Chapter 432 Guanyin Temple
Tathagata talked to himself in surprise, and after hearing his words, the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas also breathed a sigh of relief. No matter what the process is, as long as the goal is achieved, the current result is considered good for them.

"Guanyin Temple, that's right. After two days of driving, you can take a break. Wukong, call the door."

Wang Ming looked at the majestic Guanyin Temple in front of him and nodded with satisfaction. It was early morning, and the monks inside probably hadn't woken up yet, so there was no one at the door.

And Sun Wukong didn't dare to neglect after receiving Wang Ming's order, and immediately ran all the way to the door of Guanyin Temple and knocked on the door.

dong dong dong...

"We are monks who came from the Tang Dynasty in the Eastern Land and went to the Western Paradise to worship Buddha and seek scriptures. We passed by Guibao Temple, please accommodate us..."

Sun Wukong knocked on the door very politely and explained the purpose of his visit, but before he finished speaking, Wang Ming couldn't stand it anymore, and came to Monkey King to interrupt the other party's words.

"Wukong, it seems that you have been suppressed for 500 years, and you have lost your wildness. How can you call the door like this? It is wrong to call the door like this. You have to remember our identities. We should call the door like this. Look at me I will show you once, and you will say that next time."

Wang Ming blamed Sun Wukong with a bit of heartache. The latter looked confused and didn't know what he said wrong. At this time, Wang Ming coughed twice, and was about to call the door. He walked directly to Guanyin in two steps. In front of the closed gate of the Buddhist monastery, he kicked it hard!
The two gates of Guanyin Temple flew in directly, smashed hard on the ground and made a loud noise, this movement directly scared everyone in Guanyin Temple, and they all woke up, and then these people swarmed flooded the front yard.

Seeing that almost everyone was coming, Wang Ming cleared his throat and said with an arrogant smile on his face.

"Ahem, I am a holy monk from the Eastern Tang Dynasty who went to the Western Paradise to obtain the scriptures. I have taken a fancy to your place. I will be in charge of this place for the past two days. After I finish speaking, who agrees and who opposes?"

"who are you……"

Obviously, no matter where there are thorns, just as Wang Ming finished speaking, a monk from Guanyinchangyuan who seemed to be of high status jumped out to refute, but Wang Ming shot him in the head before he finished speaking.

Wang Ming didn't know when he had an extra pistol in his hand. Not to mention, although this thing is not very lethal, it is really suitable for pretending to be aggressive.

"Who else would object?"

Wang Ming was playing with the desert eagle he had just made in his hand, and with a very kind smile on his face, he looked at the group of monks who were trembling with fright and said.

"Amitabha, this old monk is the abbot of Guanyin Temple, this holy monk..."

"Old gangster, don't give me such a fucking rant, talk nonsense, I'll kill you with one shot!"

Seeing Wang Ming, the abbot of the Guanyin Temple who wanted to reason with him, finally raised his gun and aimed at him, the latter trembled in fright, and then said with a flattering smile on his face.

"The holy monk misunderstood. The old man wants to say that from now on, this Guanyin Temple will be in charge of you."

"That's right, those who know current affairs are outstanding, and monks of my generation should be like this."

Wang Ming nodded in satisfaction when he heard the words, it seemed that the old monk's sense of humor was very useful, and this scene was still watched by the gods and Buddhas all over the sky. , They probably laughed out loud at this time.

At this time, the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas who saw this scene were also gnashing their teeth angrily, wishing they could go down to earth and fix him severely, but under the strict order of the Tathagata, no one dared to act rashly.

The most important thing is that Tathagata is afraid that they will never return. Isn't he angry at this situation?He was more angry than anyone else, but there was nothing he could do, he only ended up delivering food, so now he could only hold back his impotent rage.

In this way, Wang Ming successfully entered the Guanyin Temple, and all the high-level officials of the Guanyin Temple sat around Wang Ming respectfully in the main hall of the temple.

"Wukong, I'm a little hungry. There's a black bear cave nearby. There's a black wind monster in it. You should be damned for doing a lot of evil. Go and kill it. I haven't tasted the taste of a bear's paw yet. Woolen cloth."

Wang Lin looked at the group of people who were as calm as cicadas, and suddenly showed a wicked smile and said to Monkey King. Monkey King was stunned for a moment, and then immediately nodded in agreement. It is not difficult for him to deal with a mere little monster.

"Yes, Master!"

After receiving the order, Sun Wukong directly clasped his fists at Wang Ming, and then flew out of the Guanyin Temple in an instant. This scene frightened the monks again.

After all, they now know that these two people are not normal people, a monkey monster and a robber, this weird combination is pretending to be a Tang monk, no one will believe it!
"Everyone, I heard that you took away the people's fat and anointment, and even forcibly took the people's daughters up the mountain to be your playthings. I wonder if this is true?"

After Monkey King left, Wang Ming looked at the group of monks with an unpredictable smile on his face. The group of monks were shocked when they heard Wang Ming's question at first. secret.

But when they saw Wang Ming's subtle expression, they all showed smiles that men could understand. Obviously, they were all wrong about Wang Ming's intentions, and there were even a few more active elements, Immediately stood up and said with a flattering smile.

"The holy monk's words are wrong. We are not robbing the women of the people. We are taking these evil women back to the temple to purify them. Since the holy monk's Dharma is advanced, the task of purifying these women must be completed by the holy monk. Just do it."

"Oh~ so that's the case. Then you are really good people. You are all eminent monks who have attained the Tao in my Buddhist school. This enlightenment is not much worse than that of Bodhisattva and Buddha."

Hearing this, Wang Ming showed a meaningful smile, and the next second he raised his gun and aimed it directly. The monk who stood up to speak, without any hesitation, pulled the trigger fiercely!

The monk didn't even have time to react, he was shot to the head and killed on the spot. Although ordinary people in this world are quite strong in physique, in some low-level planes, they are all little superman-level existences.

But how could the gun made by Wang Ming be ordinary, so it was expected that it could be killed instantly, and his action directly frightened the remaining monks.

They were all a little confused, and even looked at the murderous and moody big devil in horror. At this time, the smile on Wang Ming's face had completely turned into a sneer. He looked at the group of people coldly and said.

"How should people like you change? Perhaps only death can make you understand this truth."

(End of this chapter)

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