Comprehensive Manga: From the Armored Warriors to Blast Unlimited

Chapter 424 Switching Offensive and Defensive Alliances

Chapter 424 Switching Offensive and Defensive Alliances
"Although I don't know what's going on in your mind, but let's assume that our goals are the same, so let's reach an alliance for the time being."

The Mercury Snake nodded and agreed after thinking for a while, so at this moment, the offensive and defensive alliances were switched instantly, and the three of them at this time were like the Three Kingdoms standing on each other, proving that changes are possible all the time.

Wang Ming had no doubt that after he and the Mercury Snake knocked down the Golden Beast from its seat, the two might form an alliance to deal with this alien species, but he was not worried.

Because at this time, the Mercury Snake was no longer a threat in Wang Ming's eyes, because he could use Zuo's power to check and balance the Mercury Snake, so neither of them could use Zuo's power.

On the other hand, Wang Ming can add the cards of Mercury Snake to the law-form deck to form a brand-new god-lord law form. Its strength can definitely approach the omnipotent universe level infinitely. It is not too easy to beat these two small party members. .

The characteristics of Wang Ming's belt determined that he would definitely be able to become stronger as he battled, and his existence was nourished by battle. If he and the golden beast procrastinated for a little longer, then he would be completely invincible in the world of wrath of gods.

This world can be regarded as the world he has experienced that can be ranked in the top three levels, because whether it is the Ultra Multiverse or the Masked Multiverse, they can only be regarded as ordinary multiverses. Although Wang Ming does not want to admit it, it is indeed Weaker.

This kind of multiverse composed of countless single universes has countless in the seat space of the sun of wrath.

The only thing that can match the world of Sun of Wrath, and even surpass it in terms of combat power, is the Marvel Universe he experienced last time, and the mysterious world of Xianxia.

The rest of the universe and the world have already been figured out by Wang Ming, so the cards of the Sun of Wrath world are very important to Wang Ming. After all, he has come all the time, so he must get enough of the benefits.

"Very well, you are a smart man, but you don't want to guess my purpose. My purpose is very simple. You won't believe it after hearing it. I just want to beat him up. There is no other reason."

After Wang Ming heard that the Mercury Snake agreed, he also nodded in satisfaction, and then he took the lead in flying towards the seat.

In the next moment, Wang Ming invoked the power of the seat to send himself to the side of the golden beast, and the mercury snake followed closely behind to Wang Ming's side.

Both of them can use the power of the seat, so the space in the entire seat can be said to be unimpeded. At this time, the golden beast is standing high on the sacred seat, with his eyes closed, he is passing through his own source. Connect the seat, try to hack and take control of the seat.

"You two are this?"

As if sensing the arrival of the two, the Golden Beast also opened its eyes and looked at the two with some doubts. While talking to him, Wang Ming picked up the tablet and bound the bond value of the two. .

"It's okay, small things, don't panic, I'm just here to beat you up."


After hearing Wang Ming's words, the Golden Beast was a little dazed, but before he could react to what happened, Wang Ming had already put the tablet back on his waist.

Then in the next second, Wang Ming appeared beside the Golden Beast without any warning, raised his right hand high, and slapped the opponent's handsome face fiercely!

The golden beast caught off guard, did not expect Wang Ming to attack him suddenly in such a nervous manner. After all, the two were still in an alliance just now, why are they suddenly hostile now?
So he took this slap firmly, and Wang Ming's slap directly sent the golden beast flying from its seat. Immediately, the mental pressure that had been covering the heart of Mercury Snake disappeared.

Wang Ming's slap directly broke the connection between the Golden Beast and the seat, and his slap completely annoyed the Golden Beast.

The latter covered his swollen face, and the redness and swelling on his face disappeared in the next second, and he became handsome again. Then the Golden Beast's expression was quite ugly, and he glared at Wang Ming and said word by word.

"What do you mean? Why break our covenant."

At this time, the golden beast was extremely angry, because he had already invaded the seat by more than one-fifth of the progress, as long as he was given some more time, he could completely control the seat.

And the reason why his progress is so fast is because Wang Ming restrained the Mercury snake just now, beating the opponent so that he couldn't think about other things, so at that time there was a period of time when the seat was equivalent to having no owner.

This is also the reason why his progress can be said to be extremely fast. At this time, the Mercury Snake looked at the Golden Beast with a gloating smile on his face, and felt an inexplicable cheerfulness in his heart, the Mercury Snake thought to himself.

'Finally it's your turn to deal with this lunatic. I was tortured enough by this guy just now. Just because I got wet in the rain, I'm going to drag you into the river too. '

The idea of ​​the mercury snake is a typical villain's treacherous idea, but it is also a more logical idea. After all, when the golden beast agreed to come and punish him with Wang Ming just now, the former did not hesitate at all. Now it is the golden beast's turn to suffer. Yes, the Mercury Snake must be gloating.

"It's nothing else. Didn't you say it just now? Now that the offensive and defensive alliances have changed, I'm going to beat you with the Mercury Snake. You have no right to refuse."

Wang Ming looked at the Golden Beast with an arrogant smile on his face, and said in a very unbeatable tone that his ability to taunt when he does not change his body or when he summons armor is really full, after all, it can match his expression Applies the taunt force with the action.

If he puts on the battle armor or summoning armor, others will not be able to see his face. If they cannot see his face, they will not know how weak Wang Ming is now, and the effect will be greatly reduced.

"Very well, your inconsistency and capriciousness impress me, are you playing me like a monkey?"

"If you have to understand it this way, it's not impossible."

After the Golden Beast heard Wang Ming's words, its eyes sharpened immediately, and its face was extremely gloomy, but Wang Ming still had that arrogant and unbeatable smile on his face.

Finally, the golden beast couldn't hold back any longer and broke out completely!

"Golden bombardment!"

The golden beast turned into a golden meteor and rushed towards Wang Ming. During the charge, gun barrels emerged from the void. These barrels were engraved with complicated divine inscriptions. When the golden beast charged, These gun barrels fired at Wang Ming almost immediately!
In the next moment, the sound of intensive shelling quickly echoed in the entire space of the seat, and countless golden beams flew towards Wang Ming. The golden beast actually only locked its target on Wang Ming, but it didn't go at all. Regardless of the meaning of the mercury snake, it can be seen how angry he is with Wang Ming now.

(End of this chapter)

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