Chapter 447 Repairing the Ginseng Fruit Tree
"Isn't it just a fruit tree? What's the problem?"

Finally, Wang Ming, who had been silent all this time, finally opened his mouth. He didn't open his mouth before because he didn't want to prevent the catastrophe from happening. Speaking now means that he wants to solve the catastrophe and get through this hurdle.

"Jin Chanzi, you have been reincarnated, and you have lost your magic power. What are you going to do to save my ginseng fruit tree?"

Zhen Yuanzi also asked in a bad tone. Obviously, he was also acting with Wang Ming. After all, it is not difficult to know some inside information with his status.

Wang Ming's disguise can't hide from his investigation. As the pinnacle of the quasi-sage, the group of people closest to the saint, Zhen Yuanzi definitely has the strength of the multi-level peak, while Wang Ming's body strength is only in the middle of the multi-level. There is still a gap between the two sides.

According to Wang Ming's observation, the saints are all at the peak of the infinite multi-level combat power, which is a whole big difference, which is why there is a saying that all saints are ants.

There is a big gap in strength, although Zhen Yuanzi can barely support it for a while with foreign objects, but if the saints really move their hands and become ruthless, it is really not difficult to win this pinnacle quasi-sage, but It's just a little bit of trouble.

In fact, the realm of the quasi-sage is the most special one. It is considered a small realm, which contains several small realms. Strictly speaking, the quasi-sage is still within the scope of the Da Luo Jinxian.

Because the final proof has not been completed, it can only be stuck in place and cannot be improved, but it is countless times stronger than the average Da Luo Jinxian.

Wang Ming has observed that Sun Wukong is barely close to the strength of Da Luo Jinxian. I don’t know if it is because his mana has been weakened by being suppressed for 500 years, so now he only has the strength of the peak of Taiyi Jinxian, and Da Luo Jinxian is almost equivalent to the early stage of multivariate Strength.

However, Da Luo Jinxian only has the terms of the beginning, middle and later stages, and there is no term for the peak, because the peak is considered a quasi-sage, and the peak of a quasi-sage is already infinitely close to the level of a saint. Sanctify.

And Zhen Yuanzi is such a terrifying existence who is already qualified to become a saint, but has no chance to become a saint. People like Tathagata, Jade Emperor, and Guanyin are actually quasi-sages, but they have just reached quasi-sages not long ago. In front of Zhen Yuanzi, he can also regard himself as a junior.

This is why Guanyin has a relatively high status in Buddhism, even far surpassing other Bodhisattvas. After all, in the entire Buddhism, except for the Tathagata Buddha, the Lighting Buddha in the past, the Maitreya Buddha in the future, and the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva in the underworld, there are only Only Guanyin Bodhisattva is a quasi-sage.

"Since I dare to say that, there is a way."

Wang Ming also spoke confidently. While he was speaking, the super-dimensional Decade belt had already appeared around his waist.

Wang Ming took out the Mercury Snake card under the strange and doubtful eyes of everyone, and then directly inserted it into the drive. After all, it is really impossible to restore the fruit tree of life with his own strength, but he has a plug-in. .

'Ability to control! '

'Mercury snake! '

As the voice on the belt sounded, Wang Ming felt a steady stream of power pouring out of his body. At this moment, he already had the peak-level strength of a saint, that is, the peak-level strength of infinite diversity.

In fact, in the early days of Infinite Diversity, they already possessed the strength of a saint. The reason why the Six Great Prehistoric Sages are all at the peak of Infinite Diversity is that it doesn't matter how many years they have been saints, they have already cultivated.

Looking at Wang Ming whose aura changed drastically in an instant, Zhen Yuanzi's face also became serious, but Wang Ming didn't care about the other party's reaction, he just slowly extended his right hand to the collapsed Wuzhuang Temple in the distance , and then lightly make a fist.

In the next second, something miraculous happened. The collapsed Wuzhuang temple miraculously began to recover, and the broken ginseng fruit tree also recovered under the blessing of a mighty force.

This actually didn't consume Wang Ming's strength. After all, Monkey King didn't run under the ginseng fruit tree and pry out the roots directly like in the original book this time. He just broke it and didn't hurt the roots, so Wang Ming recovered quite easily.

"Master is really powerful!"

Seeing this, Zhu Bajie quickly offered his first flatterer. In fact, apart from his gluttony, lust and bragging habits, he is more tactful than most people in dealing with people.

"Okay, isn't this done? If there is nothing else, we will move on. Time is tight and tasks are too heavy for us to delay."

Wang Ming removed the attachment of the ability card, and the belt disappeared from his waist again, as if it had never appeared before. Even Zhen Yuanzi looked at the Wuzhuang Temple restored to its original state in surprise. After all, he thought he wanted to If you do that, it will take a lot of effort.
"The poor way will not stay."

After Zhen Yuanzi reacted, he cupped his hands and said, after all, he knew Wang Ming's true identity, but after being a little surprised, he returned to normal.

At the same time, Zhen Yuanzi began to look forward to it again, mainly because there were only six divine saints, but the appearance of the seventh saint in front of him gave him hope.

In his heart, he is looking forward to the world outside the territory even more, and even wants to venture into it. After all, if saints from outside the territory can come in, it proves that there is a chance to become a saint outside the territory. He has been stuck in this realm for many years, and has been seeking breakthroughs , but always to no avail.

"Then I will take my leave."

Wang Ming also clasped his fists politely, and hurriedly left the Wuzhuang Temple of Longevity Mountain with his master and apprentice, and headed for the next location.

After passing through the Four Sages, Four Zen Hearts and Wuzhuang Temple, there will be no great powers for a long time to come, and there will be little monsters behind, who can be manipulated casually, so Wang Ming doesn't have to calculate disasters like he is now Yes, we can deal with it later.

In this way, the four masters and apprentices finally came to the next difficult place after a long day's journey. This place is called Baihu Ridge, and there is a White Tiger Cave in the ridge. bone spirit.

"Master's place is haunted by a monster. There must be a big monster entrenched. I don't know what type it is? What kind of cooking method is suitable..."

Monkey King glanced around eagerly with his golden eyes, trying to catch a big monster with a high level of cultivation to serve them as dinner.

After eating the yellow wind monster once, the brothers and sisters can't forget the taste of the big monster. The main reason is that this food is quite rich in aura. Not only does it taste good, but it can also improve your cultivation. It can be said to be rich in nutrition and taste good. Ingredients.

But Wang Ming knew very well that if this difficult monster really wanted to eat it, it would probably have to be stewed soup, ribs soup?Then this thing has no meat, eat wool.

(End of this chapter)

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