Chapter 435 Huang Fengling

However, Zhu Bajie was not angry after hearing Mrs. Gao's words. He even shouted excitedly as if he had grasped the last straw.

"Master, master, don't kill me! I am your second disciple! Master, it was Guanyin Bodhisattva who told me to wait for you here, and go to the Western Paradise with you to learn scriptures!"

"Tsk, why is there another apprentice here, I thought I could have a meat today."

After Wang Ming heard Zhu Bajie's words, he curled his lips in disappointment, then he threw the butcher's knife and wooden basin aside, and snapped his fingers at Zhu Bajie. The latter suddenly found that he had regained his ability to move.

"Disciple Zhu Gangli kowtows to Master!"

After Zhu Bajie regained his mobility, he also showed his sycophant nature, and immediately knelt down and bowed to Wang Ming. Wang Ming nodded in satisfaction and said.

"Very well, since you are my disciple, you can't use such a vulgar name. From now on, you will be called Zhu Bajie, with the word Wu Neng. This monkey is your big brother, Qi Tian who made a big disturbance in the Heavenly Palace 500 years ago. The great sage Sun Wukong."

"Working under my command, the purpose of my life is to let everyone eat when there is food, but after I am full, it will be your turn to do the rest, understand?"

"Yes, master! This disciple must keep it in mind!"

After hearing Wang Ming's introduction, Zhu Bajie looked at Monkey King who was still boiling water in shock, and then he said loudly as if he was completely convinced.

"Okay, old man, prepare to eat quickly, we will be on the road early tomorrow morning."

Wang Ming didn't show any courtesy to the old Mrs. Gao who rushed over to watch the excitement, and said directly as if he was giving orders. Seeing that Wang Ming had surrendered the pig demon so easily, the latter naturally didn't dare to neglect the slightest, and hurried down to prepare .

In this way, the next day, the group set off again. The general situation was that Wang Yun was riding a white dragon horse on the mountain at a speed of more than [-] kilometers per hour.

Sun Wukong trotted beside Wang Ming with a stick in his hand, while Zhu Bajie was carrying a pile of luggage and hung at the end of the line like a dog. Chop it, chop it and stew it.

In this way, two days later, the few people finally arrived at the next destination, where the sky was full of yellow sand, and it looked quite desolate, and this was the legendary Huangfengling.

"There are green mountains and green waters around here, but this place is desolate, there must be evil spirits haunting it, Wukong, go and find out what this place is."

"Okay, Master!"

Wang Ming looked at Huang Fengling, where the yellow sand was in a mess, and said so, Sun Wukong didn't dare to be negligent, and went directly to take orders. After he flew a certain distance, he chopped the ground and was ready to call the land lord, and asked where it is now .

The process is quite simple. It is nothing more than Monkey King stomping his feet and summoning the land. After asking about the situation, he rushed back. When Monkey King returned to Wang Ming, he was surprised to find that there was a tiger crouching under Wang Ming's feet. corpse.

"Master, are you going to get me a new tiger skin skirt?"

"It's a shame, it's on my head. I don't send him and his boss to see the Buddha today. It's my good temper. It just so happens that you are back, deal with it, bake it, remember Put more chili and cumin, and go back as a teacher."

"By the way, if you want to make clothes, you should also peel his fur. This is a high-quality fur, much better than the one on your body."

Sun Wukong said jokingly, but Wang Ming jumped off his horse and kicked the corpse of the tiger spirit that he had killed to Sun Wukong, and then he held the nine-ring tin rod that Guanyin gave him at the beginning, full of anger I can't keep up with the Yellow Wind Cave.

"Master, what's wrong? It's the first time I've seen him so angry."

After Wang Ming walked away, Sun Wukong approached Zhu Bajie curiously and asked, and Zhu Bajie said with an obvious suppressed smile on his face.

"This tiger spirit is a male. Just now he disguised himself as a beautiful woman to seduce the master, and the master could tell his real gender at a glance. Just think about a big man making a pose at you, making a coquettish voice, you will What does it feel like?"

"So Master feels that he has been insulted. After all, even if it is a beauty trick, he should send a mother over anyway. Then Master will be very angry, and the consequences will be very serious."

Zhu Bajie said gloatingly, and after listening to his description, Monkey King imagined the scene, and immediately got goose bumps all over his body.

The tiger demon probably thought that Wang Ming was just an ordinary monk with little magic power, so he used this kind of hurtful move, but he didn't expect that Wang Ming's eyes were more effective than Monkey King's piercing eyes.

Even Sun Wukong's piercing eyes can't see the appearance of Wang Ming's real body. Now Wang Ming is pretending to be Tang Sanzang's appearance, a very handsome white-faced little monk, so it will bring people a strong sense of confusion. The tiger demon must have been confused.

"It's not good, my lord! There is a white-faced monk holding a tin staff and hitting us!"

In the Yellow Wind Cave, the Yellow Wind Monster was enjoying the meat on the plate with a satisfied face. It was a human heart. At this moment, a little demon came in to report. After hearing what the little monster said, the Yellow Wind Monster Immediately came the spirit.

"Hahaha, there is really nowhere to look for. It's not a waste of effort. I haven't looked for you yet, but you took the initiative to find the door. Are all monks so brave now?"

"No, my lord, he is calling, and the brothers can't stand it anymore!"

It was obvious that the yellow wind monster had misinterpreted the meaning of the little demon under him, and the latter was so anxious that he kept spinning around on the ground.

Just when the Yellow Wind Monster wanted to ask more questions, there was a sudden loud noise in front of his cave, and then the Yellow Wind Monster looked at the two gates made of fine iron, and slapped them hard. In front of him, the little demon who reported to him just now was photographed as little demon sauce.

"You're their leader, right? Grandpa, I'm looking for you! Go to the street, I have to chop you into eight pieces today!"

Then, amid Huang Fengguai's bewildered expression, a handsome monk who looked gentle, even quite delicate, rushed in cursingly holding a nine-ringed tin rod.

The iron gates on the ground were deeply sunken and a footprint was also proof that the two iron gates were kicked away just now.

Now the Huangfeng monster is even more confused. He doesn't understand what the situation is, but he is quite brave. He is not afraid of the menacing Wang Ming. Instead, he shouted loudly with a vicious smile on his face. road.

"Hehehe, I was going to look for you, but I didn't expect you to come to your door by yourself, so you can't wait to be my king's appetizer?"

(End of this chapter)

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