Chapter 443 The Silly and Bold Sha Wujing
"That must be confirmed, master, don't worry, I will definitely not lose your reputation, and let them know how powerful the Great Tang Sage is!"

Sha Wujing's answer was quite straightforward, clean and tidy, full of confidence, and high-spirited, while Wang Ming also had a gratified smile on his face, and patted himself on the shoulder of this idiot disciple and said.

"Well, go ahead, do it boldly, there is a teacher here, no one dares to do anything to you."

"Okay, Master!"

After receiving Wang Ming's encouraging and affirming eyes, Sha Wujing took off his rifle from his back, and walked to the front of Wuzhuang Temple with the closed gate at a pace that no relatives recognized.


Sha Wujing was very neat and handsome. He loaded the rifle in his hand, pointed it at the gate of Wuzhuang Temple, and pulled the trigger without the slightest hesitation!

The movement caused by the rifle, which was several times larger than that of ordinary firearms, sprayed out countless small steel balls, and instantly punched countless holes in the gate of Wuzhuang Temple, which is comparable to ordinary artifacts, and then Sha Wujing slammed He kicked on the door and knocked the door to the ground.

"Listen, people inside, your place has been requisitioned by us. We are holy monks who traveled from the Tang Dynasty to the west to seek the scriptures. We want to stay here overnight. If you are out of breath, please come out and respond!"

With the dull knocking sound of the door falling to the ground, followed by Sha Wujing's loud and loud voice, and he imitated the words of Monkey King.

At this moment, Sha Wujing feels that his life has reached its peak, his life has reached its climax, this feeling is so wonderful.

"Master, the couplets in front of the gate of Wuzhuang Temple are so bold. I have never seen a Taoist family who dares to post couplets like this."

At this time, Zhu Bajie also discovered a little detail. The couplet pasted in front of the Wuzhuang Temple is too arrogant, but at this time Monkey King said with a smirk on his face.

"Idiot, you are not familiar with Wuzhuang Temple, but do you know Zhenyuanzi?"

"I, I'll go... Isn't Junior Brother Sha finished now?"

After all, Zhu Bajie was also the former Marshal of the Canopy. He had heard of some famous and powerful names in the Three Realms. How much lower.

Now Sha Wujing, under Wang Ming's instigation, actually did this kind of thing, and directly broke down the door of his family. No matter how good Yuan Zi's temper is, there is a limit.

"Where are the thieves running wild here!"

But at this moment, a childish voice came from the Wuzhuang Temple, and then two little Taoist boys hurried out from it, glaring at Sha Wujing.

These two Taoist boys are Qingfeng and Mingyue, the two disciples of Zhen Yuanzi, but Sha Wujing, who knows nothing about the inside story, will not be afraid of them. He directly pointed the gun in his hand at the two of them, and then aggressively Said.

"Children, your place is temporarily requisitioned by us, hurry up and serve good wine and meat to Grandpa, or you will be shot dead!"



Qingfeng and Mingyue were so angry that their noses were crooked at Sha Wujing's arrogant words, but the two of them were angry, but they also heard clearly what Sha Wujing said just now.

Zhen Yuanzi was not in Wuzhuang Temple at this time, he was invited by Yuanshi Tianzun to discuss Hunyuan Daoguo. Before leaving, Zhen Yuanzi said that if Tang Seng and his party came, it would be nice to entertain them, and then Divide a few ginseng fruits per person.

So although the two were angry, they were angry, but because of the teacher's warning, they didn't dare to get angry and drive them away. In the end, Mingyue held back her anger and said.

"Forget it, don't bother with you barbarian, I'll go find your master."

After Mingyue finished speaking, she also ignored Sha Wujing directly, came to Wang Ming, and saluted respectfully.

"You are Master Sanzang, right? My master said before he left that as long as you come, you will be treated well, but your apprentice is too rude, it is really shameless."

"How about my disciples, I can teach them myself, I don't need you to point fingers, why don't you hurry up and serve good wine and food, or when your master comes back, I will sue you!"

However, Wang Ming didn't have the harmony and kindness of a monk. He opened his mouth with a strong sense of banditry. He even started to complain first. At this time, he should be called the bandit Tang Seng.

"you you!?"

After seeing Wang Ming's attitude, Qingfeng and Mingyue were stunned. Now they finally understood why Sha Wujing behaved like that. It's true that like a teacher, there must be a disciple. Come on. The beam is not straight and the beam is crooked. This group of people probably have this bandit habit!
Bang bang bang!
"What are you still doing in a daze? Are you farting if you are a sajia!"

Looking at Qingfeng and Mingyue who were stupefied and in a sluggish state, Wang Ming finally became a little impatient. Without hesitation, he took out the Desert Eagle and shot a few times at their feet, which scared the two of them. He ran back to Wuzhuang Temple in a hurry, and began to prepare food and wine according to Wang Ming's instructions.

At this time, the two of them also fully realized the reality. They realized that the group of masters and apprentices were not easy to mess with, so they lost the arrogance and arrogance in the original book.

Now they are very obedient. For this kind of little kid who has not been beaten by society and has lived for thousands of years, the principle Wang Ming has always followed is to use violence to control violence. There is no reason to talk to these older bear children, although He also doesn't like reasoning.

And when a few people entered the Wuzhuang Temple, Sha Wujing realized that something was wrong, because the memorial tablet worshiped in the Wuzhuang Temple was not the Sanqing in the general gymnasium, but the word "Heaven and Earth". It made him a little puzzled, so he asked Wang Ming directly.

"Master, why doesn't this Taoist temple worship the Sanqing, the heaven and the earth?"

And Sha Wujing's question seemed to give Qingfeng and Mingyue room to play. The two had just brought out food from the inner hall and put it on the table when they heard Sha Wujing ask this question. Not yet, wait for Wang Ming to answer, Qingfeng said very proudly.

"You ignorant barbarian, you really don't know how powerful my master is. Sanqing is a friend of my master, Sidi is an old friend of my master, Jiuyao is a junior of my master, and Yuan Chen is a guest of my master. Everyone They are all equal, and Sanqing will not be honored by my master."

"Ah? Your master is of the same generation as Sanqing Sage!?"

After Sha Wujing heard this, he jumped up in fright, and then looked at Wang Ming with luck and proof, as if he wanted to get a negative answer from Wang Ming.

But Wang Ming's answer made him feel cold all over and his hands and feet trembled. With a very calm smile on his face, Wang Ming nodded and said.

"That's right, what they said is true. Fellow Daoist Zhenyuanzi of Wuzhuang Temple is the ancestor of the earth immortals. Those immortals who don't want to go to heaven and choose to stay in the mortal world are under his control. All the earth immortals and loose immortals All his disciples."

(End of this chapter)

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