Chapter 445
"Hey hey, Master, it's because of your face."

While carefully tasting the ginseng fruit, Zhu Bajie said with a hey smile, at this time even Monkey King who had eaten the peaches in the sky as a snack was carefully eating small bites.

But Qingfeng and Mingyue could only watch this scene with blood dripping from their hearts, watching these bandits eat the ginseng fruit that should belong to them.

But they have troubles that they can't tell. Even if this matter goes to Zhen Yuanzi, both of them belong to the party who is being scolded, because Wang Ming knows the content of the original work. If these two guys are not greedy, they Nor would they ask Qingfeng and Mingyue to take out four more.

He did this purely to punish these two dishonest little Taoist boys, although Wang Ming's intoxicated appearance now makes it difficult to accept his self-relieving statement.

Although the four masters and apprentices were already very careful, they were tasting the ginseng fruit, but how long can a small fruit last, and within a short while, the ginseng fruit was completely eaten.

Wang Ming had no reason to continue finding fault, so he had no choice but to let it go. At this time, the sky was gradually darkening, and the master and apprentice lived in the guest room under the arrangement of Qingfeng and Mingyue.

And after Wang Ming entered the guest room, he began to travel far and wide, observing the movements of his four apprentices. After all, they are now in a catastrophe, and the catastrophe can deceive people's minds and affect people's IQ. , Sometimes they make some actions to lower their intelligence, not because they are really stupid, but because they are influenced in the dark.

Sure enough, what Wang Ming expected happened, because the guest rooms in Wuzhuang Temple are limited, after all, it is not possible to receive a guest overnight for tens of thousands of years, so the three of them, Monkey King and the others, lived in the same large guest room.

Originally, the three of them just lay down, either practicing exercises or closing their eyes to rest their minds. There was no need for them to sleep, after all, they were all god-level figures.

If it wasn't for Wang Ming not wanting to be too perfunctory, he would definitely lead these three apprentices all the way every day, but not long after the few people fell into silence, Zhu Bajie, who suddenly closed his eyes, suddenly opened them. He was a little tempted Sexually said cautiously.

"Brother Monkey, Lao Sha, are you asleep?"

"Not yet, idiot, what do you want to say?"

"Second senior brother, what do you want to do?"

As soon as Zhu Bajie said this, he almost got an instant response from the two of them. It is estimated that the three of them were thinking about the same thing, and Zhu Bajie also rolled his eyes and said with a smile.

"Did you enjoy eating ginseng fruit today? Anyway, I didn't enjoy it. How about we go get some more? I think there are at least hundreds of ginseng fruits on the ginseng fruit tree. The two little boys will give us one for each of us. It's too stingy, let's get some to eat quietly, and we shouldn't be found."

"That's not good?"

Sha Wujing replied honestly on the surface, but in his heart, Zhu Bajie still longed for ginseng fruit, because his strength was considered the weakest among them, and ginseng really improved his strength, so why not do it Woolen cloth?

"I think it's okay. If we go to hit two of those big fruit trees, we shouldn't be found if there are six missing. After all, Zhenyuanzi Daxian shouldn't take ginseng fruit so seriously, otherwise it wouldn't just let the two A little Taoist boy is guarding it."

Monkey King nodded very rarely in agreement with Zhu Bajie's idea. None of them noticed that they had fallen into a state of obsession in the dark, and what they said and what they did were completely different from what they usually did.

This is the consequence of being affected by the robbery. The battle of the gods was almost due to this reason. A group of powerful people were blinded by the robbery and started fighting without a bottom line, just to help two mortal kingdoms compete for territory .

This scene is actually quite funny when you think about it, and the style of the painting is a bit wrong. This is the horror of the robbery, if it is not dissipated in time.

Its next step is to affect the minds of the saints, the representative of which is the leader of Tongtian, who dared to attack Hongjun in the later stage of the battle of the gods.

And Hongjun is naturally clear that the stupid things done by Master Tongtian are not in his nature at all, otherwise he would not just be imprisoned for a period of time.

With such an act of killing a teacher, Hongjun can completely obliterate the leader of the Tongtian religion directly, and no one will have bad thoughts. Even the punishment Hongjun gave the leader of the Tongtian leader, the saints still feel light.

And in the end, it was clear that the leader of Tongtian made a move on Hongjun, but Hongjun gave three red pills, and Sanqing shared one. Isn't this a kind of favoritism and killing chickens to make an example to monkeys?

It can also be seen from this that, among so many disciples, Hongjun actually prefers Master Tongtian the most in his heart. Although he is already in harmony with the way of heaven and his own feelings are absolutely not the same, he is still lenient towards Master Tongtian.

And it can be seen from this that if the saints are affected by the robbery, the Great Desolate Continent will usher in a complete doomsday. The destruction of the Great Desolation in the battle of the saints is the lightest consequence, and it is possible for the entire world to be completely beaten into nothingness.

"Then what are we waiting for? Go straight!"

After Zhu Bajie heard that Sun Wukong and Sha Wujing both agreed with his proposal, he was completely motivated, and then the three brothers quietly slipped out of the room and walked towards the ginseng fruit tree behind Wuzhuang Temple.

Before they went, they quietly cast a spell to stun Qingfeng and Mingyue. These two little Taoist boys couldn't even beat Zhu Bajie, let alone Monkey King himself.

So their latent plan went very smoothly, and what followed was the development as in the original book. First, the ginseng fruit that several people had hunted down disappeared inexplicably.

Then I took the land out and beat it, only to find out that ginseng fruit cannot touch the ground directly, and these three reckless guys clearly agreed before going that each of them would only take two, but when they left, each of them took a full bag of ginseng. pocket, at least one person followed a dozen or so walks.

The ginseng fruit on the ginseng fruit tree lost almost one-tenth of it in an instant, and it looked quite conspicuous. After Monkey King and the others returned to the room, they wiped out these ginseng fruits that night.

It wasn't until the next morning that Qingfeng and Mingyue woke up from a deep sleep in a daze, and then they found out about it when they routinely inspected Wuzhuang Temple.

At this time, the four masters and apprentices also packed their luggage and prepared to continue to set off. Wang Mingquan pretended not to know about this, after all, he knew that this was a necessary condition for a catastrophe.

This catastrophe cannot be avoided, even if you can escape Wang Ming, you have to go up, otherwise, this difficulty will not count, and the nine-nine-eight-one difficulty that was agreed, then one difficulty must be missed. One difficulty was missing, and the Tathagata forcibly tossed the four masters and apprentices to make up for it.

(End of this chapter)

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