into pieces, or Wang Ming tore them up, using tidal force as a medium to wrestle across time and space!
"No, you madman!"

Seeing this scene, Mercury Snake's expression changed drastically. He quickly waved his hand to remove the tidal force attached to Wang Ming's body. If he hadn't stopped in time just now, Wang Ming could have smashed these stars in the multiverse in an instant. .

That would lead to a result, the shattering of all the stars in the multiverse, and then cause the big bang of all the multiverses, and the foundation of the entire seat world would be subject to huge turmoil in an instant.

"What a perverted power."

At this moment, even the Mercury Snake couldn't help sighing. He wasn't afraid that Wang Ming would destroy these multiverses just now. After all, his most powerful move was almost to destroy all multiverses in the entire block world before he could release it. from.

The Mercury Snake is just afraid that the chain reaction caused by the multiverse explosion will affect the universe where Marie and Fujii Ren are located. After all, there is still a brand new game going on there. Before seeing the ending, the Mercury Snake will not Leave it there to be destroyed.

"Now use whatever moves you have, or I will beat you unilaterally later."

Wang Ming suppressed the chaotic law of cause and effect in his body again, then twisted his neck and wrist, and said with some anger in his tone.

There are too many things to consider in the law form, and it is not very exciting to fight. If you really want to say that you are punching to the flesh, you have to fight in the violent form.

"What an inelegant reckless man. You are far behind him. You are not a qualified opponent, but you are a formidable enemy."

The Mercury Snake also squinted his eyes and said with a smile at this time, and he also included Wang Ming in the list of enemies. Opponents and enemies are two concepts. Opponents may become friends, while enemies can only die endlessly. He was also indirectly expressing his determination.

"Why are you talking so much nonsense? You'll know when you hit it!"

Wang Ming showed enough of his current irritable temper. He kicked the surrounding void with his foot to create ripples in the space, and then shot at the Mercury Snake like a cannonball, without fancy ruthlessness. With a slap in the face, he whipped towards the latter's head!

The dull impact echoed in the endless space of the seat, and the Mercury Snake was thrown backwards by Wang Ming's sudden outburst.

The space of the seat is not empty, except for the unattainable seat in the middle that hangs high at the top, the surrounding blank spaces are all neatly arranged with multiple universes.

These multiverses are shaped like pitch-black spheres, and inside these pitch-black spheres, there are countless smaller spheres that represent the single universe.

There are countless spheres in a multiverse, similar to the single universe that Ren Fujii and the others are in now.

And such a multiverse ball almost fills the endless space of the seat. Even the Mercury Snake, who has been promoted as its master, cannot explain how many multiverses there are in it, and can only use the word endless. to describe.

As for the Mercury Snake that was kicked out by Wang Ming, at least a million multiverses have been smashed into pieces at this time, and they are all strong at the infinite multiverse level.

Ordinary multiverses or multivariate powerhouses are like ants in front of the two, so it is not too shocking to be able to cause such a terrifying shattering.

(End of this chapter)

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