Comprehensive Manga: From the Armored Warriors to Blast Unlimited

Chapter 453 Journey to the West. Modern Warfare

Chapter 453 Journey to the West. Modern Warfare
When Monkey King and the others were in a panic, Wang Ming was distributing equipment to various little monsters in the Lotus Cave, and the little monsters who received all kinds of firearms and equipment were also quite excited and couldn't put it down.

After all, the firearms Wang Ming gave them were weakened versions, one shot could kill a Golden Immortal, that is, it could almost instantly kill a constellation-level powerhouse.

It is an order of magnitude worse than Monkey King and the others. After all, it is just to increase the difficulty, not to make it impossible for them to pass the level. Otherwise, the rpg shot by the little monster just now can directly blow up the three of Monkey King to serious injuries. It's not as simple as being embarrassed.

And there are more than 3000 demons in the Lotus Cave. Wang Ming produced more than 3000 firearms in one go. Of course, what kind of firearms depends on his mood, so they are all made casually. There are all kinds of firearms Put together, it looks like a motley crew.

Since you want to play, you should play a little bigger. It is no exaggeration to say that the strength of these little monsters in Lianhua Mountain is not a problem in the heaven.

Most of the Heavenly Soldiers and Generals in the Heavenly Court are Earth Immortals, those at the level of Heavenly Immortals, even Golden Immortals can be regarded as fierce generals, and the little monsters in the Lotus Cave can instantly kill a Golden Immortal with just one shot.

It is impossible for the heavenly soldiers and generals on the bright side of the heavenly court to get them, and according to Wang Ming's instructions, the area around the Lotus Cave has been turned into an iron bucket at this time.

In order to prevent the guns in the hands of these little monsters from turning into fire sticks, Wang Ming also specially explained to them what is called the three-three infantry tactic.

Wang Ming divided these little monsters into groups of three, three groups into a squad, three shifts into a row, and three rows into a company into four regiments. That is to say, each regiment plus support staff is about 800 people around.

Use the four directions as the position to defend the Lianhua Cave in all directions, and the shape of the position is also made into a triangle, so that the enemy can be checked and balanced from all directions to the greatest extent.

In order to prevent Sun Wukong and the others from using things like the sky, the earth, and the like, Wang Ming specially arranged for anti-aircraft missiles and various types of artillery.

Although there are some cheating apprentices, it is good to regard it as a trial. Thinking about it this way, Wang Ming still feels a little excited, and the Golden Horn King and the Silver Horn King were divided into division commander and deputy division commander by him, and Wang Ming himself served as the army commander. position.

"Report to the army commander. According to the report from the scouts, Sun Wukong and the others are already approaching the Lianhua Cave. Please instruct me whether to fire immediately!"

The King of Golden Horn walked up to Wang Ming in a very dignified manner, saluted a not-so-standard military salute and said loudly.

Wang Ming waved his hand when he heard the words, and a light curtain appeared in front of everyone's eyes, which showed the figures of Monkey King and the others. Wang Ming looked at the figures on the light curtain, nodded, and said firmly.

"Pass me the order, call me!"


After receiving the order, King Golden Horn and the others trot out excitedly. After all, the weapons Wang Ming provided were so powerful that they couldn't put it down.


"Brother Monkey, we're all walking so close, why didn't anyone see it?"

"I don't know too well. It stands to reason that there should be many little monsters patrolling the mountains around this monster's cave. Why didn't I see any of them today?"

Zhu Bajie gave Sun Wukong some ideas in doubt, and Sun Wukong looked around in confusion. He looked with piercing eyes, but he didn't see any little monsters hiding around.

And this is Wang Ming's credit. The little monsters are all wearing the camouflage made by Wang Ming. Although they are all made in a hurry, it is not a problem to temporarily deceive Monkey King.

"It doesn't matter, just rush up!"

Finally, Sun Wukong lost all his patience and rushed out impatiently, while Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing had no choice but to follow behind him. None of the three held their own special weapons in their hands. The firearms given by Wang Ming.

After all, cold weapons are fine for melee combat, but long-distance attacks still depend on the firearms, and the moment the three of them rushed out, something quite miraculous happened.

On the seemingly ordinary barren hills, there suddenly appeared a lot of little monsters holding the same guns as Sun Wukong and the others. After seeing the three of them, these little monsters pulled the trigger without the slightest hesitation. The trigger was fired, and the scene was full of gunfire for a while.

Da da da!

The three of them were caught off guard and were directly shot. In just a split second, Monkey King who rushed to the front received at least dozens of bullets.

Sha Wujing and Zhu Bajie were also beaten quite badly. One of them was at the early stage of Taiyi Golden Immortal, and the other was at the middle stage of Taiyi Golden Immortal. Death, but it is also quite painful.

That's right, Sha Wujing's actual strength is not weak, but what he did in the Heavenly Court before was too low-level, so Wang Ming was not afraid of these guns and directly beat Sha Wujing and Zhu Bajie to death, but Sun Wukong was not worried.

This guy is copper-skinned and iron-boned, and the general big Luo can't do anything about him, but it still hurts quite a lot, so the three of Monkey King and the others are just symbolic. They fought back twice with the weapons in their hands, and after killing a few little monsters , and retreated directly down the mountain.

After a while, the three of them slipped down to the foot of the mountain. The condition of the three of them is quite bad now. It can be said that they are in a very embarrassing situation. Drifting looked at his bruised and purple body and said that he wanted to cry without tears.

"There is something wrong with these monsters. Where did they get so many guns? Did the master carry so many things with him? Or did they find a way to make such guns? That would be even more troublesome."

"They probably didn't get the firearms from Master. Did you find out? Their firearms seem to be much less powerful than ours. If they were holding firearms with the same power as ours, we would probably be seriously injured or even dead by now."

But Sun Wukong carefully analyzed the situation, Zhu Bajie nodded thoughtfully and said after hearing his words.

"According to this, these monsters should have only mastered the rough method of making this kind of firearms. The reason for the lack of power is that their skills are too poor."

"But it's impossible to fight. There are so many of them, and the firepower is too fierce. It's impossible for the three of us to fight in."

Although he probably understood what was going on, Sha Wujing still maintained a pessimistic attitude, while Monkey King was quite unconvinced, and took out the Ruyi Golden Cudgel from his ear and said fiercely.

"Don't care how powerful their weapons are and how fierce their firepower is. Their own strength is far inferior to ours. I just knocked Pingdingshan to pieces with a stick. Let's see how they fight back!"

(End of this chapter)

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