Chapter 441
So at this time, the gods and Buddhas all over the sky also regarded this as a joke, but Guanyin was afraid of continuing to lose face, so he blocked the secrets of this place casually. Although it couldn't stop the real powerful people from checking, it was impossible for some ordinary gods See the picture here.

It is much better to lose face in the form of news and rumors than in the live broadcast. This can be regarded as the last fig leaf made by Buddhism itself.

The most important thing is that this kind of weird Journey to the West actually counts, so there is no reason for Buddhism to invite the guide and Zhunti to interfere with these actions. They can't fight and can't control them, so they can only maintain this embarrassing status quo up.

After a while, after drinking and eating, Li Shan's old mother invited several people into the living room, and talked about another matter with a smile.

"Hehehe, holy monks, my three daughters are all at the age of marriage, but they don't touch the village and don't shop in the back. There is really no suitable candidate. I don't know if the holy monks have an idea to marry me. Three daughters?"

After hearing Li Shan's old mother's words, the other three people present did not react, only Zhu Bajie's eyes lit up. After all, Sha Wujing has been hungry for so many years, and the only desire in his mind is appetite.

But Wang Ming had already seen through everything, and Sun Wukong also felt that the matter was not simple, so he didn't dare to speak rashly, so only Zhu Bajie felt that he had picked up a bargain.

So Zhu Bajie immediately turned his head to look at Wang Ming, wanting to ask Wang Ming's opinion, Wang Ming nodded slightly with a quiet smile on his face, and after receiving Wang Ming's expression and consent, Zhu Bajie instantly became My eyebrows danced with joy.

"Brother, are you interested?"

After consulting Wang Ming, Zhu Bajie asked Monkey King next, and Monkey King shook his head with a smile. Now Zhu Bajie was even more excited, so he immediately turned his head to the other side, and was still gnawing on the fruit. Sha Wujing said.

"Junior Brother Sha, are you interested?"


Sha Wujing didn't bother to answer him at all, just shook his head and continued to nibble on the fragrant pear in his hand. After consulting everyone's opinions, Zhu Bajie said to Li Shan's old mother with a confident smile.

"Benefactor, you have also seen that none of our senior brothers are interested, but it doesn't matter, I am very interested, and I have a lot of appetite."

Zhu Bajie's expression at this time can be described as beaming, and at this time, Li Shan's old mother seemed to be really amused by Zhu Bajie's behavior, so she covered her face and asked with a chuckle.

"Hehe, it means that this holy monk wants to marry all three of my daughters?"

"Hehehe, don't I feel sorry for you orphans and widowed mothers? I thought it would be good to help out more. If the old mother doesn't dislike it, I can marry you together."

Zhu Bajie uttered the words of tigers and wolves that made Wang Ming almost unable to hold back, and Li Shan's mother's face was obviously stiff when she heard his words. There is really an urge to hit someone, but they can't show it yet.

"Hehehe, this holy monk really has a good appetite. If that's the case, there's no need to delay. Let's pay homage tonight."

At this time, Li Shan's old mother obviously didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement, and she even started to find it interesting, so she said this.

After Zhu Bajie heard this, he immediately felt excited and excited, but he still didn't forget to ask Wang Ming's opinion, after all, Wang Ming was still very majestic in their hearts.

"Master, look at this..."

"You can figure it out yourself. I'm tired of being a teacher, so I'm going to bed."

Wang Ming still had the attitude of fishing in troubled waters, neither objecting nor agreeing, but he just didn't care, then he took Monkey King and Sha Wujing out of the lobby, and asked his servants to take them to the guest room very familiarly.

At this moment, only Zhu Bajie and the four masters were left in the lobby, and there was no one around at this time, Zhu Bajie finally couldn't hide his lustful nature, and began to laugh strangely.

"Hehehe, I don't think it's necessary to pay a visit to the hall, let's go directly to the bridal chamber!"

"Okay, come here then."

"Hey, my old pig is here!"

The girl transformed by Manjusri Bodhisattva hooked her finger to Zhu Bajie to seduce her. At this time, Zhu Bajie, who had already completely succumbed to her brain, couldn't bear it any longer, and rushed towards the three Bodhisattvas. As for the old mother of Li Shan , he is going to deal with it at the end.


Then there was a very dull sound of punching and kicking in the lobby, accompanied by Zhu Bajie's screams and cries for help from time to time, it sounds like the scene should be very intense.

"Master, don't we need to worry about it?"

After Sun Wukong heard the scene in the guest room, he also knew that Bajie, the idiot, had been killed today, while Wang Ming calmly proclaimed a Buddha's name and said.

"Amitabha, this is a valuable growth experience for Bajie. From now on, he will understand a truth: people are floating in the rivers and lakes, how can they not be knifed, and a knife on the head will bow down to many heroes."

"Master is right. It's time for Second Senior Brother to get rid of this lustful problem."

Sha Wujing also agreed indifferently, anyway, he is not lecherous, this kind of thing can't be found on his head, it's not too big a deal to watch the excitement.

"Okay, let's go to bed early, we have to hurry tomorrow morning, let Bajie enjoy himself tonight."

Wang Ming said in a teasing tone, and then Sun Wukong and Sha Wujing also showed strange smiles of gloating on their misfortune, and then the three masters and apprentices really began to close their eyes and rest.

Completely ignoring Zhu Bajie on the other side, screaming more and more fiercely for help, in fact, the three Bodhisattvas were beating Zhu Bajie, and Li Shan's old mother just stood aside and watched the show with a smile.

Among them, Manjushri and Puxian Bodhisattva are the most ruthless. Guanyin is a man of the world, so he didn't attack cruelly. Manjusri and Puxian Bodhisattva have already been blown away by Zhu Bajie.

They have been cultivating themselves for so many years, and they have never been angry, but Zhu Bajie let them know what scum is with just a few words, so the two of them are also thieves.

Being able to annoy two Bodhisattvas with profound minds like this, in a sense, Zhu Bajie's sarcasm skills are not much worse than Wang Ming's, or even better. This is also a very powerful ability.


"The weather is really nice, today is another peaceful day."

Wang Ming opened the wooden door and looked at the cloudless sky and said this. At this time, the sun has just risen and everything is recovering, but it is a beautiful and peaceful scene.

But in a certain corner of the manor, the style of painting seemed out of tune with the surroundings. It was a big pig's head with a bruised nose and a swollen face that was beaten up and tied to a rockery. That's right, this is the one who was beaten all night last night. Zhu Bajie.

(End of this chapter)

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