Chapter 437

Moreover, all these things that happened just now were seen by Mantian Gods and Buddhas. Now the gossip mentality of these gods and Buddhas is completely full. What is the origin of this Tang Sanzang?Even Lingji Bodhisattva dared to throw his face and scold him directly.

As for the fact that Tang Sanzang is the reincarnation of Jin Chanzi, it is basically an open secret, and anyone with a certain status knows it.

But even if Jin Chanzi was not reincarnated, he would not dare to talk to Lingji Bodhisattva like this, and even openly engage in these precept breaking things, so Tang Sanzang is quite wrong now.

For a while, many people were thinking, what is the relationship between the Tathagata and this Tang Sanzang? His own son would not take such a cover-up. The most important thing is that Tang Sanzang's actions have always tarnished the reputation of Buddhism.

In the face of this situation, Tathagata was able to remain indifferent, which is quite unbelievable, and now this news has also been obtained by some big monsters with channels, and they have begun to notify the monsters who have a good relationship with themselves through various relationships There.

After all, some big demon kings and gods in the sky can be called brothers and sisters as friends, so it is not a problem to get some news of this kind.

Then the monsters on the Journey to the West spread, and I heard a particularly frightening news. The Tang monk who learned the scriptures was so fierce that he killed the yellow wind monster with one punch, and grilled the black wind monster in front of him.

Now the roles have been completely reversed. The monsters who were sharpening their knives have now turned into shivering little sheep. They all pray in their hearts that Tang Seng must not come to them, and if they do, come later.

And Wang Ming's unscrupulous operation has completely turned the study of the Western Paradise into a journey to the West on the tip of the tongue, mainly because these big demon kings have strong bodies, flawless meat, and the cooking is quite delicious, which is not comparable to ordinary ingredients .

"Hi, Master, the braised weasel tastes really good. I never thought that Master, your cooking skills are so good."

On Huangfeng Ridge, after Zhu Bajie hiccupped, he flattered Wang Ming flatteringly. At this moment, there was a pile of white bones around the two of them, which probably looked like a tiger and a weasel when put together.

"The main reason is that the meat is delicious, and with a little seasoning, it's incomparably delicious. I don't know what's delicious at the next stop. Bah, I probably don't know what monsters will be there at the next stop. We need to be saved by our master and apprentice. Amitabha, so good."

Wang Ming also wiped his mouth with a paper towel, and then said a Buddha's name very reverently. It seemed that he had really passed through the intestines with wine and meat, and the Buddha kept it in his heart.

"Hey, master is indeed a master, this consciousness is high, I, old pig, will never be able to catch up with you in this life."

Zhu Bajie is a master who sees every bit of time, that is, the kind who can't wait to shoot as soon as he sees a flatterer, and Wang Ming also tidied up his luggage, and then said lightly.

"Now that we are full of wine and food, it's time to go on the road, Bajie, pack your luggage, and let's go."

"Okay, Master!"

Zhu Bajie was also quite up-to-date. He started to pack up the pots and pans on the scene, and then packed them into the luggage.

Its movements were clean and professional, and it was cleaned up in less than five seconds, and then the group of people started to gallop forward again.

According to the speed of the masters and apprentices, the journey to the west was originally scheduled for 13 years, but now it seems that it will end in a year at most, and the speed has increased by more than ten times.

Of course, this is also due to the little white dragon who has been strengthened and blessed by Wang Ming. After all, Wang Ming running all the way fast is a bit unattractive and in line with the human design, so he did some tricks on the little white dragon.

Before Wang Ming came, the mana in Xiao Bailong was sealed by Guanyin, and there was not much left. Otherwise, in the original book, the master and apprentice encountered crises many times, and Xiao Bailong did not intervene to help. It's not that he doesn't want to, but that he doesn't have the ability.

Because the magic power on his body was sealed, there was only one or two percent left at most, and it would be good if he could barely maintain his transformation. If he really wanted to fight, he would have to bite the bullet, and he would have to die after a few hits.

It can be seen here that the fighting power of the master and apprentice in the original book has long been calculated to death by Buddhism. What kind of hardships are easy to live, and what kind of hardships are difficult, are all in other people's calculations.

In his heyday, Little White Dragon would definitely not be much weaker than Sha Wujing, and could even catch up with Zhu Bajie. He was also the third prince of the Xihai Dragon King's family.

Even if it is not as good as the Marshal of the Canopy, it is still comparable to the general of the shutter. After all, the position of the general of the shutter can be guessed by his name. Yes, he rolled the curtain for the Queen Mother.

To put it bluntly, it is called General Rolling Curtain, but to put it bluntly, this guy is just a high-ranking servant, just one level higher than those ordinary guards. He can be regarded as a small captain if he smashes a glazed cup. It is conceivable how humble this position is.

And Wang Ming's next stop is the place where the former rolling shutter general was demoted to the lower realm, and the place where Jin Chanzi's previous nine generations died: Liusha River.

The nine skulls on Sha Wujing's neck belonged to Tang Seng's ninth previous life. To be precise, Journey to the West has been rehearsed nine times, and now the tenth is the official start. The first nine times were Tang Seng's journey alone, and then Died in Liusha River, after all, mortals really can't make it through.

This quicksand river is more like a barrier between two worlds, at least for mortals, how outrageous is this thing?
According to the original description, this is a huge river with a length of at least [-] kilometers and a width of [-] kilometers. The Yangtze River and the Yellow River can only be regarded as younger brothers in front of it.

It takes three hours to drive [-] kilometers even on the expressway, not to mention the turbulent quicksand river. Ordinary people standing on the shore can't see the end at a glance. It seems that there is not a river in front of them, but a sea.

And on the bank of this quicksand river, there is also a stone tablet with a poem engraved on it, the content is roughly as follows: Eight hundred quicksand circles, three thousand weak water depths, goose feathers cannot float, and reed flowers sink at the bottom.

Therefore, such an exaggerated and outrageous river directly cuts off the way for any mortal to cross. Even the most experienced boatman will not try to cross the Liusha River. I don't know how many big and small monsters there are.

No one tried to cross the river, and there were no human beings living around, so they couldn't find meat, and each of them was so hungry that their eyes glowed green. Sha Wujing usually feeds on monsters in the river. Occasionally, there are two people who are not afraid of death. If he dared to cross the river, he would also be dragged down to make a tooth sacrifice.

The underwater ecology of the entire Liusha River is an absolute law of the jungle, and almost no creature, including Sha Wujing, can eat enough.

(End of this chapter)

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